'Huh? '

After hearing the prompt from the system, William couldn't help but slightly raised his left eyebrow, and then said to himself in his heart:

'After nearly half a year, I was finally able to reunite with my youngest son, and I don't know how that kid is doing...'

Just as William was whispering in his heart, Serena, who had been standing behind him, stepped forward slowly. She looked around and after confirming that no one was paying attention, she stretched out her hands to hold William's right arm.

And she also showed concern, and comforted softly: "William, we will be able to go to the Marvel movie universe soon...

That Arthur kid looks like a loafer on the outside, but I can tell... he seems like he's trying to be unprogressive, so he must be all right. "


After feeling a burst of warmth and two lumps of 'softness' from his right hand, William also came out of his dazed state, and then smiled and said:

"Hehe, what can he do? He didn't bring Carl and Gabriel to destroy the earth in that universe. I'm thankful."

"Scared~." Seeing William commenting on Arthur like this, Serena couldn't help but smile.

Afterwards, she leaned on William's right shoulder, closed her eyes slightly, and enjoyed the hard-won world of two people.

In fact, when William stepped down as the boss of Umbrella three years ago, there was absolutely no need for Serena to hand over the power in her hands, and she could even run the company on an equal footing with Ivan.

But Serena flatly refused. Although she admired Ivan's ability, she really hated Ivan's "lovely" character, and his personality was incomparable to William's.

Afterwards, Serena moved into the palace of the Russell Manor and enjoyed a 'retirement' life with William.

The more time they spend together, the more physical 'interaction' between the two of them, and while Serena still can't get William to 'shoot the dragon' at her, she's enjoying the two of them now. state.

As for her other competitor?

The angel Kesha, who has a personal biological standpoint, hardly has much time to be alone with William, so Serena has already removed this angel from her vigilance list.


Suddenly, the roar of a hydrogen engine from the sky interrupted the two-person world of the former boss and secretary.

Just look at a large-scale flying formation, skipping the beach on the west coast at low altitude, and flying towards the base buildings not far away.

Only one of the flight formations was a specially-made Pelican responsible for transportation, and the rest were all ace mobile suits, Viking fighters, and various escort aircraft.

After looking up and seeing this flying formation, Serena took the initiative to let go of her hands, and kept a few punches away from William, and her pupils emitted a light blue light to report:

"Master Ivan's flight formation is about to land at the base airport, William, shall we go now?"

What William is waiting for here is none other than his eldest son, Ivan, who has become the current boss.

"Well, let's go."

After William finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the rail train station not far away, and Serena also nodded slightly, and followed William to the station to wait for the rail train.


Shortly after.

Umbrella's base complex on the west coast of Minos.

The scale of the base building complex at this time is still the same as it was twenty years ago, only the buildings and some infrastructure have been renovated, and it seems that it has not expanded much.

However, Minos Island, as the training center for Astartes and ghost agents, does not need too many military fortifications.

Moreover, the underground facility located in the very center of Minos Island is large enough to accommodate the lives and residences of tens of thousands of people.

Airport on the west side of the base complex.

The flight formation responsible for escorting Ivan hovered over the airport, then landed in sequence under the guidance of the tower, and parked at the designated location.

The Pelican landed in a designated area near the airport.

Come to a stop.

The hatch opens.

The one who walked out of the cabin first was wearing a white shirt, dark gray suit pants, and blonde hair back... just like Ivan William 2.0.

But Ivan's height is close to 1.9 meters, so it is still easy to distinguish the father and son.

Following behind Ivan was Megan dressed as a secretary, and Megan was actually wearing women's rimless glasses...

It can be seen that Ivan's anger and bad taste have increased a lot. No wonder Arthur is so wary of the eldest son of the Russell family.

After all, artificial intelligence is not myopic at all, and even if there is a problem with the eye, it can be repaired by technicians.

So Megan wears glasses that look like Yu Jie, purely to cater to Ivan's hobbies.

At this time, a figure quickly passed Megan and came to Ivan's side.

Just look at Athena who was walking side by side with Ivan, also wearing a black women's suit with a waist-length ponytail.

Compared with more than ten years ago, Athena's face has hardly changed at all, but there is an indescribable feeling in her figure, as if she has more charm of a young woman.

After all, she is no longer a virgin, but a woman...

I saw Ivan, Megan, and Athena headed to the airport not far away under the guard of ghost agents in suits.

Board the covered bridge, enter the airport, and take the rail train to the underground facilities of Minos Island.


A group of people took the rail train with perfect maglev technology and arrived at the station of the central facility of Minos Island in less than a few minutes.

After getting out of the car, Ivan saw his father, William, and Serena, who was standing quietly behind William.

The moment he saw William, Ivan immediately restrained himself as a boss, approached William with a smile on his face, and said respectfully:

"Father, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay." William also smiled, and then he turned his head to look at Athena standing beside Ivan, and said:

"Athena, take us to the underworld, I think my precious grandson may be suffocated."

The "precious grandson" William mentioned was the son of Ivan and Athena, and the eldest grandson of the Russell family, Horus Russell.

Of course, Horus has no connection to Horus.

If Ivan wanted to name his grandson Horus, the first thing William would do would be to beat up Ivan. Horus is the famous 'big filial son' in the universe.

In fact, Horus was the name Athena gave her son.

Horus is Heros, adding s to the hero (Hero) to make the name less monotonous.

Athena's original intention is very simple, that is, the son born from the combination of her and Ivan must become a demigod hero.

The reason why William said to go to the underworld was because Horus was sent by Athena to Hades, the king of the underworld, after graduating from junior high school a year ago.

Hades is also very fond of this grandnephew, not only taking care of Horus himself, but also teaching Horus various knowledge and skills.

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