Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 758 You Can't Say It's Effortless


As the mastermind who caused such a crisis in Manhattan and Thor's younger brother, Loki finally woke up from his paralyzed state.

(Before that, Rocky was beaten up by the Hulk, a famous scene in "Avengers 1".)

However, what Loki never expected was that when he turned around and saw twenty blood crows who were taller than the Hulk, he almost fainted again.

Immediately afterwards.

It was the commandos of SHIELD who came to the top floor. Although they were surprised when they saw Arthur, Carl and Blood Raven, they took the Loki scepter directly in the name of safety and protection.

As Arthur, who knows the timeline and plot of this universe best among all people, he knows that the Loki scepter is the soul gem, and he also knows that those Aegis commandos are actually Hydra combatants.

But he didn't intervene.

Because there is no need.

Although the power of the infinite gems is very strong, combined with the infinite gloves, it is equivalent to an invincible existence, but the first public appearance of the purple sweet potato spirit Thanos was in "Reunion 3" a few years later.

According to Arthur's speculation, Thanos is leading the troops in the universe, using violence to implement the so-called "half the population" plan.

Through calculations, Arthur guessed that the crossing passage would open in half a year. At that time, he and the Blood Ravens would no longer be alone, but would be supported by the main fleet of Umbrella and UNSC.

Until then…

Thanos, and Thanos's temple warship that crushed almost all the Avengers, was an ant in front of Umbrella's fleet.

As for those hydra, Arthur didn't bother to expose them.

After all, the opponent is still affiliated with Aegis, and he, Karl, and the Blood Ravens are outsiders.

According to human nature, before there is no absolute evidence, the Avengers must believe in their own family.

There is no need to provoke a show.

Moreover, Arthur paid special attention to his surroundings, especially when the commando took the scepter away.

Because according to the plot of "Avengers 4", the Avengers used the "time machine" to travel to the past in order to obtain six infinity gems that have disappeared.

While Arthur knows that the Avengers aren't really 'going back in time', but traveling to a parallel universe in a specific year, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.


As Arthur guessed, there are no 'future' Avengers in this universe.

The commandos who had already taken the elevator downstairs did not report that the scepter was stolen, and when they arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the Stark Building, Loki did not use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to escape.


The immediate boss overseeing S.H.I.E.L.D., the minister of the United Nations Security Council, and the leader of Hydra, Alexander Pierce, is still leading a team of senior officials and generals to try to snatch the Rubik's Cube.

In the end, these high-ranking officials still couldn't beat Thor, and Thor dragged Loki away very forcefully, and activated the Rubik's Cube to "teleport" back to Asgard.

Without the Rubik's Cube to confuse the public, Pierce turned his attention to Arthur and the others who were "watching".

I saw Pierce leading a group of people to Arthur, and said in a bad tone: "Can you withdraw your troops from Manhattan? Your behavior is actually an invasion of another country's territory!"

‘Don’t you old Americans often do such things? '

Arthur, who learned about the old beauty from William, saw that Pierce was a little angry when he failed to snatch the Rubik's Cube, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But before Arthur could reply, Carl, who was standing beside him, frowned slightly and warned, "Be careful with your tone, and you don't have the authority to order us."

Seeing that Carl seemed to be angry, Arthur first comforted him: "Sister Carl, it's okay, this matter is indeed our fault." After speaking, Arthur turned his head to look at Corporal Blood Raven, and said with a smile: "Corporal , please inform the various ministries and let them return to the battleship for the time being.”


After giving the order.

Arthur showed a kind expression again, and said to Pierce standing in front of him, "You are satisfied now."

Pierce could tell that Arthur was the leader of the group, but he didn't expect to have the authority to direct everyone, but Pierce didn't show any surprise.

Then he continued in a deep voice: "Sir, I hope you can explain your origins, and which country and organization you belong to."

"No problem." Arthur was still smiling, but he looked around, and finally said to Pierce with his hands open:

"But you can't talk in a place like this, can you?"

"Of course." Pierce also nodded, preparing to arrange a discussion meeting in the near future.


Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Time: July 15, 2012.

Two days had passed since Manhattan was attacked by the Chitauri.

During this period, the Paris-class and Roger Young-class belonging to the Blood Ravens were hovering in low-Earth orbit 70 kilometers above the Americas.

The exposed agents, as well as the marines belonging to the Blood Ravens, followed Arthur's instructions and returned to the two frigates.

Arthur himself, Karl, and twenty Blood Raven Astartes also returned to Paris.

Moreover, Arthur also used encrypted communication to contact Macha, Gabriel and Vadim who were still on the back of the moon.

He reported on the current situation, and at the same time, he also hoped that Captain Macha and Gabriel, the head of the Blood Ravens, would temporarily transfer the command of the two frigates to him.

In this regard, Macha and Gabriel have no objection.

After all, in the current situation, Arthur is the person who knows the Marvel Cinematic Universe best, and he has also shown good abilities. The most important thing is that he is William's son...

For the last item alone, Matcha and Gabriel couldn't refuse.

With command authority, Arthur can better deal with Aegis, the US government, and the UN Security Council.

to be honest.

Arthur is fully prepared to negotiate with these people, countries and organizations with a 'play' mentality.

In fact, with the current combat power of the Blood Ravens, it can't be said that it is effortless, it can only be said that it can wipe out the human species without injury.

You must know that his elder brother Ivan, when he got him to the Blood Ravens to "experience life", not only gave him two bullets, but also gave ten individual soldiers auras.

Turn on the energy shield, throw a single soldier aura, and you can 'purify' the entire solar system in the blink of an eye.

No intelligent life of any kind is immune to cross-phased neutrino waves, and as far as superheroes in the movie universe are concerned, they are all dead...

Let's talk about the weaker 6 billion-degree Yamato cannon, the 30-ton electromagnetic gun with 50% of the speed of light, and the 1.7 billion-ton equivalent Hector II hydrogen bomb...

Well, whether the earth can still exist is a question mark.

Of course, Arthur wouldn't do that at all, because Umbrella runs counter to the idea of ​​people first.

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