Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 746 Prepare to investigate

? ! (x4)

After listening to Arthur's brief analysis, Karl, Matcha, Gabriel and the elite commander were all shocked.

After all, Arthur is a second-generation rich man with no education and no skills known to the company's top management. Even the elites know that Arthur is a 'rogue', but now he is able to make a well-founded analysis, which makes everyone can't help showing consternation demeanor.

Arthur, on the other hand, didn't care about the strange behavior of Carl and the others. He seemed to have gotten used to it long ago. Instead, he operated the center console and used the shipboard computer to perform calculations.

Just looking at a series of mathematical and physical equations presented on the holographic screen, Arthur ended the calculation soon.

And looked around everyone and said: "According to the space distortion produced when the two quantum bombs exploded, plus the radius of the passage, the distance between the two cosmic bubble walls can be calculated...

Of course, this distance is not a kilometer, nor is it an ETM, but a dimensional gap.

What can be finally known is that after about four to six months, the walls of the two cosmic bubbles will completely touch each other, and then a stable crossing channel will appear.

At that time, we will be able to get the support of my father and my brother. "

"Master..." Macha looked at the densely packed formulas on the holographic screen, still in a state of astonishment, and said:

"How did you calculate... this result?"

Arthur shrugged and said nonchalantly: "I have lived with my elder sister and mother since I was a child, especially my mother would tell me some mathematics and physics knowledge, and my mother always Saying that the only thing that can penetrate multiple dimensions and universes is gravity.

A few years ago, I was very interested in this aspect, so I just studied it casually. "

"Brother Arthur..." Carl, who was standing beside Arthur, couldn't help showing admiration, and said to Arthur:

"I never expected you to be so proficient in mathematics and material resources."

"Sister Carl... I don't want to go to school not because my grades are bad, but because I think school is useless, okay? Didn't my brother tell you?" Arthur said helplessly.

"Ow~!" At this moment, the elite commander groaned. Although he couldn't understand the formula on the holographic screen, he still looked at the formula and said:

"I think Master Arthur is right."

"Vadim..." Gabriel looked at the elite commander named Vadim, and complained in the most serious tone:

"Do you understand? It's still reasonable."

"Oh~! You don't care if I can understand it or not!" Vadim replied slightly annoyed.

The current elite race, including races such as Grunts, Gnolls, and Bingfeng, can understand and speak human languages, and no longer need the original translation program.

"Okay." Fortunately, at this time, Macha had recovered his composure, and looked around at the crowd and said:

"Even if it is confirmed that we can return to our main universe in six months, we are still a lone army under the current circumstances.

Materials such as ammunition and weapons are not a problem, but the living supplies are only enough for us to use for three months, so we must find a stable source of supplies before the food runs out..."

With that said, Macha operated the center console and called up the earth path in the solar system:

"Then going to Earth to obtain supplies is the best option, where we can trade with the United Nations of this universe to obtain food and living supplies."

"Well, that's right." Carl also echoed.

Gabriel and Vadim replied in unison: "I agree too."

Seeing that the senior commanders had no objections, Macha looked at Arthur who was opposite her, and tried to ask, "Master Arthur, do you have anything to add?"

If it was before, Macha might not even ask Arthur, but after seeing that Arthur has wisdom no less than Halsey, this glamorous captain has to pay attention to Arthur.

"Hum..." Arthur didn't answer immediately, but looked at the hologram of the earth, thought for a few seconds and said:

"My dad told me a lot of stories when I was little, including going to the Starship Troopers universe, so...

It cannot be ruled out that the universe we are in now may also be a movie we are familiar with, or the universe in the game.

I think it's best to send a few reconnaissance teams to go to the earth secretly to investigate and make plans after confirming whether it is a universe we know well. After all, we still have three months of living supplies, so there is no need to be too anxious for the time being. "

"I also agree with Brother Arthur's plan." Karl was the first to publicly support it.

"Yeah." Macha, who is the commander-in-chief of the fleet, also nodded lightly, and said:

"It just so happens that we also have several Pelicans equipped with optical camouflage systems. According to our scans, the earth technology in this universe is at the two thousand year stage, and optical camouflage should not be detectable."

"Then I will follow the investigation team and go to the earth of this world together. As an otaku, I have a wealth of knowledge about movies and games." Arthur suggested.

"This..." Matcha hesitated.

Even if Arthur has superhuman physical fitness, and now shows that he has a wealth of scientific knowledge, Arthur is still the young master of the Russell family, and there can be no loss in the slightest.

At this time, Karl noticed Macha's hesitation, and immediately said: "Captain Macha, I will also go to Earth with Brother Arthur, and I will be responsible for his safety."

"Then please." Seeing Karl's words, Macha had no reason to refuse.

"Oh~! Let's go too, Master Arthur's safety is absolutely fine." Vadim also echoed.

"Okay, you don't look in the mirror to see what you look like, you may be arrested directly when you go to the earth, how can you have any chance to carry out any investigation operations?"

Gabriel glanced at Vadim with his remaining left eye, and said the above sentence with a mocking tone.

"Hey! I don't have the same knowledge as you." Vadim also replied with disdain.

"Hehe..." Seeing the bickering between the two strongest commanders of the Blood Ravens, Macha looked a little embarrassed, and said to Carl and Arthur:

"I made you laugh, these two usually get along like this."

"No problem." Arthur also smiled kindly and said: "Captain Macha, what we should do now is to go to the far side of the moon. I suggest using the leap flight to arrive directly, which can effectively avoid the risk of us being detected. "

Matcha replied in deep agreement: "I think so too."

After finishing speaking, Macha turned around and came to the captain's position, raised his voice and ordered to the crew:

"Correspondent, inform all the captains to open the jump channel, the destination is the back of the moon, the helmsman, when the jump engine is ready, take us away."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Captain Angelos, Commander Vadim." At this time, Arthur looked at Gabriel and Vadim and said, "While our reconnaissance team is heading to Earth, I hope you will also be ready for battle.

Now we are not sure about the current situation on Earth. If it is an extremely dangerous enemy or abnormal phenomenon, Sister Carl and I need your support.

My dad has always taught me that the most terrifying thing is not any abnormal phenomenon, but the human heart. "

"Yes." (x2)

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