Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 809 Seems to have no wish

Star Destroyer Class Flagship.

biological experiment area.

Halsey's own isolation laboratory.

At this time, the couple Halsey and William were in the control room outside the isolation laboratory.

The space in the control room is not large, and the area is just like the living room of ordinary people, but through the large isolation window directly in front, you can see the scene in the isolation laboratory.

In the center of the isolation laboratory, there are three cylindrical devices with a height of 1.5 meters, and above the central cylinder is an anti-gravity green beam of light exuding reaper technology.

Suspended in this beam of light is a yellow 'stone'.

This 'stone' is the soul gem among the infinite gems, which allows the user to enter other people's minds, and also allows all dreams, thoughts, and ideas to enter the user's brain.

Even a light touch can change the mind of others according to the user's wishes, and the mind gem contains nearly infinite energy.

Immediately afterwards.

The air valve of the isolation laboratory opened, and four technicians in white sealed suits walked in, one of whom was holding a small silver suitcase.

Four technicians approach the cylindrical device on the left.

One of them raised his left hand across his chest, and his right hand controlled a small computer worn on his left wrist.

Within a few seconds, the device in front of these technicians also raised an emerald green anti-gravity beam of light.

Seeing this, the technician holding the suitcase lifted the suitcase smoothly, and another technician assisted in unlocking the lock on the suitcase.


The suitcase was opened.

A dark red 'pebble' is inlaid on the small isolation device in the suitcase. This is the ether particle taken from Jane Foster's body, and then processed by gamma rays into a gem of reality.

The technician with the wrist computer operated again, and the isolation device in the suitcase released the restraining claws, and then the Reality Stone was pulled into the anti-gravity beam, suspended in the center of the beam of light like the Mind Stone.

The four technicians observed for a while, turned around and left after confirming that they were correct, and the isolation laboratory became empty again.

Control room.

William stood behind the window with his arms crossed, his eyes staring at the just-placed Reality Gem, his eyes flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

"Reality Gem..." William sighed in his heart.

Although he has forgotten the general plots of "Thor" and "Reunion", he also knows the ability of reality gems, which can create fake ones according to the user's thoughts...

No, it should be a real thing, scene or person, a real dream come true.

Those dark elves can completely plunge the Nine Realms and the universe into darkness with the Reality Gem alone, which is enough to prove the ability of the Reality Gem.

But... he doesn't seem to have any wishes.


He now occupies the galaxy of the main universe, the galaxy of "Starship Troopers", and all the resources of the current Marvel movie universe solar system.

Withdrawing money is too vulgar, and the assets are too numerous to count, and even feel annoying.

that power?


Not to mention.

Universal peace?

If this can be achieved, then Thanos can use the Reality Gem to carry out the plan of "halving the species", which is unrealistic.

After a moment of excitement in his heart, William found that it seemed useless for him to obtain this reality gem that could make dreams come true.

At this time.

Halsey walked to William's left hand side. She looked up at William's current expression and knew what her husband was thinking about.

Then he smiled and said, "Scare~, William, you are thinking... Is there any wish that can be fulfilled by using that gemstone?"

"Yeah." William nodded without denying it, and then he raised his left hand to embrace Halsey, and sighed with a look of melancholy:

"Hey... mainly because of your good wife, I have everything I want, technology, force, financial resources and manpower...beauties, I don't lack everything."

"Am I still a beauty~? I'm an old lady who is almost sixty years old~."

Halsey said she couldn't do it, but the undisguised pride and joy on her face revealed her true thoughts.

"Of course, you are the most beautiful in my heart."

Although they are an old couple, William still likes to say some nasty things.

It seems that a person's mentality is directly proportional to his biological age.

Take it easy.

"Catherine..." William put his arms around Halsey, staring at the gem of reality in the isolation laboratory, and asked:

"If I bring the Reality Gem back to our universe, can I eliminate those abnormal phenomena at once? Like those abnormal phenomena with the ability of immortality, do you think it is feasible?"

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Halsey also put away his previous smile, and also looked at the Infinity Stones and pondered for a moment.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't think the Reality Stone, or the other Infinity Stones, can be used in other universes at all.

According to the concept of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Infinity Stones are born with the birth of the universe, which means that they can only be used in this universe, or in a universe that exists parallel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It is invalid to bring it to our universe. Although the solar system is the same solar system and the earth is the same earth, they do not communicate with each other.

The popular explanation is that a game can use the keyboard to enter cheat codes on the computer, but if this game is ported to other terminals, such as the XBOX platform, you can only use the up and down keys of the handle, or the AB key to enable cheat codes, even with an external keyboard.

Similar, yet different. "

"Hey... okay." William really sighed this time.

Now Umbrella has mastered two infinite gems, but they are actually useless, which is a bit disappointing.

"Don't sigh, this gem is useless to us, but it is of great use to that kid Arthur, after all, he wants to stay here." Halsey comforted.

"Hmm." William hugged his wife again.


While the husband and wife are enjoying the quiet tenderness, the Star Destroyer hangar is another scene.

When the technicians used the extraction device to extract the ether particles in Simplified's body, Arthur asked William to go deep into the deep space of the universe, put the remaining two infinity gems into Umbrella's 'collection', and solve the problem along the way. Has always been the tyrant of the cholera universe.

In this regard, William is still the same as before, and Arthur will be solely responsible for matters related to the Avengers.

So Arthur in the hangar is thinking about preparing to lead that army to collect gems and destroy Thanos' army.

Next to the gas valve numbered 'seven'.

Sol and Jane stood in front of Arthur, and Sol said with a worried face: "Dude, the search for the Infinity Stone...Are you sure you don't need my assistance?"

Since Arthur rescued Asgard, Frigga and Jane, Sol has regarded Arthur as a true friend, and hopes to help Arthur, especially Sol also signed the confidentiality agreement under Arthur's foolishness. protocol.

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