Under Jingnan's guidance, the three children finally relaxed their vigilance towards Arthur and told what happened to 9033.

Knowing that 9033 is running out of time, Jingnan's expression became much darker, and he asked Arthur:

"Arthur... can you save her?"

"You really think of me as Tinker Bell." Arthur said with a wry smile.

"Little Ding Dong?" Jing Nan was a little confused.

"It's okay." Arthur shook his head, without explaining what Tinker Bell was.

After being PUAed, Jingnan seemed to regard Arthur as an omnipotent person, but... 9033 could not be cured at all with the existing medical technology of the lighthouse.

Thinking of this, Arthur looked at the innocent and lovely 9033 in front of him, and said bitterly in his heart:

'This is the end of the world...'

Take it easy.

Arthur patted the top of 9033's head again, and said with a kind smile, "Don't be afraid, Uncle will find a way to save you, come with me."

After speaking, Arthur stood up and walked towards the elevator.

"Is there really a way?" 9027 was a little confused.

"I'm not a doctor, what do you think I'm doing." 8925 said with his arms outstretched.

Although Jingnan didn't know how Arthur would save 9033, she also stood up, held 9033's little hand and said with a smile:

"Let's go."

"Hmm~!" 9033 happily replied, holding hands with Jingnan, and followed Arthur who was not far away.

Seeing this, the remaining two children looked at each other, shrugged at the same time, and followed.

Children are the easiest group to get hope. Since 9033 can be saved, why don't you want to believe it?


Arthur and Jingnan took the three children of dustmen, left the air ranch and the residential area of ​​Shangmin, and came to the area where the hunters were.

In the training room.

The guards and the sharks are teaching wild hunters more scientific and efficient physical skills, and assisting veterans to teach recruits and students.

And Arthur's own nephew, Horus...

Standing next to the sandbags and punching, there are also a large number of female soldiers standing in the distance, watching Horus punching.

The reason is simple. Horus defeated all the wild hunters by himself yesterday, and the heat of this matter has not subsided until now.

The veterans of the Wild Hunter began to train frantically under the leadership of Mocheng, Jeff and Corey, trying to earn back their face.

At this time, Arthur asked Jingnan to lead 9033 and them to wait in the street outside, while he walked into the training room alone, and went straight to Horus who was boxing alone.

Seeing Arthur approaching, Horus immediately withdrew his fists and asked, "Uncle? You've been elusive these days, what are you doing?"

"It's just a dog chasing me and biting me." Arthur waved his hand and smiled.

But soon, Arthur turned around and approached Horus, and said seriously:

"Boy, you will respond to what I say later, do you hear me?"

"Huh?" Horus was a little puzzled, but still nodded and said, "Got it, uncle."

"Okay, come with me."


Afterwards, Arthur led Horus to the street outside the training room, and walked towards Jingnan and others on the edge of the fence.

"Uncle~!" Seeing Arthur coming, 9033, full of hope, rushed towards Arthur with cheers.

"Hehe." Arthur also responded with a smile to 9033 who ran up to him, patted Horus on the shoulder, and said to 9033:

"Son, do you see this one next to me? He is the demigod Horus who climbed the lighthouse. With him, the disease in your body can definitely be curbed."

"Oh my God! It's that demigod! 9033 is saved!" 9027 shouted excitedly.

"Demigod uncle! You must cure 9033..." 8925 begged, wiping away his tears.

"Really?" 9033 looked up at Horus with bright eyes.

"This... is true." Horus nodded, and looked at Arthur for help.

And Arthur squatted in front of 9033, saying:

"What about this demigod, although he can't cure your disease, he can relieve it with divine power, at least let you live another thirty years, how about it?"

"Great~! Of course you can." 9033 has no objection at all.

"Good." Arthur smiled and touched the top of 9033's head, then turned his head to look at Horus, and signaled his nephew to use his divine power with his eyes.

See here.

Horus released his divine power without words, making his whole body glow with golden light.

Then, Horus stretched out his hands to hold 9033's little hands, and this innocent little girl began to emit a faint golden light.

"Wow~! I feel so warm~!"

9033 didn't know what happened to her body, all she knew was that her body really didn't hurt anymore.

After a few seconds, the golden light dissipated, and Horus and 9033 returned to their original state.

Arthur still said kindly to 9033: "How is it? Do you feel more comfortable?"

"Yeah! Really, thank you uncle!"

9033 couldn't hide his excitement and jumped up, and then gave Arthur a hug.

"Hehe." Arthur lightly pushed 9033 away, touched the top of her head again, and said with a smile:

"Okay, now you don't have to think about whether you will die. What you should think about now is, where are you going to explore with your friends tomorrow."

"Yes~! Let's go! 9027! 8925!"

9033 waved to the somewhat dazed friends, and ran away first.


8925, who was the first to slow down, thanked Arthur, Jingnan and Horus one by one:

"Thank you, Uncle! Commander Jingnan, and Uncle Immortal!"

After finishing speaking, 8925 pinched 9027 hard, telling this little friend who died when Mark destroyed the lighthouse in the original work, don't stand up and talk quickly.

"Thank you...uncle, sister, and god!" 9027, who was belatedly aware of it, thanked him with some astonishment.

"Okay." At this time, Jingnan lightly waved his left hand and said, "Hurry up and catch up with 9033, or she will run far away."

"Yes!" (x2)

After receiving Jingnan's words, the two children ran away quickly, catching up with 9033 who had already gone away.

Seeing the children leave, Arthur stood up slowly, watching the children gradually disappear from his field of vision.

"Horus." Jing Nan asked Horus very curiously, "Can your divine power really curb human illness?"

"No." However, Horus returned to a paralyzed expression, and replied:

"I can use divine power to create barriers and interfere with the weather, but I can't heal any human."

"That's right." Arthur interjected in a timely manner: "But human beings are a species that can go beyond their own limits.

Now that child has the hope of living, her consciousness believes that she can live for thirty years, then her brain and body will do their best to cooperate with her to achieve this goal.

If hope is lost, then the child will really die soon. "

Aplastic anemia cannot be effectively alleviated by drugs. Only chemotherapy and bone marrow stem cell transplantation can cure her. The existing medical technology of Lighthouse cannot cure her at all.

What Arthur did was to give 9033 the hope of living, and persist until the moment when the wormhole is opened, so that she can obtain the happy life that normal children have.

Take it easy.

Arthur raised his hand and patted Horus on the shoulder again, and said in a deep voice, "Nephew, get ready, you will be dispatched again tonight."


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