"Hahaha! Quill! See?! See?! That's the real man!"

Drax laughed mindlessly, almost covering up the gunshots on the battlefield.

Just looking at the front line of the battle between the two sides, Drax was still shirtless, holding a short blade in both hands, watching Horus, who released thunder and lightning, and laughed loudly at Quill.

While laughing, Drax stabbed an Outrider not to be outdone.

Fighting alongside Drax are Gamora, Nebula, Quill, Rocket Raccoon and Groot the Treeman.

After all, this group of people signed a non-disclosure agreement, and Gamora and Nebula insisted on confronting Thanos, so Arthur also took this group of people who claimed to be the Guardians of the Galaxy to join the battle.

But to be honest, Arthur regretted bringing this group of people into battle a little bit.

To say they are superheroes, it would be better to say they are 'jobless people', and the combat experience obviously does not have as many marines as the Blood Ravens.

In the fifteen years since the establishment of the Blood Raven Chapter, the Blood Raven has been clearing out the remnants of the Star Alliance in the territory ruled by Umbrella, and has rich combat experience and teamwork.

Like this group of Guardians of the Galaxy... They are fighting on their own, without any cooperation at all, they simply regard war as a game.

In the movie, this group is invincible, but in reality, a squad or two of ODST can completely defeat this group with coordination, experience, and high-tech weapons.

Even having the protagonist's aura is useless.

As for Drax, he didn't feel resentful because of Horus' punch, but was overwhelmed by Horus' strength.

People whose brains are not right should not be viewed with ordinary people's thinking.

So Quill, who was fighting the Chitauri, thought as in the above sentence, and didn't care about Drax's words at all.

As for the frankness and reconciliation of Gamora and Nebula, the sisters still have a certain degree of cooperation in combat.

During the war.

The two sisters watched the [colossus] Horus from time to time with unbelievable gazes, but Rocket Raccoon and Groot, the tree figure, only focused on killing enemies, because the more enemies they killed, the more bonuses they would be given.

In less than ten minutes.

The blood crow troops with orbital and air support can completely eliminate Thanos' ground army.

No one was killed, except for a few of the more aggressive ODST, who suffered a few injuries as they chose to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Outriders alone without the assistance of the Astartes and Elites.

complete victory.

Immediately afterwards, the engineering team of the Blood Raven Fleet also landed here, preparing to collect the corpses and clean up the battlefield.

Under Arthur's order, all the troops were still on standby.

Because the army was destroyed, Thanos, who was the polished commander, and the four generals under Thanos' command appeared in everyone's field of vision when the war ended.

But Thanos didn't launch an attack, he just waited quietly for the Blood Raven troops who wiped out his army to adjust their formation, and then talked to the top of this army, that is, Arthur.


Wearing a military uniform and combing his hair back, Arthur walked through the crowd under the guard of a group of high-strength fighters, preparing to confront Thanos and others, or to have a wave of talk.

[Colossus] Horus also returned to human size at Arthur's request, and stood beside him to face Thanos.


Arthur led the crowd to stop tens of meters in front of Thanos and the others, and he also looked Thanos up and down.

About 2.4 meters tall, strong, and very handsome, with a shiny gold armor, helmet, and double-edged sword, he looks even more burly.

The skin is the well-known purple, but the wrinkles on the chin make Arthur's heart itch, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder is about to break out, and he wants to straighten Thanos' chin.

The four people standing behind Thanos are General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf, and Ebony Maw.

General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, and Ebony Maw are all about the same height, about two meters tall, much taller than ordinary humans.

As for the black dwarf holding a pliers-shaped giant hammer, it is two heads taller than Thanos, about three meters.

"Your soldiers are heroic."

While Arthur was observing Thanos and the others, Thanos suddenly opened his mouth and raised his voice: "I can feel their absolute loyalty and discipline."

heard the words.

Arthur also restrained his gaze, and raised his voice without humility and replied: "Thank you for the compliment, our Umbrella fighters are indeed the most loyal."

"Umbrella..." Thanos whispered with a slight frown.

Even though there were only five people left including him, Thanos didn't show any panic or nervousness on his face.

Instead, he looked at the row of people behind Arthur, especially Gamora and Nebula, and asked with a sad look on his face:

"Why, daughter?"


Gamora, the most eloquent, was disgusted by Thanos' expression of loss and sadness because of being betrayed, and immediately replied loudly:

"You kill and abuse living beings in the universe, and you still call this kindness. You lost half of the population in my hometown, and you trained me to be a killing machine. Why do you say?!"

Having said that, Gamora glanced at Nebra next to her, and continued, "If you treated us as your daughters, would you turn Nebra into the human, ghost and ghost? ?!

Stop being hypocritical there! I look sick. "

"Your hometown is on the verge of destruction. Everyone is hungry and lives by scavenging." Hearing Gamora's words, Thanos still said righteously:

"It was me, it was I who saved your hometown. People live a prosperous life under the blue sky and white clouds. There is no famine, and it has become a paradise."

"That... wait! Wait a minute." At this time, Arthur suddenly interrupted Thanos' "righteous words" and said:

"Mr. Thanos, I would like to ask... Your original intention for slaughtering creatures is because the resources of the universe are limited, so half of the lives need to be wiped out to make the universe go on for a long time, right?"

"Oh?" Thanos returned his attention to Arthur, and replied with interest: "I didn't expect to be able to understand my kindness."

"Be merciful." Arthur still said with a smile, but the content of the words was a bit unsightly, and continued:

"Are you an evil pen? You wiped out half of them at once, and you still talk about it for the sake of the whole universe... You are so mentally handicapped, boss, even a creature can reproduce, and the half you wiped out will be born back sooner or later.

But far away, let’s just say near, our human population was only about 1.5 billion a hundred years ago, and it will reach 7 billion a hundred years later.

According to what you said, if you can live in a rich and stable environment, the birth rate will be higher and faster, and the population will return in a short time.

Moreover, it is impossible for the number of all creatures to expand infinitely. As early as decades ago, we humans, through the "No. 25 Universe Experiment", learned that when the number of a species reaches its peak, it will have a tendency to self-destruct. will drop sharply.


You are such a badass. "

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