"never mind…"

Ivan covered his forehead with his left hand, and no longer struggled with the previous "again" problem.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, he asked Megan, "Can you measure the time when this crossing passage will open again?"

"let me try."

Megan did not give a direct answer, but used the Star Destroyer's on-board instruments to conduct a comprehensive analysis and calculation of the nearby space domain.

After seemingly being in a daze for a few seconds, Megan replied: "It is estimated that after forty days, there will be a stable crossing channel in this space."

"Forty days?" Ivan nodded lightly, squinted his eyes and looked out the porthole, staring at the surface of Pluto, which was in battle, and said in a tone:

"Notify the Master Chief that no one will be kept as a prisoner this time, and the entire galaxy must know what will happen to the invasion of the solar system."


"Notify my father again, saying... Ivan was involved in the crossing passage again, and went to an unknown parallel universe."



Shortly after.

Inside the drawing room on the east side of Russell Palace.

William sat on the spacious sofa with Halsey and Serena, chatting with Wanda who had just finished her confinement and was holding Horusen in her arms, and Carl who was just pregnant.

Yelena took Li Jing to visit Rebecca's family. As for Naga and Kerrigan, these two girls went shopping with their so-called girlfriends. Athena followed Ivan to fight, and Shia and Nova still needed to help Ivan take care of them. Corporate Affairs.

So in the living room, only William and the others were free from affairs.

at this time.

A blue light flashed across Serena's pupils, and she immediately put away her smile, and leaned close to William's right ear, whispering:

"William, Arthur's child was accidentally involved in the parallel universe again."

"Oh?" William was taken aback.

But this time, he was obviously not as flustered as last time. After all, as an old man, he knew that his youngest son definitely had the ability to protect himself.

But he still asked in a low voice, "How did you get involved?"

"It's the main cannon of the Star Destroyer..."

Serena gave a complete account of the space distortion caused by the Mag electromagnetic cannon, as well as Horus, fifty personal guards, and a company of Sharktooth paratroopers being involved in the crossing passage.


As soon as Serena finished speaking, before William could say anything...

Carl, who has excellent hearing, no matter how much Serena lowered her voice, she could clearly hear what she just said.

Immediately, the white-haired mother of the Primarch asked William with a worried expression, "Father, Arthur, is he alright?"

"What's wrong with Arthur?" Halsey also put away her face, and turned to look at William and Serena beside her.

"." Wanda didn't say anything, but the look on her face was also full of worry.

When she was in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wanda admired the uncle who was proficient in 'fooling', but...her husband Horus was also in the fleet, and I was afraid that something might happen to Horus.

"Hehe, don't worry." William shook his hand with a smile on his face, signaling the girls not to get excited.

Then he explained: "The two nephews, Arthur and Horus, had no accidents, and were involved in other parallel universes due to the space distortion caused by the Star Destroyer's main cannon.

However, according to Megan's calculations, it is estimated that the stable crossing channel will be reopened in forty days, and then support can be dispatched to meet them.

With Arthur's cleverness and Horus' fighting power, no matter what kind of environment they are in, they will be safe. In addition, there are personal guards and paratroopers assisting them, so they will be fine. "

"Huh~...Since that's the case, I'm relieved."

Carl breathed a sigh of relief when he heard William say that.

Wanda didn't say anything, but her face relaxed, as if she was no longer worried about Horus' safety.

"Okay, don't worry about the pair of uncles and nephews, let's continue the topic just now." William said with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the girls began to chat about what clothes to buy for the children, whether to enroll in some cram schools, and other short questions from the parents.

William was full of smiles on the surface, and would nod his head from time to time to indicate that he was listening, but actually asked the system in his heart:

‘System, which universe has my son been involved in again? '

[Returning to the host, through the detection of this system, the parallel universe where Arthur Russell is located is the "Soul Cage" of Huaxia Animation.

The specific time is unknown, but according to the estimation of this system, it should be at the beginning of the first episode of "Soul Cage". 】

'Ling cage? '

William raised his left eyebrow, but his expression didn't change much.

For this Chinese manga, William had heard of it more or less before time travel, and it seemed to have set off a craze on the Internet.

But he hasn't watched this Chinese manga, no, it should be said that after watching the first episode, he couldn't watch it anymore, and he was deeply impressed.

It's not that the plot is bad, or that the picture is worrying, but that there is a species called spine in that show.

William used to be a patient with deep trypophobia and multi-foot syndrome. When he saw the spine, his scalp went numb and his hair exploded, so he had to close the browser.

William has a deep memory of this scene, and every time he recalls it, he will feel sick.

However, William remembered that "The Spirit Cage" seemed to be an end-time animation set in the wasteland world. Presumably, with the firepower of Arthur and others, forty days should be more than enough.

[Host, would you like to spend one month's replacement funds to exchange for the complete works of the first season of "Spiritual Cage". 】

‘Uh…’ Hearing the system’s inquiry, William hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed:

'exchange. '

[Received, currently being exchanged...

The exchange is complete. 】

After the system's voice fell, William noticed a hard object suddenly appeared out of thin air in the palm of his left hand. It should be an old-fashioned USB flash drive exchanged by the system.

William is going to watch "The Cage" with Halsey and Serena after Wanda and Carl leave.

Although William has absolute confidence in the current Umbrella, knowing himself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

Now he has seen too many disgusting abnormal phenomena, and his spine should not be able to make him feel uncomfortable anymore.


at the same time.

The "Ling Cage" universe.

Aoya New World.

Coordinates: 8.8°N, 107.3°E.

The exact date is unknown.

At 10,000 meters above the coordinate location.

"Shua~!" With a sound, a vortex channel with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly popped up.

Immediately afterwards, a DR-7 transport boat and six Pelicans sailed out of the channel and hovered at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

After the seven transport planes left the passageway, the passageway disappeared instantly like a flash in the pan, as if it had never appeared before.

at this time.

The area where the coordinates are located is suffering from a large-scale sandstorm, so even if there are people on the ground, they will not know that a crossing passage with a diameter of about one kilometer has emerged in the sky above 10,000 meters.

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