
At this time, I saw that Suo Lonely had completely fallen into madness, and the one-eyed orange light began to flicker frantically, and he couldn't even have a conversation.


Seeing the sadness and loneliness that seemed to be falling into logic necrosis above, William under the helmet couldn't help showing a little doubt.

Even if the guides are all abnormal, but in terms of behavior and other aspects, and aside from the true function of concealing the halo, William has not found any problem with sadness and loneliness for the time being.

But after hearing Yuanji's words, this little thing fell into a madness and couldn't work normally at all.

"Boss." Serena on the screen had an extremely serious face, reporting to William in a deep voice:

"I detected an unknown wave just now. Its initial point seems to be the primordium in front of us, and its target is the abandoned sorrow and loneliness."

"Really." William's face was also serious.

And William also guessed that the "Halo" in his original world, Cortana's falling into confusion, and the subsequent rebellion seemed to be influenced by the Gravemind.

"I can't let you...give...succeed!!!"


At this moment, Sad Lonely was finally able to speak a complete sentence, and its orange-light one-eyed shot out a red light beam towards the primordial foundation.

"Puff!" With a sound, the light beam shot through the body below the head of the original base.

However, Primordial still stood there motionless, as if the physical injury was insignificant.

"Ah... ah——!..."


Instead, Lonely let out a scream of electronic sound, and finally, its round body fell on the platform, and the one-eyed eye no longer emitted orange light.

Just die like that?

William looked at the sadness and loneliness in front of his feet, and he couldn't believe that the guide of the ark just died so casually.

The one-eyed ball of the guide is just a vehicle for their movement, and the ontology data can be stored on the large devices under their jurisdiction.

But the sadness and loneliness in front of him gave William the feeling that... Even the data source of the main body has been deleted or destroyed.


Thinking of this, William's first thought was the word above. He instinctively felt that the primordium not far away was terrifying, far stronger than any god-level abnormal phenomenon defined by Umbrella.

Even Shia's anomalous phenomenon that distorts reality will lose its effect in front of Primordial, and Primordial is also extremely threatening to Serena.

Although William has a mimetic reshaping of time, he doesn't want to experience a death.

"Heh-heh-." Just as William was about to use [Fast Movement] immediately, Primorgen let out another deep laugh, and said to William:

"Don't worry, I won't shoot you. If I think about it, you won't have a chance to use your best fast movement, Mr. William Russell."

! ! (x2)

Hearing Yuanji's words, William and Serena were extremely astonished, after all, the other party knew their details just by meeting each other.

Take it easy.

William also regained his mentality, put away his astonished face, regained his previous composure and said to Yuanji:

"Hehe, it seems that you are indeed not hostile to me anymore, so do you have something to talk to me about? Or do you want to cooperate with humans again?"

"It can't be called cooperation, but I do have something to talk to you alone, so I need your robot lover to go offline temporarily."

As soon as Yuanji finished speaking, William saw Serena on the screen, so as not to get sleepy, and said to him:

"Boss...I feel...so sleepy...what's going on..."

Before Serena finished speaking, she disappeared from the screen, as if she really went to... sleep.

AI sleeping?

What a joke.

Now William knew that the primordial was really harmless, if there was, he would have been forced to reshape it a long time ago.

Then William said in a deep voice to Yuanji: "Okay, now it's just you and me here, is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

"William Russell is the name of your body, not the real name of your soul, am I right or wrong?"

"..." Hearing this, William's forehead under the helmet instantly broke out in cold sweat, unable to answer the original question at all.

Except for his closest wife Halsey who guessed some clues about the fact of the time traveler, no one else noticed William's abnormality at all.

Andre's nervous 'father', until now, still thinks that he is a prodigal son who turns back, and he has no idea that he is the replacement soul of the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

"Hehe." Yuanji still said with a deep smile: "Don't be so nervous, you and your wife guessed right, our pioneers can indeed enter other dimensions.

The four-dimensional space alone can allow our family to see the beginning and destruction of the universe. Of course, this ability can also be specific to races and individuals.

From the moment our pioneers created the forerunners, we knew that the forerunners would betray us, but we wanted to do an experiment, that is, the forerunners would not betray us, so as to prove that the universe can be artificially interfered.

It's a pity that the pioneers chose to betray in the end.

After that, our pioneers left the galaxy, or went to other galaxies and nebulae to create new species, or abandoned the mortal body and kept only the mind, and went to a higher-dimensional space.

As for me, I became like this to punish the forerunners, and at the same time ensure that you humans can get the legacy.

And you..."

Speaking of this, the pair of compound eyes of Yuanji seemed to flicker, and then continued:

"I can see through your high-dimensional clansmen, from birth to your soul succession, as well as the present and the future."

Hearing what Yuanji said, William also recovered from the shock, and after trying to calm down, he said to him:

"In other words, you have noticed my existence since I came to this world, right?"

"That's right." Yuanji didn't deny it either.

"So..." William continued to ask: "I want to ask... do you know the existence of parallel universes? And what about the abnormal phenomena that happened on the earth? What about the passageway? What are these? ?”


This time, the original base fell silent, and the pair of compound eyes just stared straight at William.

After nearly half a minute, when William felt a little hairy, Yuanji continued to tell him:

"Of course we know the existence of parallel universes, and we also know that the universe is actually created and destroyed according to consciousness, which also includes how our family was born.

But I don't want to make it clear, I think you can guess why with your current pattern and thinking, right? "

"Ah..." William nodded without denying it.

Indeed, the civilization that 'created' such a god-level civilization as the Pioneer, didn't even fully understand its own home planet, and its civilization level was only 0.73. Of course, he could understand the feelings of Primordial.

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