Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 614 Successfully Captured

"Boom! Boom!"

Just when Prussia and her ghost agents were about to be unable to withstand the siege of alien creatures, a large number of shells fell near them.

This sudden artillery support finally eased the offensive of the alien creatures, and also attracted the attention of these creatures.

Bruce also looked up.

Then I saw four improved version of the Vulture K-type support boats, and they were strafed by the chained Gauss cannons on both sides of their noses as they fell.

In addition to the support boat with firepower output, there are also four single-person airborne pods, and several airborne pods dedicated to Astartes, smashing towards the nearby fields.

"Boom! Boom!" There was another sound like a shell falling to the ground.

"Click~click~!" and the sound effects of opening the warehouse doors one by one.

I saw the door of the single-person airborne pod pop open.

Walking out were Nova wearing the HEU combat uniform, Megan who had changed into the Umbrella military uniform 'skin', and Shia who was wearing equipment similar to the Rabid Shark individual soldier.

Shia's combat equipment is slightly upgraded on the basis of the Rabidtooth Shark, and replaced with a light white-based painting.

After all, if Shia casts 'magic' with a human body, she doesn't need to improve her mental strength, and her body cannot be damaged by ordinary weapons.

This combat uniform is purely for her psychological comfort.

Shia will only drive her white crow to fight if it rises to interstellar warfare.

As for the last airborne pod to come out, it was Ivan wearing a special braking power armor.

The appearance of Ivan's power armor is generally similar to William's, and part of the outer armor is painted in red.

On the left and right sides of the back, there are also slots for installing floating cannons.

However, due to the limited space in the airborne compartment, Ivan only installed a folding floating gun on both sides of the back of the power armor.

"Step! Step!"

As for the airborne pod dedicated to the Astartes, it is the imperial army who stepped out to be responsible for William's safety, and Myron who has been staying on the Infinity.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The moment Myron walked out of the airborne pod, he controlled his 1.25cal caliber super-heavy blaster with both hands, pulled the trigger and fired wildly.

And he yelled extremely angrily: "Fucking alien bastard! What kind of skill is bullying the French soldiers! Damn it!"

Although Myron usually said some joking words to enliven the atmosphere when facing human enemies.

But when dealing with non-human beings, especially non-human creatures that have slaughtered their own soldiers, whether they are French soldiers with worrying combat effectiveness or not, Myron will feel extremely angry.

"Boom! Puff!"

Alien creatures attacked by bolt bombs can no longer be as safe and comfortable as when they are attacked by shellless explosive bombs or armor-piercing spike bombs.

The bolt bombs are propelled by rockets, and they are embedded into the exoskeletons of those alien creatures, and then a high-intensity explosion occurs.

In an instant, these alien creatures exploded like mud.


The alien creatures that were attacked by Merlen's super-heavy bolt bombs had the worst fate. They were only shot three or four times, and their bodies exploded like pulp.

Then, the rare and serious 'Father of the Primarch' shouted to the guards around him:

"Forbidden Army! Only keep the animal I marked as alive, and not keep the rest, kill!"


Dozens of imperial guards also roared loudly, causing these originally arrogant alien creatures to wilt immediately.

However, these creatures do not seem to have emotions. Facing the crushing Astartes and Primarchs, they still launched attacks without hesitation.

"This..." Ivan looked at Meren and the imperial guards who seemed to have been beaten to death, and suddenly felt that there was nothing else to do.

After finally putting on the power armor made by his mother, when he was about to fight, he found that Myron and the imperial guards didn't need help at all.

"Forget it." Then Ivan shook his head lightly, and said to Shia beside him:

"Shia, just now Uncle Myron shared the target he marked, now use your magic to trap that target."

"Okay." Shia nodded lightly, and then looked at the alien biome that was being slaughtered by Meren and the imperial army.

Soon, the outline of her body glowed faintly.

Simultaneously, the alien creature marked by Myron was enveloped by a film emitting green light, and then fell to the ground unable to move.

Seeing that an alien creature was successfully captured, Ivan also walked up to Prussia and saluted:

"Colonel Pruss, the work of capturing alien creatures has been done by us, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not." Prussy also responded, putting down his hands and saying:

"Without your assistance, my subordinates and I might have confessed here."

"Hehe." Ivan put down his hand and replied with a chuckle:

"Okay Colonel, it's still more dangerous to stay here, please retreat to Torfu village first.

Soon, the convoy that will meet us will take us back to the Infinity as well. "

"En." Pruss nodded to Ivan, and then used the communication to contact the Pelican.

Afterwards, after receiving the order, the Pelican hovering at high altitude also descended to the field where everyone was, and returned to the suburbs of Paris with Prussy and other ghost agents.

At the same time, Myron and a group of forbidden soldiers also completely solved the alien creatures who wanted to ambush Pruss.

Not long after, a transport formation consisting of two DR-4 transport boats and six Viking fighters also arrived here.

Then Shia, Myron, and ten imperial guards escorted the captured alien creature and boarded a DR-4 transport boat.

Ivan, Nova, Megan, and the rest of the imperial army took another DR-4 transport boat and returned to Infinity under the escort of Viking fighter jets.

The remaining four Vulture K-type support boats also rose to a safe height and followed the transport formation to return to Infinity.


ten minutes later.

Infinity's hangar four.

William waited here with Rebecca in a white coat, while Serena was standing behind the two, her eyes emitting blue light, dealing with company and military affairs.

In front of the three of them was the transport formation that had already returned.

Ivan, Myron and other imperial troops walked out of the DR-4 transport boat, and Shia used what she thought to be magic to make the immobile alien creature 'float' out of the cabin.


After witnessing the captured alien creature with his own eyes, William narrowed his eyes slightly, always feeling as if he had really seen that kind of 'alien' there.

But he couldn't think of it alive, as if when he wanted to say something, it was on the verge of his mouth, but he couldn't say it.

At this time, Ivan came to William and reported: "Father...boss.

I made a copy of the video of our fight with the aliens and sent it to Serena. "

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