Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 76 Strengthening Armament

'I go…'

What about money.

No problem this time.

The US military expenditure in 2007 was 530 billion US dollars, accounting for 3.86% of GDP.

If system funding were reset every thirty days, William's available funding would be $600 billion a year.

Umbrella doesn't have hundreds of military bases around the world like the United States does, or support millions of soldiers.

In this way, the simultaneous construction of the Navigation to Dawn plan and the God-building plan is not a problem at all.

AAES can be deployed to all UBCS companies as soon as possible, Alpha is equipped with biochemical armor, and even agents can get Exo exoskeleton equipment.

The lives of employees will be more secure.


William turned his head to look at John next to him, and felt more and more that the other party's luck had begun to touch him and the company.

General Fu.

John met William's gaze, wondering why the boss had become like...

Very satisfied with myself and with a sense of gratitude.

After a while, John asked, "Sir, since I'm the captain of the blue team, can I choose my own team members?"

"Of course." William had no objection.

Since he hadn't continued talking to the system, he looked at the entrance to the base not far away and smiled at John:

"Okay, go form your team, don't hang out with me."

"Yes, sir."

With anticipation on his face, John saluted William again, then turned and ran towards the base.

It seems that the uneasy Myron and the overly gentle Karl join the blue team.

After all, these are the two things that John misses the most.


Seeing the vigorous John far away, William looked towards the sea and asked the system in a low voice:

'System, now tell me about John's latest stunt. ’

[Received, please wait...

Spartan Seven, John's current data is as follows;

Combat Strength: 234


① Good luck.

②Master Chief:

Can enhance ① good luck skills.

Focus on yourself and improve the luck of allies around you.

If you fight in a three-person team, each team member will receive the ① Good Luck Stunt.

And each time you participate in a battle, you and your team members can increase your basic combat power by a little, with no upper limit. 】

"I said." William muttered to himself.

He guessed right.

It was John's good luck buff that made it so easy to get the 30-day reset reward.

It is worthy of being the 'child of luck' in sci-fi games.


At this time, Hank, who was also barefoot, came to William and said in a deep voice, "Are you going to spend the night in Minos today?"


William shook his hand, walked towards the base complex and said, "We're going back to Troy, and I want to meet the colonel to discuss some matters."

"Yes, boss." Hank was still stern.

The group then returned to the base.

They all cleaned up the gravel on their feet, then boarded the two V-22s on the high platform of the tarmac and flew towards the Kenya base in the west.

Then transfer to a private plane and return to the Troy base in Hafa under the protection of the escort formation.


Date: October 14, 2007.

Location: Troy Base

After William led Alpha and others back to the base, he did not meet Andre immediately, but rested at the base for a night.

From the 11th of this month, he went to Greece to deal with the ruins under the Santorini volcano and obtained the body of Achilles.

On the 12th and 13th, they caught up with the Kenyan base and attacked the city of Dadaab, arresting Dixon Bauer, who used his own abilities to carry out the massacre.

Encountering so many incidents in just a few days, William really needs a good night's sleep.

The next morning.

Inside the office building at the Troy base.

Wearing a black military uniform with a red and white umbrella brooch around the neckline, Andre, whose hair and beard were even grayer, was sitting in his office working on various documents.

"Dangdang." There was a knock on the door.

Andre, who was still reviewing the documents, said in a low voice without raising his head, "Come in."


"Andre, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your hair is white again."

After hearing the extremely familiar voice, Andre raised his head and put down the document in his hand, and his stern face finally showed a bold smile.

"Haha! You know how to come see me alone, brat!"

As Andre said, he got up and walked around the desk, came to William and gave him a fighting ethnic bear hug.

"Cough cough!"

Even William, who is already a superhuman, was suddenly short of breath by an old brawny man who was almost two meters tall.

But he didn't complain about anything, it was a father and son without blood relationship.

Letting go of his hand, Andre took William's shoulders in a different position, and said with a big laugh:

"Stinky boy, you also said that my hair is gray.

It's not that you have to do something about sailing to the dawn and creating a god at the same time, so that the army is now tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and it's too poor for Zefak!

Not listed! "

Speaking of the end.

Andre, who was still smiling at first, suddenly turned annoyed, raised his hand and slapped William's head.

If the employees of the company see the Colonel who is not angry and arrogant, and the boss who always smiles casually, they will doubt their life.

However, this is exactly how the two directors get along in private.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to discuss this with you."

William rubbed the top of his head, broke free from Andre's restraints, walked behind the window and looked out the window.

While watching the ground staff at the airport check the fighter jets, he turned his back to Andre and said, "The recent company is very rich.

Therefore, the troops no longer have to save money, and money is really not a problem. "

Hearing this, Andre, who knew the army like the back of his hand, also put away his smile and said solemnly:

"Umbrella currently has five major military bases.

Greece in Europe, Troy in North America, Kenya in Africa, Australia in Oceania, Argentina in South America.

There are also seven containment centers, various small bases, and more.

Troy aside, the basic soldier at all military bases and containment centers is security.

Counting all the UBCS, USS, and agents, the total number of troops is around 70,000. "

"Is it seventy thousand?" William turned around and leaned against the windowsill.

UBCS and USS he knows best.

The UBCS has grown to 40 companies with nearly 5,000 people, and the USS has also expanded from 300 to 500.

The USS was only stationed in Troy and carried out various black operations arranged by Andre.

More than half of the UBCS are scattered in various places, and the remaining half are also on standby in Troy.

Immediately afterwards, William raised his hand and pinched his chin in a low voice:

"Let the Canadian arsenal ramp up AAES and get all the UBCS ready as soon as possible.

Then let the researchers develop a simplified version of the Exo-type exoskeleton based on AAES, and distribute it to agents and security around the world.

Also, equip agents with airtight combat uniforms to ensure their survival rate.

at last.

Call the hive to step up the production of biochemical armor, so that the members of the Alpha team have biochemical armor to deal with emergencies. "

"okay, I get it."

Andre, who did not know when to take out a small notebook, sat on the table and recorded it seriously.

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