Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 796 Shia: Did I prophesy?


Seeing Daisy's freezing appearance, Horus frowned, waved his hand as if he couldn't bear it, and used his divine power to disperse the raindrops above Daisy.


Seeing this, Daisy was taken aback for a moment, and then cast a thankful look at Horus.

However, Horus still showed the previous look of disdain, turned his head, and fixed his eyes on Thor, the god of thunder who was making intimacy with Jane not far away, immediately clenched his hands into fists, and his body trembled slightly due to excitement.

Finding that his belligerent nephew seemed to be going to fight Sol directly, Arthur quickly raised his hand and pressed Horus's right shoulder, exhorting in a low voice:

"Nephew, now is not the time to fight that Solby. If the two of you fight here, it will definitely cause a lot of civilian deaths. Do you understand?"

Hearing Arthur's dissuasion, Horus showed a very unwilling expression, but finally nodded.

"Very good." Seeing that Horus was not impulsive, Arthur showed a relieved expression, and then continued to lead the crowd towards Sol.



Arthur showed his best smile and said to Saul: "Mr. Odinson, long time no see."

Thor's full name is Thor Odinson.

In Marvel's Norse mythology, the surname of the main god's child comes from the father's name.

For example, Odin's father is Bor, so Odin's full name is Odin Borson.


Thor and Loki are both Odinson's last names.


On the other hand, Saul, who just met Jane again, felt a little familiar when he saw Arthur, but he couldn't remember who Arthur was.

However, when Thor saw the ten Blood Raven Astartes behind Arthur, he immediately recalled the scene of the Battle of Manhattan. Immediately, Thor's expression became tense, and his right hand holding the hammer was also exerted force.


Seeing Sol's attitude of being ready for battle, Horus snorted unhappily, and used his divine power to quickly change his clothes.

Just like his mother Athena, after emitting dazzling white light, Horus put on the Pluto armor with a strong Greek style.

He holds a golden shield in his left hand and a golden spear in his right hand.

The same god, also has the red cloak, but the helmet, spear and shield of Horus are more attractive.

"Wow..." Daisy's jaw almost dropped when she saw Horus' quick change of clothes. At the same time, she also remembered the scene two years ago, and asked:

"Handsome guy, you were the one who became a giant two years ago, right?"

Horus still didn't look directly at Daisy, but he nodded slightly in response to Daisy's question.

On the contrary, Thor's expression became more dignified, because this Thor can feel that Horus in front of him is also a god, and he does not belong to the gods under the jurisdiction of Asgard.

"Hey! Don't just... ah!"

Jane, who was standing beside Sol, gave Sol a very resentful feed, and wanted to stretch out her hand to pull Sol's right arm, but when her hand just touched Sol's right arm, a red pulse Waves burst out of her body, striking all around in a horizontal plane.

The sudden impact directly caused Daisy not far away to fall to the ground, and even the police and the police car were overturned.

On the other hand, Arthur, Horus, Gabriel, Vadim and other elites seemed to completely ignore the shock wave and stood in place safe and sound.

After the shock wave, the continuous light rain stopped abruptly, but the sky was still gloomy.

"Eh..." At this moment, Jane suddenly rolled her eyes, and her body fell down limply.


Seeing that the woman he liked had an accident, Sol no longer confronted Arthur and Horus, but immediately supported Jane and hugged her in his arms.

" hurts..." Daisy also stood up rubbing her buttocks.

Immediately afterwards, the policemen who had previously interrogated the male college student also stood up and approached Saul, Arthur and the others in a tendency to surround them.

One of the young policemen shook off the police baton with his right hand, and gradually approached Jane and Saul, warning loudly with a slightly trembling tone:

"Hey! (stares at drowsy Jane) put your hands on your head! (looks at Sol with averted eyes) back off, please!"

"This lady is very uncomfortable, she needs treatment." Saul replied quietly.


Just as the policeman was about to continue warning, ten Bloodravens in ceramic titanium armor and ten Bloodraven elites in armor stepped forward immediately, separating the group of policemen from Sol.

It’s not that the police didn’t notice this group of Astartes, but the police knew that Britain had now been reduced to the Umbrella-occupied area, so they naturally knew about the existence of the Astartes.

Therefore, after seeing Astartes meddling in this matter, the police could only sensibly disperse and stop questioning Jane and Saul.

In fact, it is not to blame the police for questioning Sol, but Thor is well-known in North America, but Thor has disappeared for two years after all, and because of the appearance of Umbrella, the popularity and popularity of the Avengers have long since dissipated.

As the police leave, Arthur approaches Jane and Saul, escorted by Horus, Gabriel, and Vadim.

Arthur said to Sol with a serious face: "Mr. Odinson, your girlfriend seems to be suffering from a special disease, and Umbrella is world-famous for its biotechnology, why don't you come with us? "

"." Sol, who was 1.9 meters tall, stared at Arthur, who was slightly shorter than himself, as if hoping to detect a conspiracy from Arthur's eyes.

But Arthur's bright eyes were so clear that Sol couldn't find anything strange at all.

But Sol still shook his head and refused directly: "I want to bring Jane back to Asgard."

That tone was completely disbelieving that Umbrella could cure Jane.

"You bastard..." Horus stepped forward annoyed, and met Sol's gaze tit for tat.

"Okay." Arthur first raised his arms to embrace Horus, then looked at Saul and said, "Mr. Odinson, since you insist on taking Miss Foster to Asgard, we will not stop you." .

But I have an unfeeling request, that is, I hope you can take us to Asgard together. "

"You are going to Asgard? Why." Thor's tone sank, and his vigilance became more and more obvious.

"The purpose is to assist you in guarding Asgard together." Arthur said bluntly.


Hearing Arthur's words, Sol's brows were furrowed, and his face became even more gloomy.

If it was Thor in the past, he would definitely laugh arrogantly and say that Asgard is the domain of the gods, and there is no such thing as being invaded.

But after experiencing the suffering of becoming a mortal ("Thor 1"), and the ominous energy bursting from Jane's body, Thor fell into contemplation.

"Mr. Odinson..." Arthur added in a timely manner: "My sister-in-law is a witch, she can predict the future, according to her speculation...

Asgard will encounter the invasion of the dark elves, and Frigga, the mother of the gods, will also fall in this invasion. "

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