Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 931 Newton's coffin can't be covered

On the balcony of the mirror south house.

There are parasols, a white round table, and two folding chairs, as well as flower and tree bonsai in the corner of the balcony.

Sitting on the side of the wall, Jingnan held a teacup, took a sip of the warm tea, and said to Arthur:

"Arthur, are you not afraid of being discovered by Charles when you come to my house so blatantly?"

Arthur, who was sitting near the fence, looked at the teacup on the table, finally chose to pick it up and took a sip, then spat out his tongue astringently, and said with a distorted face:

"The taste of this tea seems to be five hundred years out of date."

"No one is forcing you to drink." Jing Nan shrugged.

"Forget it..." Arthur put the teacup on the table again, leaned against the back of the chair, and explained to Jingnan:

"Don't be afraid, since yesterday, Charles' dog leg will no longer follow me, so we can open up...uh...!"

Before Arthur finished speaking, a pink bra suddenly came along with the wind, covering his entire face directly.



"Ha~! Haha~!"

Finding that Arthur's face was blocked by the Ru Bra, Jingnan could no longer maintain a cool face, and laughed out loud while covering his mouth with his right hand.

As the person involved, Arthur took off the bra with a dark complexion, looked at the women's underwear in his left hand, and couldn't figure out where it came from.

"What the hell is this?" Arthur said with a black question mark on his face.

"Hoo~!" A gust of wind passed by, and Arthur discovered the reason.

Just look at Ran Bing, carrying the little girl 9033, and skipping the Shangmin residential area of ​​the lighthouse in a glider, and a lot of clothes were scraped from the back of the glider.


"I said…"

Arthur got up and came to the fence, looking at the flight path of the glider, he couldn't help frowning and asked Jingnan:

"Is there a scientist named Newton in your universe?"

"Newton?" Jingnan, who also got up and came to Arthur's side, tilted his head slightly to the left, and said with a look of reminiscence:

"I remember a physicist from the old world, what's wrong?"

"This is strange." Arthur hung the bra on the fence, raised his left hand and pinched his chin lightly, looked at Ran Bing and 9033 and said:

"How did that thing fly, and then do so many difficult movements? Well... Newton's coffin board may not be able to cover it."

"Scared~." Listening to Arthur's complaints, Jingnan was amused by him and giggled again.

Slowing down, Jing Nan cast her gaze on Ran Bing and 9033, and her expression changed from a smile at the beginning to a slightly gloomy longing.

At this moment, after a violent shake, the glider staged a scene from "The Spirit Cage".

9033 was almost thrown out of the glider, Ran Bing quickly grabbed 9033's hands, but the glider also fell from the sky quickly because the wings could not be fully deployed.

! ! !

Seeing this, Jingnan grabbed Arthur's right hand in horror, with a pleading tone in his tone:

"Arthur! Find a way to save Ran Bing!"

"Do you think I'm omnipotent..." Arthur replied with a little helplessness.

He didn't expect that the glider, which was flying against physics, suddenly returned to the rule of physics?

However, for Ran Bing, who also had white hair, Arthur would naturally not refuse to save him.

"Eh? Look! It's Mark!"

It's just that when Arthur was about to reveal that he also possessed [Fast Movement], Jingnan pinched the left hand holding his right arm hard, and her right hand pointed to the bottom of the lighthouse.

"Huh?" Looking in the direction Jingnan pointed, Arthur couldn't help showing astonishment, and sighed in disbelief:

"Fuck, this guy is not human!"

The reason why Arthur was so surprised was because he saw Mark doing fast parkour in the suspension area of ​​the lighthouse.

That running speed is definitely far superior to Bolt's, and his leaping skills are also far superior to Liu Xiang's. After a while, Mark galloped to the top of the outermost suspension area.

Afterwards, Ran Bing and Mark let go and stretched out their hands at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

Ran Bing let go and threw 9033 out, while Mark stretched out his hand to hug 9033 firmly, and rolled over again, completely making 9033 safe.


Ran Bing and his glider continued to fall uncontrollably.

Then, Mark's actions made Arthur 'eye-opener' even more.

Because after Mark put 9033 down, he accelerated his run-up and jumped down, rushing towards Ran Bing who was unconscious due to spinning.

"Damn it...Mark is crazy!" Arthur couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Oh my god!" Jing Nan even covered his mouth and exclaimed.

Arthur originally wanted to help Mark become the city lord, but Mark took a leap of faith. Isn't this courting death?

However, he also admires Mark for being able to die together for the person he likes.

to die.

That's right, in Arthur's eyes, what Mark did was directly tantamount to death.

But only a few seconds later, a slap hit Arthur's cheek again.

Because Mark used the acceleration to dive, and abruptly caught up with Ran Bing, and then, using his strong physical fitness, Mark took advantage of Ran Bing to sit back on the glider again.

When the height of the glider was only more than ten meters above the ground, the wings of the glider unfolded again, and finally Mark led Ran Bing out of danger before the Pole Devourer was about to thank nature for its gift.

"What is this shit? What did I see? This is it!"

Arthur was really shocked. Mark's heroic rescue of the beauty made him start to doubt his life.

"Huh... these two are finally getting along well." Jing Nan didn't think too much, she just rejoiced that the two friends were safe and sound.

Moreover, she turned her head to look at Arthur, and couldn't help but ask in thinking:

"Arthur, if... I was on the glider, would you be as desperate as Captain Mark?"


Hearing Jingnan's question, Arthur recovered from the shock and turned his head, looking at Jingnan for a moment.

Facing Jingnan's fiery gaze, Arthur felt bad for an instant. For him, Jingnan was already a used up chess piece, so there was no need to say something that violated his conscience.

But if you say no directly, who knows what Jingnan will do? It seems that routines like PUA should be used less.

Immediately, Arthur showed a very sincere face and said, "Of course."


"Really, after all, you are my friend, how could I refuse to save you?"

"It's just...friends?" After listening to Arthur's answer, Jingnan felt extremely disappointed, and there was a kind of depression in his chest.

"Don't think about that anymore." Arthur quickly changed the topic, looked at Mark and Ran Bing who were returning to the voyage, and asked Jingnan:

"It seems that everyone in the lighthouse has witnessed this heroic rescue...By the way, Jingnan, is the breeding task in the Chenxi Hall also under the control of the Light and Shadow Society?"

"." But Jingnan was in a daze.

"Mirror South?" Arthur had no choice but to raise his voice to wake up the other party.

"Hmm... um? What's the matter?" Hearing Arthur's call, Jingnan returned to reality.

"Hey..." Seeing this, Arthur couldn't help sighing, and told her the above question again.

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