"Ah...! Ah!"

The screams of the people of the motherland are still heard.

"Hmph, the vulnerable Le Se."

Horus cursed with a look of disdain, and then kicked the motherlander down again, making him struggle painfully on the ground.

"This... this is impossible, this is simply impossible... why... I am a god... I am a god..."

The face of the motherlander was pale, his left hand was covering his dislocated right shoulder, his face was ferocious and painful, but the light in his eyes was full of fear and confusion, and he was talking nonsense.

William, who was standing on the edge of the pit, looked at the natives in the middle of the pit with a playful expression.

The best way to fight against the strong and iron bones of the people of the motherland, who can't even be killed by nuclear bombs, is to use magic to kill them.

Another step is to use stronger arm strength to break the spine bones in the neck.

No matter how strong the healing ability is, no matter how thick the outer skin defense is, it cannot withstand a broken neck.

Myron, who was driving the divine body, used a twist to break the neck of the Titan God Cronus.

Or in the DC movie "Man of Steel", Superman twisted General Zod's neck with a twist, and successfully stopped the other party from killing civilians with Cyclops.

The people of the motherland do not have the divine power of Cronus, and they do not have the super physique of the orthodox Kryptonians like General Zod, so the body joints of the people of the motherland cannot withstand the stronger Horus wrestling at all.

Horus saw that the native had temporarily lost the ability to fight and move. Although he didn't want to do any more cruel things, he still used the heel of his right foot to step on the right elbow, left knee and right knee of the native in turn.

"Crack!" There were three crisp sounds of broken bones.


Three times.

The people of the motherland completely lost the ability to move, and the pain even made this false god who was once aloof to cry, and the tears could not stop falling from his cheeks.

This cry, coupled with the twisting body of the motherlander who was still lying on the ground, stained his face with more dirt.

Horus didn't want to make the common mistake of major movies, if he didn't make up the knife, then the villain would have a chance to fight back.

Seeing that the motherlander was completely paralyzed, William waved his hand and said to Wanda, "Wanda, use your ability to make this guy sleep for a few days."

"Okay." Wanda responded lightly.

Then I saw her waving her right hand, sending a ball of red light into the head of the motherlander, causing him to fall into an uncontrollable lethargy.


William ordered the ghost agent behind him: "Clean up, send this guy to the biological laboratory of the forward base, and let the two doctors study this guy's body carefully."


The ghost agents who were instructed went into the deep pit, carried away the motherlanders who had fallen into a dead sleep, returned to the manor villa, and drove the SUV convoy to the base hidden in the mountains and forests.

Seeing that everything was handled properly, William turned to look at Serena standing beside him, and asked with a smile:

"How is it? What's the response to the live broadcast?"

In fact, the moment William saw the native's right elbow broken and his right shoulder dislocated, he asked Serena to stop the live broadcast.

Because the result of the victory is obvious, and William does not want to trample Horus off the joints of the motherland, a more cruel scene is broadcast.

Hearing this, Serena replied with a smile:

"The netizens on the Internet have been completely blown up. I exposed the dark side of the rape, murder, and corpse abuse that the people of the motherland have done over the years. The netizens are almost overwhelmingly wanting to impeach the people of the motherland.

Also, I edited the video of Madeleine instigating the people of the motherland to assassinate you, and uploaded it to the Internet as the beginning of the battle between the people of the motherland and Horus.

Now that the outcome has been decided, the fans of the motherland have been completely lost, and Walter's face is also known to the whole world...

I think this live broadcast not only pushed the child of Horus to the peak of traffic, but even completely hit Walter's superhero industry. "

"Hmm..." Listening to Serena's report, William raised his left hand and gently squeezed his chin, thought for a moment and said:

"In this case, expose all the superheroes with black material, screen out heroes who stick to their own principles and justice, and then use the orders of Walter's high-level officials to gather these righteous heroes to the Walter Building. I am going to use these heroes Come take over the world.

Also, seal up any information about Compound No. 5, and never let the masses, as well as those heroes, know of the existence of Compound No. 5. "

"Yes." Serena nodded.

"By the way." William thought about something that was not too important, and added: "Search for the fake watch on the front line of the storm.

After finding the exact location, let Wanda and Horus settle it, as for life or death..."

William set his gaze on Wanda who had been standing not far away, and said softly, "It depends on your choice."

"Yes." (x2)

Wanda and Serena answered in unison.


The nearby emergency department mobilized a large number of police, medical and firefighters to rush to the scene. After all, the battle between the two 'supermen' could be observed with the naked eye even a few kilometers away.

However, when these emergency departments arrived on the scene, William had already left with Serena, Horus, Wanda and others, leaving only a mess of ruins.

And what puzzled the emergency department personnel was that nearly half of the buildings and roads in this area were damaged, but there was no trapped or injured person, or even an individual.

In this regard, although the emergency personnel were puzzled, they were thankful that this battle between "God and God" did not cause casualties to the masses.


Shortly after.


Water Building, ninety-ninth floor, in the conference hall.

The surviving seven-member team assembled again, sitting at the V-shaped table for a heated debate.

Even Madeleine and Edgar and other high-ranking Walters gathered in this majestic conference hall to discuss how to deal with the public's impeachment and the government's investigation.


"You bastards!"

I saw Maeve slapping the table in a fit of rage, knocking down the V-shaped table, and even shaking the entire floor.

She couldn't restrain her anger and stood up, staring at Madeleine and Edgar, gnashing her teeth and cursing:

"I know that the company has done a lot of black operations, but I didn't expect to do so many assassinations, and now it's targeting Horus, who is from the Greek world like me, you bunch of rubbish! I don't want to fight with you In the same room!"

finished cursing.

Maeve turned her head and walked quickly out of the conference hall, not wanting to stay in this smoky place any longer.

Seeing this, Xingguang also got up quickly, preparing to leave with Maeve, the eldest sister.

"Ms. Maeve."

At this time, Edgar, who had black skin but still maintained a calm and composed look, turned to look at Maeve who was about to walk out of the hall, and said in a deep voice:

"You have to know that you have a contract and cooperative relationship with the company now, if you leave at this moment, the company still has the ability to sue you.

Until then…

It's not something you can afford with your savings. "

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