
Hearing Halsey's explanation, William couldn't help sighing: "Are the ancients the same as those experimented pigeons?


Is it more like the ancients received gifts from higher civilizations to worship those 'gods'? "

"Maybe." Halsey shrugged indifferently.

She continued: "Snakin picked the hardest of the eight pigeons for a solo observation.

And extended the interval between serving food to one minute, something interesting happened.

This hard-working pigeon actually created a specific dance to worship the "god" created by Skinner.

Since it can create, Snagin wants to try to destroy it and see how long this pigeon will give up worship.

So Snagin, no matter how hard the hard-working pigeon was, stopped feeding it.

In the end, Li Ge insisted on repeating the dance more than 10,000 times before giving up the meaningless act.

'Superstition' has been dispelled.

It gave up its reverence for that god. "


William raised his hand and squeezed his chin, speculating: "It feels like the ancients always respected the gods.

However, until modern times, people have come to believe that God is just a fictional creation. "

"Haha~" Halsey smiled slightly at this time:

"Of course, Snagin's experiment is just to prove that human behavior can be controlled.

Compared with God, I agree more with the advanced civilization you just mentioned, boss.

It may be a civilization that develops faster on the earth itself, or it may be a civilization from other planets.

After all, according to the existing technology, the universe has existed for 14 billion years, and the solar system is only a 'little young' of 4.6 billion years.

The universe is vast.

Therefore, humans cannot foolishly think that they are the only existence.

Moreover, I also think that NASA's Pioneer and Voyager program will bring disaster to mankind sooner or later. "

Having said that, Halsey said with a slightly annoyed face:

"The coordinates of the earth, human DNA, and other important information are all recorded in their so-called golden records.

What is this for?

Tell other civilizations that we humans are here to welcome you?

whispering sound! "

"..." William didn't say anything.

Like the "Three-Body Problem" of the original world, the law of the dark forest is made public.

Even Hawking has repeatedly reminded human beings not to actively expose the existence of the earth.

Although it cannot be ruled out that all civilizations are hostile, according to the modern history of human development, contact between higher civilizations and lower civilizations is often a devastating disaster.

Suppose there really were gods in the ancient human era.

That is likely because the ancient humans are like ants, which pose no threat to them at all, and will give various gifts to the ancient humans.

Feed the dog, feed the cat.

Have a pet.

But today's human beings have nuclear power, like a bear child who doesn't understand anything, but has a gun that can kill in his hand.



As the automatic doors opened and closed, Halsey took William to her living room.

William looked around and nodded involuntarily.


Still the same.

Documents are piled up everywhere, clothes and sundries are thrown around, and there is an empty lunch box on the sofa.

"Huh...cough cough!"

William held back his smile, cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment, looked at Halsey, who was still walking towards the cubicle, and asked:

"Catherine, I asked you to help me open the coffin and study the demigods. Why did you bring me here first?"

"Of course I need a helper to assist me in my analysis."

Halsey said, turned and walked into the office area of ​​the cubicle, disappearing from William's field of vision.

"Help?" William was taken aback.

Does she still need help?

With a suspicious attitude, William also approached her office with hind feet.

Similar to the Hive's room with cots.

But apart from the two of them inside and outside the house, there was no one else here.

What about helpers?


Halsey didn't pretend to be mysterious, and clapped his hands gently and said softly, "Cortana, come out."


William was startled again.

"Yes, Doctor."

While he was still surprised, a female voice similar to Halsey's voice came from the computer desk.

Hear the sound and look.

I saw a silver chip next to the keyboard, and the chip has some kind of black technology-like holographic three-dimensional display, the generated image is...

A girl with a beautiful figure, bluish electronic skin, but short shoulder-length hair.

Like a younger version of Halsey.


William looked at Cortana with a big slap and completely refreshed his ability to create Halsey.

[Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, who detected this world, created Cortana without relying on the hints of this system.

Therefore, the hidden rewards that trigger this system are being redeemed…

Congratulations to the host for winning a lottery for a physical fitness enhancement item, do you want to use it? 】

Hidden rewards?

WTF? !

Halsey is simply his lucky star.

First, Umbrella's biotechnology has been rapidly improved, and the space fleet plan has been put on the agenda, and now artificial intelligence has been brought out.

It even triggered system rewards.

At this time, William opened his mouth slightly indecent and looked at Halsey with a shocked expression on his face.

He really doesn't know what to say...

"What's wrong? Stupid?"

"Ah? That, no no."

William was pulled back to reality by Halsey's question, and first said quietly to the system:

'Being not. ’

Then he glanced at Cortana on the table, then looked at Halsey and asked, "How...how did you create artificial intelligence?"

"This." Halsey walked to the table, reached for Cortana and said:

"I cloned myself first, then took out the brain and scanned it to get the complete neural structure and convert it into a digital frame.

Actually, she (looking at Cortana)…

is a different me in a way. "

Halsey is so ruthless that she can even kill herself.

Thinking of this, the hairs on William's body exploded, and cold sweat oozes from his back.

It's so scary!

Halsey, regardless of what William thought of her, looked at Cortana who kept quiet and continued:

"Her main mission is to use the Internet to break through the firewalls of countries around the world and take full control of the media when the five frigates are in the air.

Where an abnormal event occurs, she can immediately block the information, cooperate with the troops to contain it, etc.

Is an all-round AI. "


William completely believed what Halsey said.

Cortana in the game was implanted with the knowledge of all human beings at the beginning of her creation, and she analyzed and understood all the knowledge in just two hours.

Then the firewalls of the existing countries are definitely more fragile than paper ones in front of Cortana.

At this time, William looked at Halsey and said softly, "With Cortana's help, we can open Achilles' coffin."

Halsey tilted his head and smiled, "Of course."


{Everyone, Skinner was the first American to use pigeon-guided bombing of warships.

And the psychologist once claimed to use his findings to manipulate human behavior and create utopias.

15 seconds.


short video.

Not brushing uncomfortable.

Not much to say~}

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