Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 928: The Ring Competition


Morgan looked down at the indifferent Arthur, pondered for a moment, and asked with a slight frown:

"Mr. Russell, there is one thing I have to ask, and that is what do you think of Mark's succession as the city lord."

"City Lord Morgan, don't worry, if I oppose Mark's succession, or want to carry out a coup d'etat, you won't have the chance to ask me what I think.

As for me, the purpose has always been clear, that is, before finding a way to return to our universe, my subordinates and I need a place to live temporarily. "


After Arthur's voice fell, Jingnan who was not far away secretly breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that something would happen to Arthur suddenly.

"Now that I know Mr. Russell's intentions, I won't ask you similar questions again."

Facing Arthur, Morgan also had no choice but to pin his hopes on Arthur not occupying the lighthouse because he had to find a place to sleep.

In fact, Morgan and his group are like frogs in a well.

This group of frogs thinks that their well (lighthouse) is a treasure and an excellent habitat for frogs. However, when people approach the mouth of the well, they will regard humans as intruders, thinking that humans came to rob the well with them.

But human beings' view of wells is that they just want to fetch some water, and they have no intention of snatching the well at all.

"Okay." Morgan said in an old tone, "Except for Charles to stay, the rest of you should leave first."

After speaking, Morgan staggered and sat on the seat, and waved to reject Victor's support, and motioned for Victor to lead the guards out of the hall.

See here.

Victor, Charles, Mark, Jingnan, and Elon all respectfully said to Morgan: "Yes, my lord."

Only Arthur bowed slightly to pay respects, and he didn't say anything to Morgan like the others, Lord Santo.

Afterwards, Charles stayed where he was, and the rest walked out of the central command hall.

In order to avoid suspicion, and Victor himself is a rigid person, he just nodded to Mark and left with a group of guards.

In the end, only Arthur, Mark, Jingnan and Elon were left on the waiting platform of the elevator.

"Congratulations." Since there was no outsider present, Jing Nan smiled and said to Mark:

"Captain Mark... oh no, it should be the future Lord of the City."

"Hehe, stop teasing me."

At this time, Mark also showed a rare smile, and he was no longer as confused and depressed as before the court meeting was held.

As the oldest Elon, he became the most unreasonable after leaving the hall. He just watched the old instructor thump the top of Mark's head, pretending to be righteous and teaching:

"Stinky boy, every day I like to come to useless modesty! Since I can't go to the ground to find the truth, then I will find the truth in you! Go! Come with me to the training room for a ring match!"

"Okay, as long as the instructor's waist is awkward, I'm willing to fight with you as many times as you want." Mark said with a relieved smile.

Moreover, after Mark finished speaking, he came to Arthur's body, stretched out his left hand, and sincerely thanked:

"Thank you, Arthur, if it weren't for you and your troops, my teacher might have gone on a long journey."

"Hey, Xiaoyi, it's just a handy job."

Arthur also reached out his left hand to shake hands with Mark, and said in a joking tone: "If you want to thank me, please send me more contribution points."

"Haha~, no problem." Mark said with a smile.


The elevator arrived, and a group of people took the elevator to the area where the hunters were. Immediately afterwards, Elon dragged Mark to the training room, preparing for a confrontation between master and apprentice.

At this moment, it immediately attracted the crowds of recruits, veterans, and students of the Wilderness Hunter.

Even the personal guards and the rabid sharks came to the ring to watch the atmosphere.

Today, Elon finally uttered the classic line in the play:

"Last time I punched your shit out, then punched you in the shit, and then beat you with your shit, forgot?!"

And Mark replied calmly: "That was more than ten years ago."

At this point, the two strongest men in the original lighthouse began a fierce hand-to-hand fight.

Seeing this fierce fight, Horus, who is naturally militant, also transformed into Umbrella's black combat pants, and jumped onto a ring barefoot and naked.

And picked up the wrapping belt hanging on the rope at the side of the ring, wrapped his hands around it, and said in a tone of contempt for everyone:

"Who will play with me? I am not afraid of any number of people. I have no 1v1 requirements."


"How to fight with a demigod..."

All the hunters looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they had no intention of fighting Horus at all. After all, how could a man be so good at fighting?

"Don't worry." Seeing that no one dared to take the stage, Horus spread his hands and said:

"I will never use my divine power. I'm just fighting with you. As long as your fists can touch me, you will win, how about it?"

"Hmph, don't think there are no men on the lighthouse!"

As soon as Horus' words fell, Jeff rubbed the beard under his nose, took off his armor and upper body combat uniform, took off his military boots and socks, stepped onto the ring, and faced Horus in a fighting posture.

"What?" However, Horus still maintained a leisurely posture, looking around at the crowd below, and provocatively said:

"Only one man on the lighthouse?"

"Damn it! Is it tolerable or unbearable!"

"Made! Isn't he a god? Beat him!"

"Let you see the anger of Shangmin!"

Sure enough, facing the "arrogant and domineering" Horus, Mocheng, Corey and a group of hunter soldiers all jumped onto the ring with their shirts off and their muscles exposed.

After a while, seven people were barely squeezed out of the ring.

Horus is in the center.

The six wild hunters including Jeff, Mocheng, and Corey stood at the corner of the ring, facing Horus in an encircling formation.

"Wow, as expected of a demigod, the muscle lines are really good."

Erica, who was a little 'turbulent' but behaved very loli, looked at Horus with starry eyes.

On the contrary, the red-haired royal sister Jessica came to Erica's side at some unknown time. She looked at Horus greedily and said with a charming smile:

"The body proportions are really good, strong but still beautiful. If possible, I really want to go to the Chenxi Hall with him."

"Eh..." Erica didn't know how to comment.

However, the female comments below made Mo Cheng and others more motivated to fight.

Although the old-world love relationship has been abandoned, the male's natural tendency to show off his power in front of the female cannot be changed.

"Go together!"


Following Jeff's roar, the six wild hunters rushed towards Horus standing in the center from six angles.

Seeing that the fists of the six were about to hit Horus' body...

But Horus was just standing tall, and made a flip in the air, and landed smoothly behind Corey.

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