"Gem of Destruction?"

Horus was taken aback.

"That's right." Arthur said, and walked towards the hangar of the Observer aircraft carrier. When passing by Macha, he reminded the female captain:

"Captain, let the fleet stand by here for the time being. Soon there will be another force appearing in this galaxy. If you find them, please notify me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Matcha promised.

Seeing Arthur leave, Horus, Sif and Cortana followed immediately.

And Sif also showed a very confused look, and asked Arthur: "Mr. Russell, did you just say that Horus would hold the Gem of Destruction? I heard it right, right?"

Arthur smiled lightly: "No."

"But..." Sif glanced at the indifferent Horus beside her, and then said to Arthur:

"But if you directly contact the Infinity Stone without any protective measures, you will be severely injured, and may even disappear in smoke. Do you really want to take this risk?"

If it was the former Sif, she might not have said that, she would just secretly lament Arthur's 'wrong' decision in her heart.

But now, due to the non-disclosure agreement, Sif began to think about Umbrella out of control, and naturally she didn't want Horus to die in vain.

And Arthur said that he let Horus hold the Gem of Destruction, just talking about it, but when necessary, he would not hesitate to let Horus do it.

After all, the madman Ronan in "Guardians 1" can hold the Gem of Destruction with his bare hands, let alone his more powerful nephew.

Then he smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, my nephew is the God of War."

Hearing Arthur's praise, Horus puffed out his chest with satisfaction, which was very rewarding.

"It's just that my mind is not very bright, my temper is grumpy, and I need someone to watch."


Arthur's next sentence directly made Horus deflate like a deflated ball, but Horus didn't refute anything because Arthur said the truth.

"This... okay." Sif could only force herself not to ask any more questions, and still looked worried, and glanced at Horus who was walking beside her.

"Arthur." As for Cortana, who remained silent the whole time, she stepped forward slowly at this time, and reported to Arthur in a low voice:

"The agents have rushed to the hangar, and now the prisoners are being interrogated by the technical staff."

"Fine." Arthur nodded.

Having said that, the four of them came to the rail train station near the bridge, and took a small rail train to the hangar.

Within minutes.

The four of them came to the hangar.

The hangar space of the Phoenix-class aircraft carrier is very large. Although it is not as good as the Infinity-class and Star Destroyer, it can accommodate 10,000 people at one time. There are also multiple decks to park carrier-based aircraft, transport aircraft and mobile suits. More space saving.

at this time.

In the center of the hangar, more than a dozen agents in trousers, white shirts, and underarm holsters were cooperating with the technical staff to interrogate the prisoners.

Just look at a few 'people' with no facial features, black skin and dead wood, tied to a trolley like an emergency room.

Technicians in white coats connected these 'people' with various instruments, and agents were in charge of adjusting the intensity and carrying out violence, so as to force these 'people' to give the desired information.


There is one person who is not so weird. He is almost the same as an ordinary black man in appearance, but his pupils are extremely light blue, and there are many electronic devices on his head, like a prosthetic body.

Just by taking a look, Arthur knew that the other party was the guy who confronted Xing-Lord in the opening scene of "Guardian 1" and asked "Who is Xing-Lord?!" with a puzzled look on his face.


This guy serves Ronan wholeheartedly. As long as the information is revealed from the other party's mouth, Arthur can know Ronan's location, and then he can get the location of Thanos.

Standing on the periphery of the captives, agents, and technicians was a group of Bloodraven Astartes and elites watching, and Myron, the restless Primarch Sparta.

At the same time, there are two 'strange' faces appearing here.

These two were Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch who were captured by Arthur and the Blood Ravens. Of course, the Earth Society and the Avengers did not know the existence of these brothers and sisters, and naturally no one knew about Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

Now, the two of them are just Pete and Wanda with superpowers, and they are only three years older than Arthur.

Pete is wearing a blue Adidas sportswear with the classic three stripes style, which is simply the favorite 'skin' of the fighting nation.

The hair is yellow and gray as if it has been bleached, which fits Kuaiyin's image very well, and his face is still immature, with a hint of rebellion vaguely.

As for Wanda, she was much more honest. Wearing a dark red long dress, her face was equally immature, and because of the dress, her figure that was proud of ordinary people was even more prominent.

Since the brothers and sisters were captured, they have been staying on the Blood Raven's flagship observer aircraft carrier, and signed a non-disclosure agreement, and Arthur often "talks" with the brothers and sisters...

Brainwashed so that they can serve Umbrella willingly.

However, Pete and Wanda are still hostile to Stark.

There is no way, the parents of the two of them died from the weapons made by Stark's military industry, and they had no contact with Stark himself, so naturally they could not forgive Stark.

And Arthur didn't care much about it, he, and Umbrella didn't need the help of 'Iron Man'.

In fact, since the arrival of Umbrella, Stark has been truly liberated in a sense.

In "Avengers 2", Ultron was developed because Stark wanted to put a layer of steel on the earth, so that they would no longer have to let their Avengers go to the front line, and only the Iron Legion could solve it any hidden dangers.

It is said that Stark is a mortal body comparable to a god, and Stark is indeed the case, choosing to sacrifice in the face of righteousness.

But in fact, Stark hopes to create a perfect family with Potts (Little Pepper), and wants to retire and become an ordinary rich businessman, husband...and father again.

Therefore, when Umbrella prepared an orbital space station for the earth, Stark's wish to put on a steel coat for the earth was fulfilled in disguise, so even if there was no confidentiality agreement, Stark still had a good impression of Umbrella.

The current Stark, as well as the cooperation between Stark Industries and Umbrella, is used to strengthen and improve the living standards of human beings, and he himself no longer needs to put on the steel armor and rush to the front line.


At this moment, the loyal and tough-looking Colas uttered a scream, which immediately attracted the attention of Arthur and the others.

Colas was twitching all over his body, and the electronic equipment in his head was also emitting sparks. It seemed that he had endured unbearable pain, and his face was no longer firm, as if he was about to collapse.

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