That night.

The medical area in the upper area of ​​the lighthouse.

The medical area, where everyone resisted coming, is full of nurses and doctors today, and there are even many Shangmin who came here to watch.

Because, here are full of personal guards Astartes who are over two meters tall, and there are madtooth sharks representing the pinnacle of ordinary human beings.

With Morgan's residence permit, the city defense army under Senger's command naturally no longer has the right to confront the personal guards and the mad tooth shark.

Moreover, it was not known whether it was Ran Bing or Jessica who had the big mouth, but the story of Horus showing his demigod ability at the court meeting spread instantly.

Although the Lord of Light and Shadow is real, there are very few people who have witnessed it with their own eyes. But now there is a demigod staying in the lighthouse, which is why many Shangmin gather in the medical area.

At the same time, this also deeply regrets Senger who chose to be hostile to Arthur.

Nonsense, they were all colleagues soon, and offended one of the demigod colleagues, which made Senge start to complain about Charles.

After all, it was Charles who ordered the city defense army to make things difficult for hunters and outsiders in order to lower Mark's prestige.

From Charles' point of view, it's absolutely correct, but it never occurred to him that the difference in combat power is several levels.

As for Arthur, who had been approved by Morgan to live in, he led his personal guards and Rabid Shark to the hunter's equipment and training room first.

There, the personal guards assisted each other, and borrowed some equipment from the hunter engineers, and then took off the thick and gorgeous ceramic titanium armor on their bodies.

The individual equipment of the rabid sharks is much more worry-free. The rabid sharks can easily take off their equipment only by assisting each other.

Worried about equipment being stolen or copied?

Impossible, first of all, ordinary humans cannot wear the ceramic titanium armor, and secondly, all Umbrella's weapons and equipment have links to fingerprint unlocking and voice-activated password input.

Besides, Arthur also left two personal guards behind. If he wants to steal weapons and equipment, he first asks if the 10,000 people on the lighthouse are enough for the two personal guards to kill.

As for the genetic testing, Arthur was just giving Morgan a face at the court meeting. It is impossible for ordinary needles to pierce Astartes skin, and it is impossible for the lighthouse to collect blood samples.

And the rabidtooth sharks are all the pinnacle of ordinary human beings, needless to say their genes.

at this time.

The blood draw room in the medical area.


Forty-eight personal guards, more than two meters long, in tight black combat uniforms, stood upright in two rows, waiting outside the blood draw room.

Behind the personal guards, there are 120 mad sharks wearing black loose combat uniforms, also waiting in two rows.

The passage not far away was crowded with a group of nurses in light blue nurse uniforms, as well as Shangmin who came to watch.

The male nurse and the male Shangmin were simply curious that a group of outsiders came to the lighthouse, and one of them was a demigod.

But the female nurses and the ladies were all discussing in low voices, such as...

"Wow, if I could enter the Hall of Dawn with those giants, my life would be perfect."

"Those shorter ones are not bad, they are stronger than most hunters."

"Lords of Light and Shadow... Here comes a group of Captain Marks, no, men stronger than Captain Marks."

"Eh? Where is the demigod that Jessica mentioned? Why didn't I see him?"

When the women are discussing in private.

Arthur, who had already taken off the airtight combat uniform, was wearing black combat pants similar to those of the Rabid Shark, and black short sleeves, and Horus, who was still wearing the Pluto armor, passed through the crowd under the leadership of Jing Nan, and came to the pumping place. Outside the door of the blood chamber.

Immediately afterwards.

The automatic door of the blood draw room opened.

Jingnan, Arthur, and Horus entered the blood drawing room first, followed by the personal guards and the sharks.

The space in the blood drawing room is not small, equivalent to the size of three high school classrooms, but it is still very crowded to accommodate nearly 200 people at the same time.

Just look at dozens of doctors and nurses wearing light blue medical gowns and masks, following Carrie's instructions, preparing for blood drawing and testing equipment.

And Carrie was still dressed as she was when the court meeting was held, with a lazy expression of not being interested.

However, when she turned around and saw the guard approaching the blood drawing room, her eyes suddenly burst into a hot light.

"Mr. Russell!" She went straight to a guard and said to Arthur:

"Can I study your subordinates carefully! They look so perfect!"

"Eh..." Arthur blushed for a while.

He always felt that Dr. Carrie was very much like his mother Halsey's demeanor when he was experimenting with D-class personnel.

After a while, Arthur said in a low voice:

"Research is impossible for you to study. Also, with your existing medical equipment, even their skin can't be pierced. How can you do research?"

"Can't pierce the skin?" Carrie was taken aback.

"Yes, you can try." Arthur shrugged and said.

Seeing this, Carrie turned her head to look at a female nurse, and ordered in a not very good tone:

"You, hurry up and prepare the blood drawing tools! Don't dawdle! Hurry up!"


The female nurse hurriedly prepared alcohol cotton, rubber bands and needles, trotted to the guard in front of Carrie, looked up at the guard's profile, and said in a trembling tone:

"That... Please cooperate and follow me."

The personal guard didn't say anything, just nodded slightly, and followed the nurse to the medical chair.

Squeezing his butt, he reluctantly sat down and stretched out his right hand.

The female nurse first tightened the right arm of the guard with a rubber band, wiped the fossa of the guard's elbow with alcohol cotton, and then pointed the needle dedicated to blood drawing at the vein.

"Ding~." With a sound, the needle actually snapped off.

"This..." The female nurse turned to look at Carrie and said, "Doctor, what should we do now?"

"Mr. Russell." Carrie ignored the doctor, but asked Arthur directly, "What's the situation with these giants?"

"Hehe, doctor, the dozens of giants in front of your eyes are humans who are closest to demigods in our universe.

It is to select genetically suitable persons from billions of people for professional training, and then they need to undergo multiple surgeries, and finally become the guardians of mankind.

In layman's terms, they are artificial gods, super soldiers who have crossed the limits of human beings. "

"Super soldier?"

"This... This is a technology that the old world has not been able to complete."

After listening to Arthur's introduction, the doctors and nurses present were shocked.

"Genes, modification, surgery? Why didn't I think of that...hum...I see...I need to go back to the lab quickly!"

Carrie was not overly surprised. Instead, she muttered to herself like a demon, and then left the blood drawing room like the wind.

See here.

Jingnan felt a little helpless and said to Arthur: "Mr. Russell, are all your subordinates invulnerable super fighters?"

"That's not true." Arthur turned to look at Rosen's Rabid Shark, and said:

"Although they are the pinnacle of ordinary humans, at least the skin can still be pierced by needles, so let's continue to do genetic testing."

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