
Sure enough, after hearing Bucky's name, Rogers no longer looked worried, but asked quickly:

"How did you know Bucky?"

"Boss... You already have your own museum, and there are many official biographies and even novels about you on the Internet. I know Sergeant Barnes should not be difficult." Arthur shrugged and said.

In fact...

The U.S. government and military, as well as the S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Nick Fury, have signed a non-disclosure agreement and have no idea of ​​the existence of Marvel.

Arthur once suggested to William that if he wants to disclose the truth that Marvel created this universe, at least he needs to wait until Umbrella controls the entire earth and solves Thanos.

"." After listening to Arthur's answer, Rogers fell into a moment of silence.

After stabilizing his mind, Rogers said in a deep voice: "Arthur, you didn't tell me the exact content and goal of this operation, does that mean..."

"That's right." Arthur didn't bother to play tricks, and said bluntly to Rogers: "Captain, our Umbrella has top-level artificial intelligence, so parasites like Hydra can be easily eradicated by us.

Of course, while breaching the network of HYDRA internal members... we also found a very noteworthy file, code-named 'Winter Soldier (Winter Soldier)'. "

While Arthur was talking, he also took out the Umbrella digital mobile phone from the pocket of the military uniform, touched the lock screen, and turned on the holographic function.

Soon, detailed information about the Winter Soldier was called up, as well as the facial information of the legendary Hydra killer.

It was Rogers' dear friend, Bucky Barnes, who he couldn't let go of.

"This..." Rogers' eyes were wide open, and his lips were still trembling faintly, as if he was in a very excited expression.

Fortunately, the World War II veteran was able to quickly stabilize his mood, and said with a slight frown: "I remember that in the concentration camp, Hydra seemed to have done human experiments on Bucky. If he can survive until now... it may be because of this. "

"Yes." Arthur turned off the holographic screen, put the phone back into the pocket of the military uniform, and continued:

"Sergeant Barnes' physical fitness has been strengthened, and his lost left arm has been replaced by a metal arm, but he has been brainwashed by Hydra. During these seventy years, Sergeant Barnes has been Hydra carries out an assassination operation.

So Captain... Do you still think that our Umbrella, or my dad's order to wipe out Hydra is cruel? "

This time, Rogers didn't refute anything anymore, and even nodded silently, then felt wrong, and shook his head again.

It seems that acquiescing to Umbrella's decision on Hydra is the most correct solution.

"What a double standard..." Arthur said secretly in his heart, and then smiled sunnyly and said:

"Captain, in fact, not long ago, my father's secretary discovered the traces of Sergeant Barnes, so I immediately applied to Colonel Pruss for twenty ghost agents to arrest Sergeant Barnes.

Why did I call you...

I don't need to explain too much. "

"Is it just an arrest?" Rogers frowned, as if he was afraid that Umbrella would give the order to shoot and kill.

"Of course." Arthur shrugged indifferently, looked at a ghost agent sitting opposite, and said to Rogers:

"Captain, Umbrella doesn't seem to need to shoot and kill Sergeant Barnes. Although he is a super soldier with human limits, he is not a threat to us at all.

Each of the ghost agents who accompanied me on the mission was able to defeat Sergeant Barnes in a one-on-one situation. After all, the ghost agent's specialty is the containment and control of anomalies in myths and urban legends. "

Having said that, Arthur raised his right hand and patted Rogers on the shoulder, showing a heart-to-heart expression, and said 'really':

"Captain, I treat you as an elder...a friend, so I let you participate in the arrest operation together, and let your childhood sweetheart be a man again."

"Childhood sweetheart?" Rogers was slightly annoyed.

"Is the metaphor wrong?" Arthur looked puzzled.

"." Rogers was speechless, gasped for breath a few times, tried to calm down and said in a low voice: "You can just use the brother who grew up together as a metaphor."

"Okay." Arthur shrugged indifferently: "Actually, I still think childhood sweethearts are more suitable..."

"Master." At this moment, the pilot's reminder came from the cockpit broadcast: "We are about to arrive at our destination, please get ready."

heard the words.

Twenty ghost agents stood up neatly, holding the new Gauss firearms, ready to assist Arthur in the arrest mission.

And Arthur still had a carefree demeanor, slowly left his seat, and smiled softly to Rogers beside him:

"Captain, get ready to meet your old friend for a while."


Rogers nodded solemnly, stood up with Arthur, and attached the vibrating gold shield to his left arm, waiting for the rear hatch to open.


There was a slight vibration from the fuselage, and it seemed that it had landed.

Immediately afterwards, with a sound of "Qi~", the rear hatch slowly opened, showing the outside scene to everyone in the cabin.

Just outside the cabin is an abandoned US Army training camp area.

The location of the Pelican is on the overgrown camp playground, and the engine room is facing the dilapidated barracks and a bunker building leading to the underground ammunition depot.

The afterglow of the sun also just shot into the cabin.


Looking at the scene outside, the ghost agents wearing biochemical armor still walked out of the cabin without saying a word, and used the armor's scanning function to be vigilant around them.


On the contrary, the moment Rogers saw the camp, his expression froze, but his eyes were full of memories and helplessness.

Because this camp was the place where Rogers hadn't been injected with the super serum, and he was still training with a thin body.

Former comrades-in-arms, instructors, colonel... Peggy, and other past events re-emerged in Rogers' mind, causing the veteran captain to fall into a state of sluggishness.

"Captain." Arthur raised his hand and patted Rogers on the shoulder, comforting him: "You will see your friend later, now is not the time to remember, prepare to fight."

Take it easy.

Rogers glanced at Arthur gratefully, then walked out of the cabin and said, "Okay."


Arthur, who has the experience of watching "American Team 2", and the information given by Serena, led Rogers and the ghost agents straight to the bunker leading to the underground.


When they approached the bunker, a ghost agent following Arthur flashed a green optical mirror, and then quickly approached Arthur to report:

"Master, I detected a large number of heat sources behind the door. It should be that Hydra sensed our arrival and ambushed people behind the door."

"Since this is the case... identify the targets that do not have a thermal reaction on the left arm, and shoot the rest of the targets without mercy."

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