Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 861 'Bright Debut'

When the film crew came out, all the members of the young Kix, including the game, put down their 'justice' faces, took a drink from the assistant's hand, took a break and chatted.

And the arms dealers who surrendered actually put away their act of surrender and took a drink from the film crew to rest.

It turned out that the previous black market transaction was a 'reality show'.

is fake.

However, it cannot be said that it is completely false, at least those members of the Blood Gang whose heads were blooming and their bodies were electrocuted were really dead.

A giant enterprise like Walt has a group of private armed forces with a number of thousands of people inside and outside the United States, and both black and white inside the country have strong connections.

Using some connections in the underworld to attract such low-level gangsters to trade at a low price, and then notify Walt's superheroes to exterminate them. Walt has been playing this routine for more than ten years.

The camera crew was ready to ambush in advance at the trading site, filming wonderful scenes of gangster transactions and superheroes fighting crime.

It can increase the ratings of the news station and the support rate of the public, and it can also effectively deter local gangsters and help a city reduce the crime rate.

With so many benefits in sight, even if the city government and the police station knew about Walter's tricks, they would not intervene at all, and would even cooperate with Walter when necessary.

The people, the government, and Walter are all satisfied. Only the gangsters killed by superheroes are the victims who permanently lose their lives.


Who cares about a punk?

What's more, it's just and right to get rid of violence and safety. If you commit a crime and are solved by superheroes, there is no problem in the eyes of the public.

And these gangster death lists are just pure data to the government and Water.

at this time.

Inside the plant.


Just look at Gou Sha, who looks like a bear, posing like a muscular man, and laughed loudly to a photographer:

"York! Got a picture of me breaking through the wall? Look at my muscles!"

"Okay." The black man with white hair slammed hard, took the sports drink given by the assistant, took a sip and complained:

"You are big, but you have too much hair on your body. At most, you are just attracting the same kind. A handsome guy like me has a lot of female fans."


He removed the gunpowder from the mask, revealing a pretty handsome Asian face, and after hearing the heavy boast, he sprayed the water out of his mouth.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his left hand, he punched heavily up and down, and taunted: "A handsome guy just like you? Black/ghost? To be honest, only a group of black girls like it.

Please, can you look at the data before the next disgusting person? The captain and I have the highest proportion of female fans, and even Gouzi has a higher fan base than you. I hope the people above will kick you out quickly. "

"You!" Hearing the thump of the word nigger/ghost, he was going to be angry in the first place.

"Enough." But with Yu Yu's low growl, Heavy Hit had to step aside embarrassingly, no longer confronting the gunpowder.

From this point alone, we can know that the actual relationship between the group of young Kix members who are like brothers on the big screen is not very good.

Gunpowder didn't pay much attention to the game's warning, but stepped forward, showing a wretched look that didn't match his handsome face, and said lewdly/smiling:

"Captain, we have an appointment tonight, we two brothers must play with at least a few tender models to death, hahaha~!"

And before the upright game, when he heard such obscene words, he nodded and smiled:

"Of course, but don't forget, don't want black girls, I think dirty."

"That must be." Gunpowder said.

When the four members of the teenage Kix talked about racism, obscenity, and life-defying dialogue, the film crew on the sidelines had long been familiar with it.

The film crew has signed employee contracts and non-disclosure agreements. Considering their own personal safety and generous wages, they will naturally not expose these contents to the public.



A cameraman found that his machine could not be turned off anyway, and the previous video recording function was changed to a live broadcast unknowingly.

This means that the nasty conversations between members of Boy Kix have been uploaded to the Internet via live camera.

The photographer who discovered this suddenly had a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

This mistake happened on his machine, so the consequences he had to bear were beyond the imagination of his little employee.


At this moment, the wall directly in front of everyone was knocked down by another huge force.

Such a huge movement directly set off a puff of smoke, which made most people present cover their mouths, squint and cough.

As superhuman teenagers, although they are not afraid of the thick smoke, the tense look on their faces shows that they are not as good as those arms dealers who have been in the underworld all year round.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of heavy footsteps with a strong sense of oppression came from the collapsed gap.

Vaguely, one could see a three-meter-tall giant approaching the crowd in an orderly manner.

"This! What is this? York? Is it really your new plot?!"

Yu Yu turned his head and yelled at the film crew named York in an extremely restless manner.

"No! Not us!"

At this moment, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the giant also showed the true appearance of 'him'.

It is Umbrella's tracker cultivated by using various viruses and serums.

The tracker is still wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants made of special materials.

At the same time, the technicians also added an old-fashioned five-barreled rotary machine gun to its right hand, and a huge silver ammunition box hung on its back.

The fully armed tracker, combined with its ferocious face, brought a visual impact that was absolutely unimaginable horror for ordinary people.

"This! This is a monster!"

"Run! Run!"

The members of the film crew, who were ordinary people, screamed in fright at the appearance of the stalker, and ran away from the factory building, including the two photographers.



The roar like a tiger's roar directly frightened the film crew to the ground.

Because dozens of tigers were of different shapes and shapes, they quietly cut off the back of this group of people, narrowing the distance in an encircling formation.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The photographer, who was limp on the ground, didn't care about the expensive camera that fell on the ground, and moved his legs and feet on the ground, trying to stay away from the tiger body as much as possible.

But the closest tiger-shaped body didn't have a bird photographer at all. Instead, it opened its bloody mouth, picked up the camera, and pointed the lens at the tracker in front of it.

"Super...human...human...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The tracker also opened its deformed mouth at this time, raised its head to the sky and roared, and then instantly locked its muddy eyes on the heavy blow that was closest to it.

"Ri~..." The muzzle of the facial features machine gun began to rotate.

Seeing this scene, the group of domineering young Kixes had no choice but to muster up their courage to fight against the pursuers.

The game roared: "Go! Get rid of this monster!"

"Yes!" (x3)

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