Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 863 Preliminary preparations completed


Of the two tiger-shaped bodies with cameras in their mouths, one pointed the camera at the crying game, while the other raised its head and pointed the camera at the hideous-looking pursuer.

Just look at the tracker looking at the camera, open his mouth, and say in a low and creepy voice:

"All...superhumans... are scum...dead!"


At the same time as the voice fell, the tracker stepped on it a little harder, and the tracked person who had played the game that killed many young models, who was so rigid, 'exploded'.

And the scene of "exploding milk" was also captured by the tiger figure with a camera in its mouth, and uploaded to the Internet in a live broadcast.

Seeing that the task of slaughtering Super Leses was completed, the two tiger figures flicked the camera directly, then ran wildly on all fours, and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

Those tiger-shaped bodies in the factory also received some kind of hormonal message, and directly ignored the frightened humans and Gou Sha, and disappeared from sight.

As for the tracker holding the revolving machine gun, he walked through the streets of Compton, turning left and right, as if he had already planned his escape route and escaped from the 'occupation site'.

Among the four-person group of young Kix, only Gou Sha, who looked like a bear, survived.

William, who was not the mastermind behind the scenes, liked Gousha and wanted to let him go because it was more uncomfortable to live than to die.

Just imagine, your appearance of incontinence is live broadcasted and uploaded on the Internet, and you are still an Internet celebrity who is famous for his fitness, then...

This is the social death of social death.

Life is better than death.

Save Gou Sha's life and allow reporters to interview the person involved, which can increase social panic more quickly.

The person in charge of this operation was Serena. She had absolute control over the network, disabled all surveillance cameras near the factory building, and cut off any form of alarm communication.

Coupled with the fact that the alien is a species that operates secretly, it can perfectly use the city's sewer network to quickly evacuate the city and go to a hidden stronghold established by Umbrella in the northern suburbs of Los Angeles.

As for the tracker.

This three-meter-tall hunk, his special black leather jacket can not only provide it with defense against acidic blood, but also has the function of optical camouflage.

Wearing a special mask and turning on the optical camouflage function, the tracker also used the huge underground network in Los Angeles to successfully return to the hidden stronghold to stand by.

The date that William fooled the group of American representatives was June 16, and today's 25th is the date when the trackers were first exposed.

During the days between the 16th and the 25th, William did not simply stay in the manor villa, waiting for news from the Pentagon and the White House.

First of all, the first thing William did was to eliminate the American representatives who had ties to Vought International.

After all, the group of American representatives heard how he hurt Walt.

The moment William left Andrews Air Force Base in an SUV convoy, William asked Serena to send ghost agents to eliminate three officials associated with Walt.

Next, before these officials contacted and reported to Walter, they died in various accidents.

Car accidents, drowning, and choking on food while eating dinner at a fast food restaurant.

Everything is the masterpiece of those ghostly agents.

Three officials died in one day, which directly attracted the attention of the Pentagon.

But it is a pity that the ghost agent never leaves any traces in his work, and with the intelligent assistance of Serena, the Pentagon only found out these three officials, and they actually accepted Walter's bribe.

After this investigation, people in the Pentagon and the White House began to be more wary and defensive about Vought International.

As for Water International, they couldn't think of a reason why, and they were coerced by the US government without doing anything.

After dealing with the three officials, William asked the engineering team to step up near the passage to expand the size of the forward base.

A biological laboratory will be built next to the advance base for Umbrella's researchers to analyze and study Walt's Super Lex and Compound No. 5.


William also used Serena's ability to fabricate a story about a Greek demigod on the Internet.

The mother of this demigod is Athena, and his father is an unnamed human hero. His main deed is to assist the Spartan city-state to resist the Persian army when Persia invaded the Greek city-state.

The most exciting part of the story is that this demigod only led less than a hundred Spartan heavy infantry against the Persian division known as 200,000, and the ending turned out to be a complete victory.

Hundreds of people defeated 200,000, and this demigod created tens of thousands of slaughter results, and no one on the Spartan side was killed.

And the name of this demigod is Horus, the eldest grandson of William.

After fabricating the myth of Horus, William deliberately kept Serena from doing too much publicity.

The purpose is to allow netizens and new fans to independently search for keywords of Horus on the Internet when Horus makes his debut.

In this way, the niche myths that have been passed down for thousands of years will be discovered by netizens, and at the same time, they will also learn that Horus is a demigod that has existed for thousands of years.

This kind of halo will directly crush all the super fun colors currently on the market, including the native.

No matter how strong a superhero is, they are still human in the subconscious of the public.

But even if there is a word 'half' in half god, it also means that the blood of god is flowing in the body, and it is god.

In countries in the western world with strong religious beliefs, the sudden appearance of Horus will definitely cause an uproar.

Of course, the most important point is that Water's stock price will also plummet.

Immediately afterwards.

According to William's instructions, Serena began to plan a massacre against Super Lesé.

At the beginning of selecting the target, Serena set her sights on the west coast.

After all, the Water Building is located in the center of Manhattan, and the headquarters of the Sevens, which owns the homelanders, is also located on the ninety-ninth floor of this building.

If you choose Super Lese near New York to carry out the massacre, it will take less than a few minutes for the people from the motherland to arrive at the scene of the crime directly.

Although the strength of the tracker and the tiger body is enough to crush most of the first-class super music, but the motherland who is at the peak of physics is still vulnerable.

In order to prevent the tracker from "died before the start", Los Angeles, which is 4,500 kilometers away from New York, and the young Kixes who were signed by Los Angeles, became the massacre targets of the tracker.

Return to the present.

June 26, 2019.

early morning.

On the outskirts of New York, Morriston's wealthy gathering area.

The living room of the manor house.

William, in black pajamas, leaned on the spacious and comfortable sofa with "Ge Youpan", and looked lazily, watching the old-fashioned LCD TV hanging on the wall.

William held the remote control, no matter which news station he switched to, the broadcast content was related to the boy Kix.

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