Shortly after.

Standing behind the floor-to-ceiling windows at the edge of his room, William stood with his hands in his trouser pockets, overlooking Haffa, the city that never sleeps.

Neon advertisements with various holographic technologies, giant apartment buildings over hundreds of meters, and one not far away is the Umbrella Apartment with a red and white umbrella logo.

Needless to say, the ground transportation is extremely congested, and even the airway of the airship gradually becomes congested due to the peak hours of off-duty hours.

"Click ~."

"Tap ~ tap ~."

At this moment, the door of his office was pushed open by a 'person', and then the sound of high heels stepping on the marble tiles came to his ears.

Just look at the 'person' who approached his office, it was Serena who came here according to William's request.

Since she is not currently on the army and the Star Destroyer flagship, Serena is not wearing the civilian military uniform of the past, but is dressed as a female secretary in the workplace.

Moreover, she didn't know whether she was on purpose or not, but she was wearing a black skirt that covered her knees.

With flesh-colored stockings and five-centimeter-high high heels, even though Serena's prosthetic body is an old model, it still has the feeling of an "office secretary".

But William still overlooked the city of Haffa that never sleeps through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he didn't seem to notice Serena's outfit.

Immediately afterwards.

Serena walked slowly to William's left hand side, and asked with a smile:

"Boss, is there something irritating and boring, do you need to trouble my artificial intelligence secretary?

Sure enough, my favorite boss still likes to push work on others, hey. "


After hearing Serena's words, William couldn't help laughing, raised his left hand, covered his forehead, and said helplessly:

"Selina, no matter how many years have passed, you still have an unforgiving mouth."

Smiling, William looked at Serena from the corner of his eye, and ordered softly:

"Serina, I am going to allow races such as elites, grunts, and jackals to better integrate into our society, on the premise that they must accept human education.

So trouble you, and your artificial intelligence to conduct a statistics to confirm the number of races that cooperate with us.

Children, young people, women and children must be counted, especially the number of children.

After confirming the information and location of these children, inform the agents deployed in each colony to visit them with a confidentiality agreement.

Let the parents of these children sign a non-disclosure agreement, and convert the age of these children, and send them to the nearest school.

Schools are the most efficient and best solution to reduce the gap between these races and us. "

"Yes, boss."

Serena also stopped laughing, but nodded with a serious expression, and her pupils shone faintly to convey William's order.

After a few seconds.

Serena asked again: "Boss, do you need to emphasize something?"

"Emphasis on something?" William turned his head to look at Serena who was standing beside him, and asked a little unresponsively:

"What else needs to be emphasized?"

"Of course it's a matter of discrimination, my boss." Serena shook her head with a smile and explained:

"For example, racial discrimination in the Americas and Europe has existed for a hundred years, and it was not until the establishment of the UNSC and UEG that it eased a lot.

Until recently, I encountered a variety of 'aliens', and this skin discrimination problem gradually disappeared.

But boss, we humans, Sangheili, and Grunts are completely different races, which means that discrimination will inevitably exist.

For example, in a recent internet survey, it can be found that nearly 30% of netizens openly express hatred against races such as Grunts, Gnolls, and Bingfeng.

Netizens have a better attitude towards the Sangheili family. After all, the Sangheili family had already been betrayed by the Star Alliance in the early days of the war.

Plus, we've released a lot of combat footage, including a few of them fighting alongside the Astartes.

Therefore, the current netizens and society have a very good attitude towards Sangheili, and many netizens even claim that they want to be friends with a Sangheili.

But other races don't have this treatment. "

"Hmm." After listening to Serena's reminder, William also discovered how tricky multi-racial integration really is.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that there are a large number of Grunts and Gnolls in the Brutes of the Star Alliance.

He raised his left hand and pinched his chin, looked out the window at the night view of Haffa, thinking deeply about how to solve this hidden danger.

Like the United States before he traveled across, various conflicts broke out because of discrimination.

Although the quality of the vast majority of "that" is indeed low, there are also problems left over from history.

There is also a joke in the United States, which is very ironic and realistic, 'Do you know who your father is? '.

Since most of 'that' were born in poor areas, their parents didn't discipline them. After all, those parents can't even control themselves, so how could they manage their children well?

In addition, the United States also implements happy education for ordinary people, and the tuition fees for elite education are simply not affordable for ordinary families.

This also leads to uneven quality of teachers, and many happy teachers even claim that the earth is flat.

Genes influence humans, but environment matters, too.

How can it be possible for a child who grows up from the above environment not to lose his intelligence?

Later, under Wang Wang's help, the conflict of racial discrimination intensified.

Take it easy.

William said in a low voice: "It is almost impossible to fundamentally solve it now, especially our generation."

"Our generation?" Serena wondered.

"That's right." William turned around and explained to Serena in a deep voice:

"If you want to solve it, you need to start from the next generation.

"Serena, I need you and the artificial intelligences to draw up a new educational charter. The code of conduct for teachers in the charter must clearly state that racial discrimination is prohibited.

And it is necessary to instill in the younger generation the concept that everyone is equal.

Especially teachers, I want to maintain a certain level of teacher resources, because teachers are one of the most important guides for children to understand society.

Therefore, once a teacher breaks the rules, the punishment must be severe, and the punishment must be added to the criminal law. Only in this way can the teacher be afraid and fearful.

In the past, when a teacher made a mistake, at most his teacher's license would be revoked, and at most, he would be locked up for a year or two, which was of no use.

But in the face of hundreds of thousands of compensation, ten years of imprisonment, and the maximum death penalty, it can be a real deterrent. "

heard the words.

Serena also nodded in deep agreement and said: "This is inevitably a solution, but it will take at least twenty years for this effect to truly show.

No matter what race a child is from, they don't grow up like fireworks. "

"Hehe." Listening to Serena's joke, William smiled and said:

"It's okay, I have plenty of time, I'm not afraid to wait twenty years."

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