Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 731: Planetary Transformation

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Since Umbrella, UEG, and UNSC focused on improving the combat power of their fleets and troops, they tended to be slack in technology for people's livelihood in society.

However, the living environment in most cities and colonies is still very comfortable, safe and prosperous, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the society before 2006.

The only downside is that building dome cities on terrestrial planets is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there are very few terrestrial planets similar to Earth.

With the end of the war with the Star Alliance, the establishment of the coalition government of the human Sangheili, and the smooth progress of the Great Crusade to expand the territory in an orderly manner, Umbrella began to focus on the development of technology for people's livelihood.

The first is technology that makes the colonization process easier and safer.

Humans before the war with the Star Alliance, in terms of colonization, looked for star systems rich in mineral resources and confirmed whether there were suitable terrestrial planets in the system.

In general, galaxies with abundant resources have terrestrial planets.

However, these terrestrial planets are generally desolate, and most of them are "bare" like Mercury in the solar system, lifeless. Even terrestrial planets like Mars are rare.

Therefore, Umbrella's engineering team will follow the colonization and pioneer fleet of large companies and enterprises to valuable galaxies, and the number of them usually ranges from hundreds to thousands.

Engineering teams identify low-risk areas on the surface of terrestrial planets and open outsourcing contracts to pioneers and colonists to build dome cities together.

Under normal circumstances, a dome city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people can be completed in only four to six months with the unique speed of the Umbrella engineering team.

Its building materials are also 'collected locally' and are processed and smelted through the fleet, and only a few necessary materials need to be transported and supplied from outer galaxies.

A terrestrial planet like Reach, which has an atmosphere, magnetic field, and gravity similar to Earth, is a rarity in the entire Orion cantilever.

To deal with such ready-made planets, Umbrella will place an atmospheric modification device developed by Dr. Catherine Russell on the equator and the north and south poles of the galaxy.

It is estimated that in three to five months, the atmospheric composition of the planet will be more than 90% similar to that of the earth, and it will automatically screen and kill microorganisms harmful to humans in the atmospheric composition.

For terrestrial planets that have been taken care of by atmospheric reforming devices, the death rate of native animals and plants on the surface will reach more than 60%.

Even so, the colonial fleets of various organizations, companies, and enterprises still need to purchase a large amount of Umbrella's unique nano-serum for future troubles.

At the same time, it is also necessary to hire Umbrella's technical team to conduct a comprehensive disinfection of the transformed planet to ensure that no viruses, bacteria or fungi harmful to humans exist.

After comprehensive disinfection by the Umbrella technical team, the surviving native animals and plants in this galaxy will disappear on the original basis by about 20%.

When the transformation of this planet is completed, the number of surviving native species is far less than 20% of that before the arrival of humans.

The first planet to be completely remodeled was Reach Star, and its original species had been extinct to 90%, which caused a sensation in the society at that time.

Many netizens commented on the Internet that such a colonization method is not humane and should be transformed while protecting local species.

Therefore, polarized speech appeared on the Internet. Fortunately, Umbrella had artificial intelligence to regulate, and the dispute was gradually quelled.

It is obviously impossible to prevent native species from disappearing on a large scale and to allow humans to colonize safely.

In the end, in the face of the interests of the species, most of the "Holy Mother" remarks disappeared with the smooth progress of the colonization plan.

The above are the two main means for human beings to colonize foreign countries, and they are also the means for Umbrella to completely become a monopoly enterprise to collect money.

However, each colonization method is time-consuming and laborious, requiring a construction period of about half a year, and the safety factor is also low.

Until 2026 to 2027, humans discovered the shield world through fighting with the Star Alliance, and discovered the Ark after excavating the remains of the earth, and then possessed the technology to transform an terrestrial planet.

Even Umbrella has the technology to build shield worlds.

But judging from the current overall technological maturity of Umbrella, it will take at least several decades to build a giant celestial body like Shield World 0459.

Therefore, until the basic technology is fully mature, the owner of the company, William Russell, does not consider the construction of the shield world for the time being.

And the terrestrial planets visited by the forerunners have all been transformed by the forerunners into planets suitable for the forerunners, or humans and the Sangheili.

Therefore, starting from the first quarter of 2028, Umbrella will give priority to improving the planetary transformation technology.

In conjunction with the advanced technology obtained from the Ark {deleted} event, the exclusive research team of the hive gave Umbrella a perfect planetary transformation technology in 2030.

However, the premise of accepting the transformation of this technology is that planets like Venus and Mars have their own atmospheres, rather than completely desolate planets like Mercury.

Since Mars has achieved complete coverage of the surface, the first test site for planetary transformation technology will be implemented on Venus in the second quarter of 2030.

First, use the beam mining technology cracked from the pioneer technology to dig from the surface of Venus and dig to the center of the earth.

Then use the advanced technology obtained from the {REDACTED} event to re-rotate the metal core that has stopped.

After the core rotated to a certain speed again, Venus began to have the protection of the magnetic field.

Next, deploy a super-large propulsion device (similar to the planetary engine in the wandering earth) on the equator of Venus. This device is also a derivative of the pioneer technology, and it is a propulsion device that can be recycled and reused.

Then all the devices are propelled according to the same angle, so that Venus, which rotates extremely slowly, resumes its rotation.

The rotation period is adjusted to be the same as that of the earth, and a cycle is 24 hours.

Finally, a more advanced and more efficient atmospheric composition reformation device will be launched to make the atmosphere of Venus suitable for human survival.

The above-mentioned excavation technology, large-scale propulsion device, and earth core re-transfer technology are technical difficulties that Umbrella cannot break through before 2027, but with the blessing of pioneers and advanced technologies, the above technical difficulties can be solved.

So it took only four months for Venus, which is like a planet of hell, to become suitable for human habitation on the surface of Venus.

If it is a planet like Mars, the time consumed may be greatly shortened.

The more important point for Umbrella is that the cost of transforming Venus is very low, only the price of building a fortress colonial city.

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