Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 938 The civilization of a planet can be destroyed overnight

"Second row on top, build a defensive front!"


"Three rows! Move your ass up for me! Don't wait for me to kick you"


"All snipers, teach these guys a lesson!"

"Yes! Lieutenant!"

There was an endless stream of orders and answers on the communication channel.

Since Rosen was in the lighthouse, the current Rabid Shark Company was temporarily commanded by the lieutenant of the deputy company commander.

The lieutenant also had a fiery temper. After his personal guards formed a wall of energy shields, he immediately directed the madtooth sharks to build a defensive line.

Although the energy shield equipped by the Rabidtooth individual soldiers is far stronger than that of ordinary paratroopers, it is still not as powerful as the personal guards, so they cannot resist the roaring energy bombs for a long time.

Soon, the rabid tooth shark built a firepower and defense front in the gap between the personal guards.



The unique blue light trajectory of Gauss firearms, together with the dazzling fire of the bolt bullets, shone in the night together.

"Poof! Poof!"

Growl may not be afraid of the standard weapons of the lighthouse, but in the face of extremely fast-firing spike bullets of various calibers, the final result of the body is still torn and shredded.

As a matter of fact, spike rounds are better than bolt rounds, at least you can save a body or limb.

If it was hit by the bolt bombs used by the personal guards, Growl could only end up in miserable situations such as meat residue and meat paste.

"Ri~—咻~———!" (x4)

"Boom...boom~!!" (x4)

At this moment, four blue light ballistics with a diameter of at least half a meter shone across the battlefield.

The moment the blue light trajectory flashed, violent explosions had already occurred in the four places where the growling crowd gathered, and four small mushroom clouds were created in the rainy night.

"Huh————~!" (x4)

Looking around, the powerful shock wave also swept to the landing area.

But with the energy shield, all personnel were not affected, but Mark and others who were still in the DR-7 cabin habitually raised the arms of the gravity body, trying to block the impact of the cyclone and debris.

Just now, the lieutenant gave an order to the sniper of the sniper, and the standard weapons of the sniper of the sniper are Gauss micro-impact and Gauss sniper rifle.

In view of the excessive power of Gauss sniper rifles, snipers are usually used to carry out anti-armor, anti-air vehicles, and violently clear military fortresses.

As for the lieutenant's order of 'overqualified use' this time, it was purely because he had been holding back on the lighthouse for too long, and wanted the snipers to teach the Pole Devourer a lesson.

The content of the course, that is, human beings are not easy to bully.

"I'll go..." Mo Cheng unfolded the helmet of the gravity body, opened his eyes wide, and sighed with his mouth wide open:

"These guys are really fierce. Thanks to Charles, he still wants to seize power. It's a big joke."

"Mark..." Veteran Xuefeng also unfolded his helmet, and said to Mark who was standing at the hatch:

"Fortunately, you made friends with that demigod, otherwise we would be the ones who were blasted."

"Ah..." Mark nodded in astonishment as well.

"Huh~!" At this time, there was another howl of wind.

Originally raging on the battlefield, the gravel and dust that blocked the line of sight were dissipated by a golden light.

Seeing this movement, Mark and others who were still on standby in the DR-7 cabin turned their attention to Horus again.

I saw Horus, who was not wearing an invisibility helmet, holding a spear in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, blocking more than a thousand snake dogs with his own strength.



At the front of the front line built by the personal guards and the mad tooth shark, the sound of the body being torn and smashed came one after another.

Blood flowed like a river, and the remains of snake dogs were scattered everywhere.

Thanks to the blessing of divine power, Horus was able to detect the core position of the snake dog hidden in the body as quickly as possible.

In fact, it only takes a stab of a spear to easily crush the snake dog's core, and kill these creatures that the lighthouse thinks cannot be killed.


"Ahaha! Die! Die~!"

However, Horus seems to have entered a state of violent bloodthirsty, thinking that dismembering or tearing the snake dog can satisfy his inner violent desire.


Then do it again.

Anyway, Horus's [Fast Movement] doesn't have physical strength at all. As long as he wants to, he can slaughter the extreme beasts here in the blink of an eye.

It only took two minutes for the flying formation to land, unload the combat troops, and fight against the encircling polar devouring beasts.

In these two minutes, the Pole Devourer experienced what it means to be "thankful for the gift of nature" →

To 'Is this damn human? ’→

And then to 'Damn it! The mood of Human Killing Crazy has changed.

The polar devouring beasts are not stupid, the more they absorb the source of life, that is, the more souls, the more intelligent they become.

For example, in the final chapter of "Spiritual Cage", Mark has Ran Bing's memory after absorbing Ran Bing's life essence.

Or the calyx beast, with its hands on its hips, laughing and mocking the wild hunters for not being able to break through its barrier.

In short, after seeing that human beings are not as easy to bully as before, they have already had the idea of ​​retreating.


In the end, as a snake dog roared to the sky, all the polar devouring beasts froze.



Afterwards, the polar devouring beasts also responded with roars, and turned around and ran away.


Standing at the forefront of the battle line, Horus shook off the blood stains on the tip of his spear, looked at the beasts who turned their backs to him, couldn't help but smiled contemptuously, and said softly:

"Dare to show your back, how bold, tsk tsk, let me give you the last lesson of a beast, that is, never leave your back to the enemy."

After finishing speaking, Arthur disappeared in place with a "shua~!"

Immediately after...





In just a few seconds, the Pole Devourer, which was running away, twisted and deformed "autonomously", and then let out a painful wail.

In the end, because the core was destroyed, all the polar devouring beasts present turned into a pool of blood, leaving only a pile of white bones.




Using these three feats alone, Horus slaughtered thousands of Polar Eaters.

As Arthur once talked with Jingnan, if they wanted to, then their team alone would be enough to wipe out the current Earth.

The cooperation between the personal guard and the mad tooth shark can indeed achieve this, but it takes a month to do it.

On the other hand, Horus may only need units of hours and days to calculate.

At the beginning, Arthur asked Horus if he could crush a planet with one foot, and the answer was no.

But if Arthur asked Horus if he could destroy the civilization of a planet overnight, then the answer would be yes.

With another "shua~!", Horus' figure reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

He turned around and walked towards the hatch of DR-7, his face returned to calm from the original bloodthirsty, and said softly to Mark and others:

"Okay everyone, this area has been cleaned up by us, it's time to enter the collection point to complete the task."

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