Water Building.

Inside the auditorium on the fifty floors.

It is divided into upper and lower floors. The front of the first floor has a large podium for awards or exhibitions, and a super-large screen presents wonderful content for the audience. The second floor has multiple auditorium platforms that can accommodate hundreds of people.

The auditorium is spacious enough to accommodate five thousand people.

At this time, the auditorium was dimly lit, only the podium had spotlights, and a short film was playing on the big screen.

The content of the short film is similar to the self-introduction of most companies. It begins with a beautiful and pleasant rural scenery, and then the parents and their children run happily on the grassland.

The screen changed.

Play the scene of heavy traffic in a big city, and then combine the POSE photos of two hundred superheroes to form the outline of the continental United States.

and the manifesto "We Make Heroes Super."

Play ends.

The podium lights became brighter.

Wearing a blouse and a black hip-wrapped skirt, Madeleine with blond wavy hair walked out of the backstage, smiling and applauding audience and shareholders waved hello.

I have to mention that Madeleine, who is already fifty years old, maintains a fairly good figure. Although her face is more wrinkled, it is not difficult to see that she was once a superb beauty.

The people of the motherland began to be raised and cared for by Madeleine when they were teenagers. Children who are ignorant in adolescence will naturally regard Madeleine as a sex//love object.

It is precisely this 'characteristic' of the people of the motherland that Walter's high-level officials have discovered, so they can use Madeleine to indirectly control the people of the motherland.

Madeleine walked slowly to the center of the podium, held the microphone in her right hand and smiled at everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen.

All kinds of data show that now is still the best time to join the superhero industry. Our net income has increased by 12%, and the box office of our latest Super League movie has reached 2 billion! "


After the words fell, there was another burst of warm applause in the auditorium.

Half of the people in the auditorium are Water shareholders, and the other half are invited celebrities, politicians and wealthy businessmen.

In a capitalist country, money is the most important thing. No matter if the society is disturbed by some "supervillain" or impeached by superheroes, it will not affect the profitability of an international company.

These invited celebrities, politicians and wealthy businessmen will naturally have the intention to invest in shares after seeing Walter's earning ability.

After the applause.

Madeleine waved her left hand to the audience, and introduced to everyone with a smile on her face: "I still have a surprise for everyone!

Let's invite the Lord of the Ocean Deep Sea! Ninja Grandmaster Black! God Queen Maeve! ! "


Accompanied by Madeleine's words, Shenhai, Black, and Maeve got up and left the auditorium in turn, and the audience stood up and applauded even more excitedly.

Amid the support and cheers of everyone, the three members of Team Seven stepped onto the podium and stood behind Madeleine with smiles on their faces.

Immediately afterwards.

Shen Hai took the lead in giving a speech on his personal feelings, while Xuan Se, who took over the microphone, remained silent all the time, but still received strong applause.

Finally, Maeve took the microphone.

She said that the lamplighter was her good friend, and she chose to retire after she became famous. She put her left hand behind the scenes and said loudly to everyone:

"Now, I would like to introduce a special member who will replace Lamplighter as my teammate, and I can't wait to work with her.

Please give Xingguang some applause and invite her to the stage! "

After speaking, Xingguang walked out of the backstage with a nervous and excited face, and walked onto the podium waving and interacting with the audience.

Xingguang hugged Maeve, Black and Deep Sea one by one, showing the harmonious scene of the seven-member team in front of the camera and the audience.

In fact, this scene appeared in the first episode of the first season of the American drama "Black Robe".

However, due to the appearance of William, some butterfly effects have occurred in this universe. Originally, only Shen Hai introduced Starlight to the stage, but now there are more Maeve and Black.

The reason is also very simple.

Due to the rampant hacker played by Serena recently, the various activities of the seven team have dropped sharply. Black and Maeve have spare time, so they are naturally called by Madeleine to the shareholders meeting.

While attracting investment from celebrities, rich people and politicians, it can also salvage Walter's image a little bit.

Madeleine originally wanted to notify the people of the motherland, but for some reason, neither she nor Walter's technical department could get in touch with the people of the motherland.

In this regard, Madeleine didn't get too entangled, and could only think that the people of the motherland went to do some things to release animal desires.

Little do they know that the people of the motherland are going to the extreme north of Canada to solve a "fugitive congressman" according to "her" request.

The performance of the motherland in American dramas is indeed much better than in comics, at least not a fool with a negative IQ.

But the motherlander is still a giant baby with childish ideas, so in order to please Madeleine, he went to Canada with almost no doubts.

Just when the atmosphere of the shareholders meeting reached its peak...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All the doors and door frames in the auditorium were suddenly smashed open and broken by force, and black figures also appeared at the crossings of the ventilation ducts on the top of the auditorium.


Then, the dimly lit auditorium suddenly became bright, and all the lights were turned on artificially.


This sudden movement made everyone, including Maeve, Shen Hai and Xingguang, close their eyes involuntarily, and needed to adapt to the sudden change of environment.

On the other hand, Heisi, who had been wearing sunglasses all the time, was not affected by this drastic change, but after seeing a tiger-shaped body that was much larger than the Siberian tiger, Heisi directly took a posture of preparing for battle.

Black in the play should be a "ninja" with the most fighting skills and combat experience among all superhumans, and he also serves Walter and Edgar (Uncle Fried Chicken) loyally.

"Ah!! It's those super villains!"

"Run! Run!!"

After everyone's vision returned to normal and they saw the stalkers who had rushed to the front stage, the audience screamed in fright, crawling and rolling to flee the auditorium.


But the tiger-shaped bodies that had already blocked the entrance and exit opened their mucus-flowing fangs and tiger mouths, and issued a low growl unique to aliens as a warning.

From the looks of it, the only way to leave the auditorium safe and sound is to get rid of these tiger-shaped aliens.

They are just ordinary humans, and it is impossible to beat these scarlet beasts with exoskeletons, but...

"Queen Maeve! Help us!"

"Black!! Destroy these monsters back to their ovaries!"

The seven-member team, which represents the pinnacle of superheroes, has three veterans and one rookie present. There must be a way to save innocent people like them!

Even Walter's shareholders are full of hope for the four 'superheroes' on the podium.

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