Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 828 Everyone Has Their Own Ideas

See Carl intervene.

Arthur had no choice but to stop teasing Wanda, shrugged his shoulders, and took out the crystal-like mobile phone.

Unlocking the screen opened the small holographic video window, and inside the window frame was Cortana on the Observer.

Then Arthur asked: "Sister Na, have you fully controlled the Dark Star?"

Cortana nodded lightly and said, "It's done, so what do I need to do next?"

"Okay, let's lower the Dark Star to the coastline south of Sanda City. The technology of this battleship is not very good. I don't like it. It's better to give it to the Nova Government." Arthur said.

"Leave it to me," Cortana said.

End the conversation.

While Arthur put away the phone, Pete finally recovered from the severe pain in his abdomen, stood up and walked to Wanda's side, and said with a bit of resentment:

"Wanda, I didn't expect that you would...abandon your brother for someone else's sake. It really chills my heart."


However, Wanda didn't reply, just glared at Pete in dissatisfaction, and then cast her gaze on Horus who was meeting them.

As for Nebula, who had been standing next to Meren, he no longer had the unruly and disdainful look he had at the beginning, but looked at Horus in disbelief.

Nebra chose to cooperate with Ronan because Ronan could withstand the erosion of the power gem, so that she would have the opportunity to fulfill her wish to kill Thanos.

but never thought...

With just two moves, Horus turned Ronan into a lifeless corpse, and controlled the Power Gem effortlessly.

This means that Horus has a stronger physique than Ronan, and it also shows that Horus has the strength to kill Thanos!

Thinking of this, Nebra looked at Horus who was getting closer and closer. Soon, she turned her head to look at Arthur, and said in a very polite tone:

"You are the leader of this group."

"Oh?" Arthur didn't expect Nebula to take the initiative to question him, but he nodded and replied, "The leader can't be called a temporary commander. What's the matter?"

"We can cooperate." Nebra said bluntly: "My sister Gamora knows the whereabouts of the soul gem. In exchange, I hope you and your troops will help me kill someone."

"Thanos, your father, right?" Arthur said immediately.

? !

Nebula was a little shocked and confused, and couldn't figure out why Arthur knew her true thoughts.

"Hehe." Arthur just chuckled and said, "As for the matter of cooperation, let's discuss it in detail after we meet your sister."

Nebula no longer struggled, and immediately replied: "Okay."

Arthur had just finished talking with Nebula, and Horus had rejoined them.

"Hahaha! Little nephew, your strength has completely inherited our goddess of victory!"

When Horus approached, Myron was the first to laugh loudly and praised. As for Myron calling Horus his nephew, it was because Myron regarded William as his father, so this generation was naturally one year older than Horus. generation.

"That Ronan is really too weak, not enough for me to use my full strength, hey..." There was no smile on Horus's face, but a look of melancholy and loss.

"Haha! It's really impossible, let me, an uncle, PKPK with you? How about it?"

Myron, who was wearing the Primarch's power armor, was close to three meters tall. While comforting Horus with a smile, he also stretched out his big hand and patted Horus' left shoulder.

"Horos..." At this time, Wanda stepped forward, looked at Horus' right hand, with undisguised worry on his face, and asked:

"Is your body okay? That's an infinite stone."

Wanda's ability comes from the Mind Stone, and she can personally feel the horror and power of the Power Stone.

"It's okay, this little thing didn't cause too much harm to me except that it was a little hot."

As Horus spoke, he stretched the five fingers of his right hand, but the expression on his face didn't change much, and Wanda's worry didn't cause any waves.

'It's so straight...'

Seeing the behavior of his eldest nephew, Arthur couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Then he raised his voice and said to everyone: "Okay, this is not a place to talk, let's talk after leaving this wrecked ship."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.


Cortana used Myron and Karl's power armor as a base station, cracked the Dark Star's operating system from the inside, and remotely drove the Dark Star to land above the sea south of Sanda City, only a hundred meters above the sea.

at the same time.

The Blood Raven Fleet also descended along with the Dark Star, hovering above the sea south of Sanda City.

Originally, they were all predators who were ready to die, as well as the pilots of the Nova Corps. Through Yondu, they also learned that the Blood Raven fleet has no malicious intentions for the time being.

However, the supreme leader of the Nova Empire, Supreme Rael still gave instructions to the pilots of the Nova Corps to monitor the Blood Raven fleet parked above the sea.

After all, there is no malice for the time being, and it does not mean that there will be no malice forever. Even if the strength is very different, it is necessary to take measures to guard against the blood crow at all times.

Moreover, Supreme Rael is also preparing to issue an order to evacuate the masses, so that the citizens of Sanda City will leave immediately to avoid being attacked by the Blood Raven Fleet.

Fortunately, Arthur used the public communication channel in time to express to Supreme Rael, Yondu, Star Lord and others that the Blood Raven Fleet had no malice, and accepted Supreme Rael's meeting and negotiation, which eased the situation.

After about hours.

As the evening approached, Sanda City finally returned to tranquility, but the people on the streets were still trembling with fear, because there was still a huge fleet moored in the south.

And the center of Sanda City.

In the middle area of ​​the Nova Empire government building, there is a protruding large parking platform.

On the platform, there are also a large number of Nova Empire soldiers wearing dark blue uniforms, some plastic armor and helmets.

And guarded by the imperial soldiers in the center is the white-haired female imperial supreme, Rael.

Standing behind Rael is a group of senior generals and officials of the Nova Empire, as well as Yondu, Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot.

Originally, according to Quill's meaning, he ran away directly, but was forcibly stopped by his adoptive father Yondu and his ambiguous object Gamora.

Yondu's intention is to hope that Arthur can forgive Quill, especially after seeing the strength of the Blood Raven Fleet, he knows that the future master of the universe will be displaced, so Quill must be removed from Arthur's blacklist .

Gamora didn't know this, but persuaded Quill to meet Arthur first, to confirm what Arthur's true intentions were, and took the opportunity to take back the power gem.

Therefore, the faces and demeanor of this group of people are quite strange.

Rael, Yondu, and Gamora looked dignified, Quill looked helpless, and the rest of Rocket, Groot, and Drax were quite interested, and there was no sense of tension as if they were facing a big enemy.

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