Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 579 Returning to the Hive

"Boss, the troops didn't suffer losses this time because of my biological barrier, so it's not too much for me to ask for a 'reward'?" Kaisha said.

"Then I also hacked into Skynet's facility system and obtained most of Skynet's scientific research materials. Even Cortana was able to obtain two target locations because of my help."

Not to be outdone, Serena refuted Kesha.

"You are an artificial intelligence, you don't need to eat!" Keisha also responded.

"You're still a containment object, where can you go to eat? At most, it's the cafeteria of Infinity." Keisha was even more resentful.


Seeing the two girls quarreling because of him, William sighed immediately, and looked at the ceiling lights in the corridor at a 45-degree angle, and sighed softly in an extremely shameless way:

"Sure enough, there are troubles if you have too much charm..."

Slowing down, William waved to the two women who were still arguing, and persuaded: "Okay, please be quiet first...

(looks at Keisha)

Keisha, you have contributed the most this time. If you don't want a bonus, I can promise you something that is not out of the ordinary.

As for eating together, you can skip it. After all, you have those very conspicuous wings. I can't take you to a human city, at least not until the hive comes up with a solution. "

"okay then…"

After hearing William's words, Keisha was obviously a little frustrated, and the white wings on her back were also folded a little.

"Ha!" But Serena showed a look of gloating, and mocked beside her:

"I just said that you are a containment object, you can't have dinner with the boss, just rest."

"You too." Seeing that Serena was embarrassed, William tapped Serena's head with his left hand, and said:

"Although I'm really hungry, you still have to go to the hive with me later, you know?"

Serena stuck out her tongue at William and said in a low voice, "Understood, boss."

"Tch." Kesha also glanced at Serena unhappily, then looked at William again, and said with a longing look on her face:

"Then...boss, let me think about the reward first, see you in a few days?"

"Well, okay, see you in a few days, it's getting late now, and you've exhausted a lot today, so hurry up and rest."

After William finished speaking, he took Serena and left here.

After watching William leave, Keisha also showed joy, and turned to go to her dormitory on the Infinity.


The upper deck of hangar four.

William and Serena came to their flying boat.

William said to Serena who was following him on his right side: "You can take my airship and let yours automatically return to your home."

"Yes, boss."

Serena looked at her flying boat, her pupils flashed a faint blue light.


Serena's flying boat started automatically, the hydrogen engine on the four wheels emitted blue light, and flew towards the open air valve.

At the same time, William and Serena also got into a flying boat and left Infinity through the open air valve.

Then the two flew towards the brightly lit Haffa City not far away.

during smooth flight.

Sitting in the driver's seat, William watched the night view of the suburbs of Haffa and the city in the distance through the car window.

After admiring it for a while, William said softly to Serena who was sitting in the co-pilot seat: "Serena, upload all the technical documents you copied to the cellular network.

Set the reading permission to A-level, and make the data of "Time Machine" readable only after obtaining the approval of the Olympus Board of Directors. "

"Yes, boss." According to William's instructions, Serena uploaded various materials such as the production of the T-series Terminator and the time machine.

Then William asked again: "Serena, please help me to ask where Chambers is now and if he is still in the hive."

"Okay...boss, Dr. Chambers is still working in the office of the hive." Serena replied almost instantly.

"Very well, tell the doctor to let her take a look at Skynet's living skin and T-X's technology first, and then I have something to discuss with her," William said.

"Yes." Serena replied.


The flying boat entered the sky above the urban area of ​​Haffa, and autonomously entered the flight path in the sky, heading for the Umbrella General Hospital in the center of Haffa.

Looking down from the airship's point of view.

The entire city of Haffa is like a 'city that never sleeps', with 'neon lights' and advertisements using holographic technology everywhere, as well as a large number of various flying boats.

It can be said that if the human beings in the universe of "Terminator: Resistance" keep their original memories, they can't believe that human beings can prosper to such a degree instead of living in sewers or ruins.


The flying boat carried William and Serena to the sky above the general hospital in the city center, and parked to the parking platform on the top.

When the flying boat just came to a stop, the door opened automatically, and not long after William and Serena stepped off the platform.

A group of security guards in dark blue uniforms and equipped with pistols stepped forward and escorted William and Serena into the interior of the hospital.

Take the exclusive freight elevator.

Go straight to the basement of the hospital.

Pass through the concealed cargo parking area, enter a metal gate made of titanium-tantalum alloy, and transfer to the special elevator of the hive.

The first and second floors are the living areas for the armed forces and staff. In the past two decades, they have been improved and upgraded, and the space and technology have been greatly improved.

The walls and windows of the virtual landscape, as well as the low-intelligence artificial intelligence for various service purposes, make people living here feel very comfortable.

And the first and second floors consider the influence of lighting on people's mood, so soft lighting is used.

But to the third floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, William felt that Umbrella's decoration style was 'overwhelming'.

The clean and smooth floor, the red and white umbrella logo printed at intervals on the wall, and the bright lights that are somewhat dazzling.

And you can also see researchers in white coats, busy walking through various areas, and UBCS who are in charge of this area.


William dismissed the security escorting him and Serena and let him return to his post in the hospital, while he led Serena to Rebecca's office.

William walked through the third floor with ease. After all, the office of his wife Halsey was next to Rebecca's office.

Soon, the two of William came to the door of Rebecca's office.

Just look at this area is relatively quiet, it is the personal office of various senior doctors, and the number of UBCS has also increased significantly.

William walked slowly to the control panel next to the automatic door, raised his hand and touched the screen lightly, and said softly:

"Rebecca, open the door."

With a sound of "Shua!", the automatic door opened, and Rebecca's voice came from inside:

"Boss, come in quickly."

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