Occupy North and South America in three days.

After this news was known to French netizens in Europe, they were deeply relieved, and finally got rid of the shadow of Paris.

The reason why Umbrella took three days was because of the large size of South and North America, and the ground forces also wanted to avoid deaths as much as possible.

17:03 on January 2.

Occupied Washington.

West Wing of the White House, inside the famous Oval Office.

William, who was sitting behind a desk named 'Perseverance', was facing away from the desk, looking out the window of the office at the scenery.

Even in winter, the lawn, which can be planted with Bermuda, tall fescue and bluegrass, is still an evergreen scene all year round.

On the lawn, there are also guards wearing dark green paint and Thor's Hammer-style pottery titanium armor, holding bolt guns on guard and patrolling.

In fact, as the person with the highest power in the main universe, William has never been to the White House, and today is the first time.

And when I came up, I sat behind a desk that only previous US presidents could sit, and watched the scenery of the West Lawn of the White House outside the window, and I felt a different kind of pleasure.

At present, the armies of all countries in America have been captured and captured by ground forces headed by Astartes and elites.

And William also issued an order three days ago, that is, whenever a city or town is occupied, the first thing the technicians accompanying the army must do is to occupy the printing house.

Using ready-made paper and machine tools, together with the electronic template brought by William, they printed confidentiality agreements in large quantities.

Those soldiers who were captured and surrendered will be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement for the first time, which will be used to lock their loyalty forcibly.

As for the emotions and dissatisfaction of these soldiers, William is prepared to appease and win over for a long time, but first of all, he must ensure the loyalty of these soldiers and prevent various underground parties and guerrillas from appearing in the occupied areas.

The second is those seemingly useless government officials. These people also need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. After all, the operation of a town, state, and country cannot do without these politicians sitting in the office.

William is going to fully digest South and North America first, to appease the panic in the society, and has no intention of governing other continents for the time being.

So it seems that France, which is in a "squeaky" state, can only jump around for a few months at most. When William frees up his hands to focus on expanding to the entire world, then France may once again set a new world record.

And on December 31, after William led the ground forces to capture US President Matthew Ellis, Ross, Nick Fury, Rogers, and Natasha, he immediately asked John to lead two hundred Astartes. , under the guidance of Arthur, went to Manhattan, ready to control Tony Stark.

But when John and Arthur arrived at the Stark Building in midtown Manhattan, Stark and various types of Mark armor had disappeared, along with the current CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper Powell. Jazz (Little Pepper), Happy Hogan who worked as a bodyguard and driver, and other high-level Stark Industries also disappeared.

And when William began to carry out the occupation operation, he also asked Serena and Tina to use their powerful search functions to find Bruce Banner who was hiding in the crowd.

But Bruce Banner also seemed to have disappeared from the world, and his exact location could not be traced.

Fortunately, one of William's main targets, the ancient mage in Manhattan, did not leave, and this mage seemed to have expected Umbrella's arrival long ago, and seemed to know that Umbrella's purpose was for the whole of mankind.

The mage even took the initiative to seek cooperation with Umbrella, and proposed to send ghost agents with psionic powers to assist her and the mage organization to guard the Three Sanctuaries in Lane, London, and New York to prevent Dormammu from eroding the real world. .

To John's surprise, Gu Yi knew the existence of ghost agents with psychic powers when he first came into contact with Umbrella.

However, there is nothing surprising about Arthur, who is more proficient in the Marvel universe. Ancient One is the current supreme mage, and he also owns the time gem, so he can naturally predict the future.

Then John and Arthur reported Gu Yi's proposal, William readily agreed to the other party's proposal, and dispatched ghost agents with psychic level 7 and above to assist Gu Yi in defense.

At the same time, William asked Serena, Tina, and Cortana to find the whereabouts of Dormammu believers as much as possible, and strive to solve this threat from another dimension in a short time.

The Dormammu followers in the Doctor Strange movies are indeed some sort of higher-level threat, but for Umbrella's Ghost...

Simply not enough to watch.

Although those dark mages have 'magic' and 'illusion', ghost agents can use the psionic energy to perceive, 'illusion' is invalid for agents.

Agents at level 7 can also perform psionic release and burst.

If the agents are unable to deal with it, then William and the two daughters-in-law, Sia and Nova, are enough to abuse any form and form of enemies.

For the rest of the three days, William took care of commanding the occupation operations in North and South America, and for a long period of time in the future, the mixed fleet and troops will be stationed on the earth for a long time.

After all, the earth and human beings in Marvel movies can be regarded as the "battlefield" of races and forces in the entire universe, and they all run to the earth.

Therefore, William needs to completely occupy the earth here, and build it into the strongest fortress and supply station, so that the mixed fleet can conquer the universe in Marvel movies with peace of mind.

"Click ~."

Just as William looked out the window, recalling what happened in the past three days, and thinking about the course of action for the future, the door of the office was directly pushed open by someone.

William, who heard the movement, turned the office chair, faced the 'Perseverance' desk again, and looked at the door of the office.

It was his wife Halsey who pushed the door and walked in, and only Halsey dared to enter William's office without knocking on the door.

At this time, Halsey was still wearing a female suit, but after she closed the door, she immediately raised her hand to unbutton the collar of her shirt, took off the suit and threw it casually, and went straight to the office in the middle of the office. sofa.

While slumped on the sofa, she also complained: "Ah... I'm too lazy to wear formal clothes, I'm so tight... I feel my breasts are going to be smaller. If it wasn't for you to be the wife of the chairman, and a member of the board of directors I’m too lazy to wear a suit, it’s so annoying.”


"Hahaha~!" After hearing Halsey's complaint, William couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then he got up and left the office chair, walked to the sofa, sat on Halsey's left hand side, and said in a comfortable mood:

"Every time I see you, old lady, I can put any troubles aside, hehe, since I don't want to wear it, I don't wear it."

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