
Hearing Gabriel's introduction, Carl didn't show too much worry.

Indeed, as a Primarch Sparta, she is already one of the best characters in the entire galaxy in terms of combat power. The Star Alliance in its strong days were helpless against their Primarchs, let alone these small characters now.

Gabriel didn't know what Carl was thinking, but continued to operate the center console, and a large-scale fleet appeared on the holographic screen.

One CAS class, four CCS class ships, twelve CRS class ships, and a large number of small ships.

The livery still adopts the main purple tone of the Covenant, and the appearance is very worn out. There is a huge gap in the belly of a CCS-class cruiser, as if it has participated in a tragic battle.

If it weren't for the huge scale of the remnants of the Star Alliance, just looking at the appearance of these warships, people would think that they were interstellar pirates who were eating the Star Alliance's money.

After Gabriel called up the holographic image, Macha reported to Carl Hui: "Sir.

According to the Grunts we placed in the exile, we will meet the exile fleet in the edge space of the MSS-45 galaxy in twenty minutes.

At that time, we will use the two quantum bullets authorized by the boss (Ivan) and the Hector I and II hydrogen bombs stored by our Blood Ravens to launch salvos.

It is expected that about 90% of the enemy fleet can be eliminated, and a CCS-class cruiser will eventually be left for the ground troops of the Blood Raven Chapter to carry out gang-hopping operations. "

Quantum bullets can only be possessed by Umbrella's zeroth to sixth fleet flagships, but when Ivan dispatched the Phantom to escort Karl and Arthur to the Observer aircraft carrier, he also gave the Observer aircraft carrier two quantum bullets.

Among the Pelicans that had departed from the Phantom's hangar before, one was designed to carry Arthur and Carl, and the other two were responsible for transporting the warheads of two quantum bullets, as well as other exclusive weapons of the Zeroth Fleet.

"Jump to fight?" At this time, Arthur was taken aback, and looked at Macha with doubts:

"If you jump to fight, there will definitely be casualties. Why not just use the fleet's firepower to eliminate them?"

As a veteran game geek, even if he doesn't pay much attention to the composition and tactics of the company's troops, there are many games about Astartes on the market.

Among them is an adaptation of the battle of Harvest Star, where the Observer fights with one enemy and three, the main content of which is to control the Blood Ravens to fight gang-jumping.

So Ivan also knows that if he jumps into a gang to fight, even a super fighter as strong as Astarte may have a chance of casualties.

"Of course it is to let you experience the most intense combat, silly boy." Carl said with a smile.

"That's right." Gabriel also nodded lightly, and echoed: "The boss (Ivan) informed us to let you experience a gang fight. As for casualties, it is not within our consideration at all."

"Not within the scope of consideration?" Arthur was still a little confused.

"Yes." At this time, Macha explained Arthur's confusion: "Back then, we were able to defeat a small fleet composed of three CCS-class frigates with only one Paris-class frigate and 30 Blood Ravens.

Not to mention that we now have a fleet of Phoenix-class and battleships, and we still have more than two hundred Astartes Blood Ravens.

Coupled with the company's equipment upgrades over the years, the current ceramic titanium armor, Hell paratroopers and Marine Corps individual equipment all have energy shields, and they are still shields that can resist the halo pulse wave, so there will be no casualties at all. The problem.

Young master, you have never paid attention to the affairs of the company and the army, and you don't know that the current gang-jumping battle is an extremely insulting and insulting method for the Astartes. "

Arthur suddenly said: "I see."

"Okay." Carl, who was standing beside Arthur, nodded lightly, and said softly to Macha and Gabriel:

"Captain Macha, after you finish off the enemy fleet, I will personally lead a company of Blood Ravens to take charge of the gang."

"This..." Hearing this, Gabriel said with some hesitation: "Sir, as the mother of the Primarch, you don't need to personally command the battle, just let me lead the subordinates."

"No." Carl shook his head, raised his hand and patted the top of Arthur's head and said, "It's a trivial matter to direct the battle personally. I mainly received the entrustment from the boss (Ivan), and I also need to teach Little Arthur personally."

"This... alright." Gabriel reluctantly agreed.

And Gabriel stared at Arthur with his only left eye, showing a trace of helplessness in his eyes, as if saying...

The eldest son of the boss (William) is obviously so mature and wise, how could he give birth to such an ignorant second generation.

Of course, Gabriel would never say this statement, otherwise his military rank might be swiped to the end.


After Macha, Gabriel, and Karl formulated a detailed combat strategy, Karl led Arthur off the bridge and went to the equipment and refitting area of ​​the Observer aircraft carrier.

The space here is no less than a Paris-class hangar, it is very spacious, and there are many power armor replacement platforms equipped with mechanical arms.

Just look at the blood crows in this area, who are receiving the assistance of technicians, and have replaced the new generation of red and white titanium armor.

After seeing these tall and burly Astartes with his own eyes, Arthur couldn't help but make a 'wow' expression.

Boys all have dreams of piloting mechas and wearing power armors, not to mention ceramic titanium armors are in front of him.

area gate.

Arthur turned his head to look at Carl, who was two heads taller than him, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, and asked with a little expectation:

"Sister Karl! You brought me here... Could it be that I also have my own power armor? Just like my father and brother?"

"Hehe..." Carl said with a kind smile, "Of course not."

? ?

Arthur was a little confused.

Carl ignored Arthur's confusion, but walked towards the nearest dressing platform.

Seeing Karl's arrival, the technicians also gathered beside Karl, ready to assist her in replacing the exclusive Primarch Power Armor.

Carl came to the dressing platform, took off the jacket of the military uniform and handed it to the technicians, revealing the tight-fitting special battle uniform he had worn long ago.

Then she took off her military pants and military boots, walked to the center of the dressing platform through the pedals, and then spread her arms and legs in a 'big' shape.


Arthur, who was standing not far away, felt his mouth dry after seeing Carl in a tight-fitting combat uniform, and swallowed involuntarily.

To be honest, Arthur, who is used to beauties, rarely loses his composure like this, but Karl's height, figure and unique amiable temperament as the Primarch Sparta made Arthur feel a little dazed.

While Arthur was in a trance, Karl had already replaced the Primarch Power Armor with Thor's Hammer helmet and dark green color scheme with the assistance of technicians manipulating the robotic arm.

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