(There was a mistake before, the gem of destruction was a gem of power, and it was corrected as a gem of power later)

The mess hall and lounge area of ​​the Observer aircraft carrier.

At this time, there are still few people here. Converted according to the time in Washington DC, it is more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is not yet five o'clock for lunch.

But there are still some 'self-employed' stalls that are open.

These self-employed are the family members of the warband members. They can open snack and dessert shops in the cafeteria and rest area without paying rental fees, and they can also open small supermarkets, but they need to share 10% of the profits with Umbrella.

In this way, the benefits can be maximized, and no matter how little the income is, it is still money. Although William used to be very unhappy with the capitalists, but now it is too much.

On the right side of the area, which is also the far right side of the belly of the hull, Arthur and Horus are sitting at a round table, and they can see the cosmic scenery outside the window through the portholes.

As for Arthur, he was brought back to reality by Horus' previous inquiry.

He first took a sip of the coffee in his hand, then put the coffee cup on the fixed table, and then said to Horus:

"That's right, in the movie, the two of them are the survivors of Hydra's experiment using the Mind Stone. Their abilities come from the Infinity Stone. There is no doubt about their strength. They are also victims of war. With their extraordinary perseverance survived the experiment."

"Really." Hearing this, Horus felt a little sad about what happened to Wanda and Pete.

Although Horus is good at killing, it is very friendly to the enemy, the innocent people and his own side.

Take it easy.

Arthur continued: "As the older brother, Pete has abilities similar to those of our family. He can accelerate himself to a certain speed. As for the younger sister, Wanda...

Her ability is very special, similar to the second sister-in-law (Shia), she can release some spells, and can also affect other people's minds and thinking. Hydra calls her an ominous witch. I don't know what it will be like if she fights the second sister-in-law... a situation. "

"Compared to Second Aunt?!" Now, Horus lost his composure.

Horus is defiant, but that depends on whom.

Arthur's second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law are his second and third aunts, that is, Shia and Nova.

Shia, who owns the White Raven MS, can summon an army of skeleton knights comparable to a fleet. There are various levels of magic, and one person is a fleet.

And as she got older, Shia's 'magic' became more and more powerful, even possessing the 'forbidden magic' that directly erases the existence of things and characters.

In the eyes of Horus, his mother Athena is the strongest in physics, and his second aunt Shia is the strongest in magic.

Next is Nova.

After all, Nova, who owns the Thunder MS, once created a brilliant record of destroying the Flood Demon fleet, and can seriously affect the mind and thoughts of ordinary people.

In fact, Shia is a reality bender, and Scarlet Witch is a reality bender, and the two are indeed very similar.

However, Shia's body is almost impenetrable, and only a special metal numbered '148' found on Mars can cause damage to her.

At present, 148 metals have been excavated by Umbrella, and most of them are used to provide special helmets for agents in high-risk areas to resist abnormal phenomena that may disturb the mind.

The remaining 148 metals are used to provide melee weapons for the ghost agents, who are responsible for killing the agents after they discover the above-mentioned abnormal phenomena.

But Wanda's body is not "invulnerable". In "Avengers 2", she was directly stunned by Hawkeye who had been prepared for a long time, so in theory, Shia is stronger. Of course, this is only limited to Marvel movies, and she is a hero in comics All of them can accomplish the task of slaughtering the entire universe, which belongs to the "Chaos of the Gods".

Shocked for a moment.

Horus said calmly, "Uncle, Wanda is really what you said, can she be compared with Second Aunt?"

"Well, it should be possible, but she is still too young now, and her mentality and experience are far inferior to that of the second sister-in-law." Arthur did not deny it, but also pointed out Wanda's shortcomings.

And what Arthur said made it seem that he was very old. In fact, he was only seventeen, but Horus didn't care. Instead, he was thinking about Wanda's strength.

"Master Arthur." Just as the uncle and nephew were chatting, Cortana's voice came from the radio in their area:

"The Predator fleet has arrived within our field of vision."

heard the words.

The uncle and nephew immediately got up and left, threw the empty paper cup into the trash can not far away, and prepared to go to the bridge to meet Cortana.

at the same time.

In front of the Observer's aircraft carrier, and also in front of the entire Blood Raven fleet, a 'fleet' appeared.

This fleet is mainly composed of two ships with almost the same length and height. The rest of the dozens of airships are of the same type as the airship driven by Quill (Star Lord), which is also larger than the DR-7 transport boat. It's bigger and has a wider wingspan.

The two main ships are about two hundred meters long and high, and about one hundred meters wide.

Therefore, it is difficult to call it a fleet in front of the Phoenix class and battleship with a distance of two kilometers, and the Dreadnought class with a distance of nine kilometers.

This small fleet is the predator who has been following Quill, and the leader is Quill's adoptive father Yondu.

The Predator fleet used some kind of space jumping technology to directly come to the low-earth orbit of Planet Morag, almost face to face with the Blood Raven fleet.

The two sides are in a state of 'confrontation'.

Inside the bridge of the Observer shortly afterwards.

On the center console, there is a holographic screen for real-time dialogue, and the screen is Yondu with a blue complexion and a metal device on his head.

However, at this time, Yondu looked anxious, and asked in a respectful tone: "Which faction's fleet do you belong to? Nova? Kerry? Or the Sovereign Empire?

What if a jerk calling himself Star Lord pissed you off, or did he steal something from you? I can work for you for free, hunting him down for you. "

It is clear.

The crushing momentum shown by the Blood Raven Fleet far surpassed all the forces known to Yondu, making it impossible to keep calm anymore, but it still tried its best to think about Quill.

After all, in the eyes of Yondu, if the predators capture Quill, then Quill still has a chance to survive.

"Hehe." At this time, Arthur, who was wearing a military uniform, stood by the center console and explained to Yondu with a kind smile:

"Mr. Quayle didn't piss us off, he just took something he shouldn't have taken to make our operation 'interesting'."

"Things?" Yondu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted: "It's that ball... the universe ball (the container that holds the power gem), right, no problem, we will help you get it back."

Seeing Yondu's extremely worried expression, Arthur smiled again and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Udonta, we don't have any malice towards Mr. Quill, we just want to get back the universe ball.

After finding Mr. Quayle, we can also talk about cooperation. "

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