Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Earth time: July 1, 2014.

Location: Mother Planet of the Sovereign Race, Sovereign Planet.

The star system where the Sovereign star is located, like most star systems with intelligent life, such as the solar system, has several terrestrial planets on the inside and super-giant gaseous planets on the outside.

The Sovereign star is in the fourth orbit of the galaxy. Its volume is twice that of the Earth, but its mass is only about 1.2 times larger than that of the Earth.

From the low-Earth orbit on the sunny side, overlooking the surface of Sovereign Star, it can be found that there are very few natural landforms left on this galaxy, only a large area of ​​​​green ocean.

It seems that the Sovereign race has highly developed their parent star, but the star still does not have a Dyson sphere.

In other words, among the races in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, it seems that only the dwarves under Asgard have a device similar to a Dyson ball.

The Dyson sphere is the symbol of a secondary civilization.

However, the Nova Empire, Kree Empire, and the Sovereign race do not have Dyson spheres to absorb the energy of stars.

Umbrella, on the other hand, has the ability to create artificial stars of various sizes, directly skipping the Dyson sphere stage.

Which one is stronger and which one is weaker can be known at a glance.

at this time.

As the largest warship that Umbrella currently manufactures, the Star Destroyer-class flagship is leading six dreadnoughts and the Blood Raven fleet to the equator on the sunny side of Sovereign.

after all…

In the entire galaxy, only this arrogant and arrogant race dared to openly question Umbrella's strength.

Therefore, after secretly mastering the military and political power of the Nova Empire and solving the cosmic catastrophe Thanos, William personally led the troops to the planet Sovereign through the coordinates given by Yondu.

Facing the crushing strength displayed by Umbrella, the Sovereigns also responded by sending millions of 'fighters' to confront Umbrella.

These fighters are extremely small, much smaller than Umbrella's smallest model, the F-X Kai.

Moreover, the Sovereigns are extremely fond of gold. Although all fighter planes cannot be plated with gold, the color of the paint surface is almost the same as gold.

These hundreds of thousands of fighters are the kind of drones that have been chasing Quill and others in "Silver Guardian 2".

Sowerin people drive and operate these drones in a computer room similar to arcade games, and the Sowerin people's combat mentality is also biased towards playing games.

If you lose, you won't die, so what are you afraid of?

Due to the remote control, these drones can jump in space at will without worrying about the safety of the pilot.

This is also one of the reasons why the Sovereigns are unscrupulous and arrogant.

Millions of drones, just hearing this number is enough to scare off many races, even the mighty Kree Empire dare not fight the Sovereigns at will.


No matter how large the quantity is, if there is a huge gap in quality, it will not be able to make up for the gap in strength.

Just like humans and ants.

A child of seven or eight years old can easily overwhelm a nest with millions of ants.

Of course, this metaphor doesn't apply to the Umbrellas and Sovereigns.

Umbrella is not a bear child, but a bald and muscular man like Dwayne Johnson, and the Sovereign is the smallest and weakest ant race.


at this time.

Inside the bridge of the Star Destroyer.

On the second floor of the bridge, William, who was wearing the uniform of the commander, put his hands behind his back and looked out the porthole with a smile on his face.

Through the super-giant portholes unique to the Star Destroyer, William can clearly see the army of drones blocking the front.

Arranged neatly, like a giant net.

Well, very imposing.

"William." A soft voice came from behind William, and walked to his side, also looking at the drone fleet outside the porthole and asked:

"Do you need me to control the Dreadnought and eliminate these annoying flies all at once?"

The 'person' who spoke was none other than William's most capable assistant and secretary, Serena.

Serena is still wearing the female military uniform that has not changed for thousands of years, but now she is actually wearing a pair of rimless glasses, which looks more mature and has the flavor of a royal sister.

Sure enough, William and Ivan are father and son.

Halsey is a good wife and mother, but also a strong woman, who can be gentle and tough, and likes the 'active' position very much.

Compared to Halsey, Serena is very obedient, she is a perfect lover.

On the second floor of the current bridge, only Serena accompanied William, and Carmen, who was sitting on the captain's seat not far away.

Hearing Serena's inquiry, William thought for a moment in silence, and said to her, "What's Sovereign's attitude?"

heard the words.

Serena's pupils flickered blue, and she replied: "I have already connected with their high priest, but...they still have absolute confidence in those drones.

And they also said that if Thanos dares to come to the Milky Way, their Sovereigns can also win without injury, which is several times or a hundred times better than our Umbrella. "

"Hahaha~!" Hearing Serena's words, William couldn't help laughing out loud, and then said to her:

"Okay, if that's the case, then let this million-dollar drone be wiped out, Serena, and let them know what the difference in quality is."

Serena smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Words fell.

William saw six nine-kilometer-long dreadnought warships sailing to the front of the fleet under Serena's control, and then quickly formed a matrix.

Immediately after...


boom! !

The matrix composed of six dreadnought battleships, the extinction beams released by them directly tore apart the huge front composed of drones.

Then, the extinction beam shot towards the drone fleet from multiple angles such as horizontal and vertical, which made this space region stage a beautiful fireworks show.

Although the drones also launched a counterattack, those insignificant energy bombs, even if they hit the dreadnought battleship by chance, would be offset by the ship's energy shield.

No matter how many there are, it is impossible to break the defense at all.

In just thirty seconds or so, the fleet of drones that the Sovereign tribe relied on to show off their power was completely wiped out by the dreadnought battleship.

See here.

William looked to the left from the corner of his eye again, and smiled at Carmen: "Captain Ibanez, take us to the atmosphere of Star Sovereign, let this ignorant race know that being an enemy of Umbrella is tantamount to Use the arms of a mantis as a cart."

"Yes, Chairman."

With a promise, Carmen began commanding the crew, making the Star Destroyer and Blood Raven fleet prepare to enter the atmosphere of Sovereign, and sailing towards the sky above the capital according to the capital coordinates given by Serena.

The Sovereign family released all the drones in the previous battle, so the current Sovereign star is completely open and waiting for Umbrella to enter.

into the atmosphere.

The fleet went straight to the capital of Sovereign, the city of Sovereign, built on the coast,

And when the fleet arrived at Sowerin City, it was attacked by dense ground anti-aircraft fire.

But unfortunately, these anti-aircraft firepower is far from the power of electromagnetic guns and Gauss cannons, and even the most basic consumption of energy shields cannot be achieved.

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