Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 896 Fully equipped agents can carry out crushing operations

Company branch building.

The combat conference room on the eighty-sixth floor.

There is room for hundreds of folding chairs and a lectern with holographic projections.

at this time.

There are hundreds of people of different formations sitting here.

There are hundreds of hidden agents who have changed into uniform dark purple sealed combat uniforms, there are also security officers in dark blue combat uniforms, and officers of the dark green UNSC army.

The hidden agents were the most numerous. Even the two intern agents, Nasha and Ripa, had changed into dark purple combat uniforms.

At least a quarter of the covert agents are Sangheili.

After all, the elites do not need the serum of the black tyrant, and their combat power can reach and surpass the limits of human beings.

The second lieutenant before changed into the light white commander's combat uniform and stood on the side of the podium.

And standing on the podium using holographic projection to chatter about the characteristics of the parasite this time is a partially bald technician in a white coat.


At this time, the second lieutenant, with his hands behind his back, clicked his tongue impatiently, and said to the technician in a deep voice:

"Dr. Yang, please tell me the main point. How do we get rid of this group of parasites? It will take five hours to reach the battle group closest to us.

According to the current offensive of the parasites, our building can't last for five hours, and tens of thousands of survivors will die by then.

So you directly said, is there a solution to directly solve this abnormal phenomenon. "

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I'm too talkative." The Chinese doctor surnamed Yang smiled embarrassedly.

Afterwards, Dr. Yang manipulated the holographic projection, showing a large tadpole-like bug.

This worm has transparent skin on the outside, only a few red blood vessels inside, and a large number of blood-red tentacles growing outside the skin.

Dr. Yang explained: "According to the analysis of our research team, we know that 94% of the body of this parasite is composed of water.

According to experiments, diuretics can effectively destroy the parasite, as well as the bodies of people suffering from the parasite. "

"Diuretics..." the second lieutenant said in a deep voice, "How many reserves does the building have?"

"There are not many reserves at all." Dr. Yang shook his head helplessly, but suddenly turned his face and smiled and said:

"However, our team found that this type of parasite is the basic unit of the species, and its reproductive method is also asexual division, but they have some kind of brood consciousness.

Then, there must be some kind of mother or queen in the capital to produce this kind of basic parasitic unit, and then control the living organisms that these parasites parasitize. "

"That is to say..." Nasha, who was sitting in the back row, immediately reacted, and said with bright eyes:

"As long as we find the mother and destroy it, then all the parasites can get out of control, right?!"

"Yes." Dr. Yang nodded with a smile on his face, without denying:

"Another result is that all parasites and parasites die due to the death of the mother, so that the current situation can be controlled before the arrival of support.

If you just do this, people who are parasited by parasites will most likely die because of it. "

"Dr. Yang." The second lieutenant walked up to the podium and asked, "Do you have a plan to remove the parasites in your body?"

"No." Dr. Yang shook his head and sighed again:

"Once parasitic, the body no longer belongs to the human species at a certain level."

"Okay, I see." The second lieutenant turned to look at the audience, and began to order:

"Our hidden agents found these damn bugs at the drain of the sewer two days ago, so the mother body is likely to exist in the underground network of the capital.

Therefore, all the surviving agents are going to follow me into the underground network, looking for and using diuretics to solve the mother body of abnormal phenomena.

The remaining security and UNSC forces are responsible for holding the branch building and ensuring the safety of the tens of thousands of survivors inside.

Do you understand? "

All agents, security and UNSC officers stood up and saluted: "Understood!"

"Very good, without delay, let's go immediately!"

After the second lieutenant's voice fell, he led everyone out of the combat conference room.

The security and UNSC army officers led their troops to the lower floors of the building and established layers of defensive positions to prevent the parasites from attacking.

With the assistance of technicians, hundreds of hidden agents were replaced with complete individual equipment.

Now, even Umbrella's marines have shield generators, not to mention the hidden agents with higher staff levels than the marines.

The appearance of human individual equipment has not changed much from that of more than ten years ago, except for the addition of miniature nuclear fusion reactors and shield generators.

The appearance and color matching of Sangheili's equipment is also dark purple, but it will make them look slimmer, like the 'Assassin Edition' elite armor.

Agents with complete equipment, in groups of ten to fifteen, went deep into the underground passage system on the ground floor of the building, and searched for the location of the mother body separately.

The two executive agents, Nasha and Ripa, cooperated with the second lieutenant's agent team, and finally found a creature that looked like a mother in the city near the sea drain.

The mother body is like a giant sarcoma, covered with scarlet tentacles, and expanding and increasing all the time.

The moment the mother discovered the secret service team, it used its tentacles to attack violently, but they were all easily resisted by the energy shield.

Ripa even held four diuretic syringes, and used the powerful athletic talent of the elite to quickly approach the sarcoma-like mother.

Four salvos.

The mother who was injected with diuretics let out a horrible scream, and the body began to collapse and collapse at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into a puddle of liquid that was no different from water.

at the same time.

On the first floor of the company's branch building, the security guards and the UNSC army who were fighting the parasites found that the attack movements of a large number of parasites were stagnant, and then they all collapsed to the ground with painful faces.

In the end, after a lot of struggle, all the parasites turned into a pool of blood, not even a skeleton remained.

five hours later.

The battle group named Fallen Angels arrived above the orbit of the galaxy and dispatched shipboard technicians to land to assist Dr. Yang of the local company branch to conduct a comprehensive scan of the entire planet.

Tens of millions of temple defenders, in this large-scale parasitic incident, failed to play their due role because the parasites could disguise themselves as humans.

However, at the end of the event, the defenders of the temple conducted a comprehensive scan and inspection of the X51R-B planet, and it has been determined that all the parasites on the planet have been exterminated.

Due to the extremely fast spread of this anomalous phenomenon, it can be completely disguised as a human, and caused the death of millions of X51R-B, but in the end they were all extinct due to the death of the mother, so they were judged to be Keter.

The code name "Teacher is not a human being" is taken from the trainee agents Nasha and Ripa.

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