In the south of Sanda City, tens of thousands of meters above the sea.

"Tui~! Tui~!"

"Crack~! Crack~!"

The battle sound of live ammunition and energy shells resounded throughout the area.

Just look at the giant Dark Star, descending at a steady speed, and also releasing densely packed small carrier-based aircraft.

Roughly speaking, the number of these carrier-based aircraft is at least a thousand or more.

The battle with the Dark Star and the carrier-based aircraft were two main Marauder ships, dozens of Marauder flying wings, and more than a hundred Octagonal Star fighters.

Almost at an absolute disadvantage.

However, one of the Predator flying wing boats has been looking for opportunities to break through layers of firepower nets, and wants to go straight through a gap on the left side of the Dark Star and enter the interior of the Dark Star to perform a decapitation operation.

The operator of this flying wing boat is the absolute protagonist of "Silver Guardian", Star-Lord Quill.

Star-Lord is also accompanied by Thanos' daughter Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, and Groot the Treeman.

Different from the plot in the movie, Quill couldn't find a chance to rush into the gap at all, and could only watch the dark star continue to drop.


In the distance of the fighting airspace, a 'sphere' emitting faint blue light unexpectedly appeared out of thin air.

The 'sphere' was so big that its diameter could reach an astonishing 20 kilometers, and it immediately attracted the attention of all forces.

Immediately afterwards.

The Blood Raven fleet, headed by the Observer aircraft carrier, slowly passed through the sphere-like portal, from the outer periphery of the Sander galaxy, directly into the atmosphere of the Sundar star.

In the cockpit of the flying wing boat.

Quill, who looks like a human being, is between fat and strong. After seeing two two-kilometer-long Phoenix-class battleships, four 600-meter and 500-meter Paris-class and Roger Young-class...

Especially the last two nine-kilometer dreadnoughts, with their eyes wide open, opened their mouths and said, "Wow Zefa...Who Zefa...What is this? What is this?!"

"This is impossible!"

When Quill was stunned, sitting on Quill's right hand side, Gamora, a woman with green skin and a typical black face, immediately denied it loudly after seeing the Blood Raven fleet.

Because in her perception, the largest fleet in the entire universe is the fleet of her father Thanos, and the largest battleship is also Thanos' Temple II.

But those two dagger-like dreadnought battleships directly broke her decades of cognition.

There is actually a battleship longer than Temple II? This is impossible!

"Hahaha!" On the contrary, Drax the Destroyer, who was sitting behind the two with gray skin and scar-like lines, laughed loudly:

"See! This is the real fleet! The real fleet!"

"I'm Groot..." Groot, who was sitting next to Deklas, had the same expression on his face as Quill and Gamora, confused and even a little scared.

And Drax's brainless laughter directly pulled Quill, who was in a stunned look, back to reality, and turned his head angrily and cursed:

"You idiot! If this is Ronan's reinforcements, we are dead!"

"It's impossible! Ronan can't have such a fleet, otherwise he would have openly rebelled against my father!" Gamora vetoed in a voice.

"Hahaha!" Drax still smiled without thinking, and said, "My intuition tells me that this fleet is here to help me get revenge!"

"Your intuition has never been...wait..." Quill just wanted to reply, but found that the Blood Raven fleet seemed a little special...

Because the letters 'UMBRELLA CORPORATION (Umbrella Corporation)' are printed on the side of each battleship's hull, Quill can still vaguely see it despite the distance.

"Umbrella...corporate? What is this?" Quill became confused again.

Just then.

The Blood Raven fleet that sailed out of the portal released a large number of 'black spots', and then quickly drove towards the battle area with these 'black spots'.

After a few seconds.

When the Blood Raven fleet approached those 'black spots', Quill and others discovered those 'black spots', including humanoid MS mechs, transformable Viking fighters, and various capital ships of Umbrella. Carrier.


"Ri~ da da da~!!!"

The noise of the 'sounding' Gauss near-defense cannon, the salvo of its gunfire, was directly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

I saw that the blood crow fleet's hundreds of close-in defense guns locked and fired almost at the same time. Even in the daytime, you can still see a straight blue Gauss ballistic trajectory.

The near-anti-aircraft guns only fired a salvo for a few seconds, and the fleet of the Dark Star's carrier-based aircraft dropped sharply from the original thousand to about three or four hundred.

But the near-anti-aircraft still didn't mean to stop, and destroyed the carrier aircraft of the Dark Star at an extremely fast speed.

In addition, MS, Viking fighters and other Blood Raven carrier-based aircraft also assisted the Marauders and the Nova Corps to deal with the single Dark Star carrier-based aircraft.

More than ten seconds...

In just over ten seconds, the blood crow fleet that had been in a fierce battle broke the balance, and the entire airspace was immediately cleared.

In fact, the salvo of hundreds of close-in defense guns was spectacular, but in just over ten seconds, the Blood Raven fleet consumed nearly 200,000 rounds of spike shells.

You must know that before the advent of Umbrella's Gauss near-defense gun, the fastest-firing near-defense gun was Huaxia's 1130 near-defense gun, with 11,000 rounds per minute and 183 rounds per second.

The rate of fire of the Gauss near-defense gun is 15,000 rounds per minute, 250 rounds per second, but the price of each spiked shell is 500, so...

The close-in artillery salvo just now directly destroyed Umbrella's 100 million.

So close-in artillery salvo is very pretentious and imposing, but it's really expensive.

Fortunately, it was Arthur who commanded the Blood Raven fleet. If Macha had commanded it himself, he would never let the hundreds of close-in defense guns fire in salvo.

As for the behemoth-like Dark Star, it is nothing in front of the Blood Raven Fleet, and it doesn't even have a main gun that can threaten the Blood Raven Fleet.


Of course, Ronan, who possessed the power gem, regarded himself as the main gun, and shot a dazzling purple beam at the observer aircraft carrier in the front.

Seeing this, both Quill and Gamora believed that the Observer aircraft carrier must be finished, after all, it was the destructive light emitted by the power gem.



Before the purple ray of destruction was about to hit the hull, it was easily offset by the observer's energy shield.

After all, all of Umbrella's individual, airborne, and shipborne energy shields have been upgraded according to the mantle technology given by the primordial foundation, which is naturally able to offset an attack of the power gem.

If Ronan wanted to die, and would rather spend his vitality to shoot the Observer a dozen times in a short period of time, it would still be possible to break the Observer's energy shield.

Unfortunately, Arthur would never give Ronan this chance.

Without the protection of the carrier-based aircraft, the Dark Star has completely opened the door for the Blood Raven fleet.

Twenty Falcons immediately pulled out of the hangar of the Observer, and under the escort of the MS formation, jumped directly into the ship of the Dark Star.

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