Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 886 The best place to unleash bloodlust

"Okay." Wanda replied softly.

And she said with a slight smile: "I finally know where Arthur's incongruous appearance came from.

At some point, the chairman is exactly the same as Arthur... No, it should be said that Arthur and the chairman are carved out of the same mold. "

"Really." Horus also deeply agreed.

His uncle and his grandfather were indeed very similar, but his father always had a serious appearance, only his appearance was similar to his grandfather's.

"Master Horus." At this moment, the pilot reminded the two people in the cabin through the radio:

"We are about to arrive at our destination, please be prepared."

Hearing this, Horus put away his relaxed attitude, stood up with a serious face, and said to Wanda:

"Okay, time to get ready for work."


Wanda nodded obediently, tidied up her women's suit, followed Horus to the cabin door and waited.

After a while of slight shaking in the engine room, it means that the DR-7 transport boat has landed.

The hatch opens.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a lawn open space between the trees.

Get out of the cabin.

Look left and right.

They then discovered that in the middle of the woods to the east, there was a complex of buildings surrounded by power grids, and there were no other buildings.

It appears that investors and builders deliberately chose this uninhabited place to ensure that they will not be disturbed by the outside world while doing business.

And this building complex, Wanda and Horus are no strangers, it is the "Sage" mental hospital that appeared in the second season of "Black Robe".

It is a mental hospital in name, but in fact Walter used a large number of innocent human beings to conduct experiments on Compound No. 5.

Most of the people who were tested were socially handicapped men and women who were forced to be sent to mental hospitals for treatment.

Walter will take the initiative to contact these families and give the most common but most effective items, money, so that these families can send patients to Sage for treatment.

Then, Voight's researchers gave these men and women mandatory injections of Compound No. 5.

Regardless of whether they succeeded in gaining superpowers, the end result of these men and women was a dead end, and the vast majority of victims were under the age of twenty-five.

at this time.

The staff of the Sage Research Center don't know that the Walter Building has changed hands yet.

Therefore, the security guards with guns patrolling the periphery saw a high-tech DR-7 landing, and immediately took out their guns and rushed out of the gate.

One of the security guards held a 9mm pistol, pointed at Wanda and Horus who walked out of the cabin, and shouted loudly:

"Hey! Stand where you are! I told you not to move, you bastard!"

But how could Horus listen to the warning of a mere mortal?

"Wanda, protect yourself, I want to teach this group of fellows who are helping the evildoers a lesson." Horus reminded softly.

"Well, let's go."

Wanda responded softly, and then let a protective shield emitting red light cover her whole body to resist the threat of bullets.

On the other hand, Horus.

He spread his hands and arms, and walked towards the security guards with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Damn... open fire! Kill this guy, the company will end anyway!"


"Crack! Crack!"

"Da da da!"

Following the order of the previous security guard, all the security guards turned off the insurance, and used the small-caliber pistols and submachine guns in their hands to shoot at Horus.

The bullet not only hit Horus, but also hit DR-7 and Wanda behind Horus.

"Ding~! Dang!" But when the bullet hit Horus and DR-7, there was only a burst of jingling noise.


And the bullets fired at Wanda were all stopped by the protective shield she made, just like Rinho stopped the bullets with his hands in "The Matrix".

"Woo~." Horus let out a haha ​​with a lazy expression on his face, and walked straight to the security guard.

"Damn...! This guy is a superhuman!" The security guard quickly reloaded the pistol, and at the same time loudly reminded his companions behind him.

However, before the magazine was reloaded, Horus had already stretched out his left hand, grabbed the security guard's neck, and lifted him up forcefully.

See here.

In order to avoid accidental injury, other security guards had to temporarily cease fire, and took advantage of this gap to quickly reload their guns.

Horus looked at the security guard who was struggling on his left hand, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking whether to kill this group of gangsters.

Since this group of security guards can work here, it means that they are Walter's confidantes, to take care of those innocent victims, and if necessary, they will also act as executioners to deal with the victims who have no value at all.

Think for a few seconds.

"Click." One sound.

Horus just moved the index finger of his left hand and moved the security guard's jaw, causing the security guard to die of a broken neck.

"Puff tom." Then he put aside the lifeless dead body, revealed a more ferocious face, and grinned at the group of security guards:

"Hahaha! Die! Die for me!"




"Click it!"


"Run! Run! This guy is not human...err..."

On the lawn outside the power grid, a scene of how the human body turns into meat paste, meat pies, and human meat skewers is staged.

More than a dozen security guards were slaughtered by Horus single-handedly in just a few seconds, turning them into tragic, completely inhuman corpses.

The supporters who heard the movement at the main gate were dumbfounded when they saw the blood, meat residue and corpses all over the lawn.

What's the situation? !

The support group is fully armed with black combat uniforms, body armor, armed belts, FAST helmets and military-grade rifles.

It is a group of retired special forces hired by Walter at a high price. They are responsible for detaining superhumans and black troops who are threatening to the company and carry out assassination operations.

But after seeing such a Shura scene, and looking at Horus who was still clean and flawless because of his divine power as a shield, he actually forgot even the most basic first attack.

"Oh?" Horus turned his head to see this group of supporters, and with a bloodthirsty look on his face again, he said with a cheerful smile:

"Hahaha! Let me die!"

After a few seconds.

This group of Walt's most elite black troops ended up the same as that group of security guards, becoming piles of corpses that I don't know how to describe.

Horus originally considered being merciful, but when he thought of this group of guys, he must have cruelly abused teenagers and girls for experiments.

In addition, Umbrella will not disclose the existence of Compound No. 5, so this group of people will not receive the trial of exposure, so why keep these beasts alive?

Horus, who figured it out, naturally regarded these guys as his tools to release his bloodlust.

In tens of seconds, blood flowed in front of Sage's main entrance, and such a big movement made the lights of the curfew buildings brighten and the alarm rang.

And Wanda used her magic to cremate the dead body, dissipate the smelly blood, and walked to Horus's side, worried:

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay." Horus' face returned to indifference, and he looked up at the sky, saying:

"The watch is out."

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