"Yes." (x3)


John, Carl, Corax, and Myron still answered according to their respective personalities.

After receiving William's instructions, the four Primarch Spartans stepped out of Kesha's sacred position, and led the 1,200 Astartes to scan all the people around them.

At this time.

William waved to Soum, Pruss and other officers again: "You guys go too."

"Yes, Chairman."

After the order was issued, there was a lot of emptiness behind William, only Andre, Serena, Tina, and everyone...and everything in the Containment Task Force remained.

"Selina..." But William still didn't finish giving the order, and continued to whisper to Serena:

"You and Tina used the individual cameras of our ground troops to conduct a live webcast to let people in this world know the strength of our Umbrella.

In the early stage, it is necessary to use force to convince the masses, and in the later stage, what can be said to gather the hearts of the people. "

"Yes... Do you have any other requirements?" Serena asked.

"Hum..." William raised his left hand and pinched his chin. After thinking for a moment with a slight frown, his eyes suddenly brightened and he added:

"Remember to code the bloody scenes! Be sure to code! Do you hear me? Otherwise, some areas will be destroyed!"

"This... yes, I know."


While William was talking to Serena.

Myron, armed with a 1.25cal super-heavy blaster, led fifty terminators to stand on the west side of the monument.

This stupid primarch uses the low-intelligence artificial intelligence of the Power Armor to quickly scan the commandos and agents who are shooting at them.


The screen of the helmet helped him lock on who was the target of the Hydra member.

Seeing this scene, Myron, who likes to collect soldiers, especially Marvel soldiers, pulled the trigger without hesitation and said loudly:

"Boys! Get rid of this group of parasite scum! They are heretics! Heretics!"

"Yes! Father!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

Accompanied by the metallic roar of Myron and the Terminator, two bolt guns of different calibers burst out, .75 and 1.25cal.


Bolt warheads roared throughout the square, which was even scarier than the roar of the German MG42 tearing machine that the Allied forces encountered during the Normandy landing in World War II.


Even scarier are the bolt bombs.

At this time.

One is wearing a dark black combat uniform, the armband is also based on black, the center is a twisted eagle representing SHIELD, and the edge is embellished with a light yellow five-pointed star.

This is a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. commando team and a Hydra member who secretly served Pierce.


And a bolt bomb hit the commando's chest, and the moment it hit, it exploded, followed by the disgusting sound of the body exploding.

Just look at the upper body of this commando has disappeared, and pieces of meat, debris, blood and various human tissues are scattered around.

The exploding blood also splashed on the colleague next to the commando.

The surrounding Hydra commandos were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

This is a bullet?

This is really a cannonball!

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Just as the group of Hydra commandos fell into astonishment, a faster and larger bolt warhead directly pierced the group of commandos like an iron skewer... exploded.

This is exactly the 1.25cal bolt warhead.

1.25cal does not need to carry out delayed blasting, as long as human beings get up and get a little shorter, then the flesh will either be torn, shredded, or directly exploded.

This 1.25cal warhead, after tearing apart nearly ten Hydra commandos, shot into a tree trunk with undiminished strength, and only then did the delayed explosion explode.


The tree trunk, which required at least three adult males to embrace, was cut in half by this explosive bolt bomb, and the dead leaves and branches were scattered.

"Puff tom!" The tree trunk fell heavily on the ground, and a choking cloud of dust rose.


At the same time that the tree was blown up by Lanyao, Hydra's commandos were almost wiped out.

It wasn't just twelve hundred Astartes fighting at the scene, there were also UBCS, Ghost Agent, Sharktooth and elite veterans present.

Just looking at an elite veteran with dark black armor and a red and white umbrella logo printed on his right shoulder armor, he didn't even bother to use the latest plasma gun that Umbrella designed for them.


The elite veteran screamed, resisted all attacks with the energy shield of his armor, and rushed directly into a Hydra team of ten.




One punch, one kick, one Hydra.

Elite veterans are all elites who have experienced the Human-Star Alliance campaign, and their physical fitness far exceeds that of humans.

Without wearing armor and titanium armor, elite veterans can fight back and forth with an Astartes recruit, and even use their rich experience to defeat an Astartes recruit.

Although the members of the Hydra commando are the best among all special forces, they are still not enough for elite veterans.

two minutes.

In just two minutes, the Hydra members in the Monument Square and the park woods were all resolved by the troops brought by William.

If it wasn't for the fear of accidentally injuring other unaware agents and commandos, it would only take more than thirty seconds to end the battle.

If there is an underworld in this world, then the members of this group of Hydra commandos can proudly say that they persisted for a full two minutes in front of 1,200 Astartes!

Closer to home.

Under the command of William, Umbrella has completely captured the top levels of the US government, military, Security Council, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Shortly after Horus killed Pierce for the first time, Secret Service agents called for air support, hoping to transfer the leaders including the President and Ross as soon as possible.

But in the face of Umbrella's mixed fleet, the U.S. Air Force cannot enter Washington's airspace. Where can it provide support?

The F-22 with stealth function is directly locked by the radar of the Umbrella battleship. If they do not evacuate immediately, then the long-range air-to-air missiles will directly blow up these F-22s to scum.

Not bragging.

The mixed fleet assisted by intelligent artificial intelligence can capture and lock even a mouse on the ground, so when the mixed fleet entered the atmosphere, the dominance was already in the hands of William.

The square below the monument.

William, with a kind smile on his face, turned his back to the monument and looked at the high-ranking officials, generals, and secret agents who were being guarded by the Imperial Army, Ravens, and elite forces in the square.

at this time.

Standing beside him was the angel Kesha, who was wearing gorgeous power armor, no helmet, and long silver hair.

And under William's instruction, Keisha stretched the white wings on her back, and the sacred barrier also enveloped the entire Monument Square to stabilize the emotions of these captives.

Immediately after...

Horus, who was standing in the woods to the west of the square, also carried out [Colossus] at this time according to William's instruction.

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