Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 980 Arriving at the North Star


Horus also teased Arthur in the opposite direction: "Uncle, don't you have a crush on angels?"

"Of course not!" Arthur said righteously, "Your uncle, I am not the god of war, and my two wives are not as tempered as Wanda. I want to live a few more days."

After finishing speaking, Arthur stopped playing around with Horus, but said with a serious expression:

"Nephew, I'm not sure how many female angels there are, but the lecherous god I mentioned to you before is a male angel named Hua Ye"

"Angels and men?" Horus was a little dazed.

In Horus' cognition, angels should all be beautiful women.

"That's right." Arthur said with a heavy tone: "And the number of male angels is at least a million, and each of them has a combat capability no less than that of the Astartes.

The most important thing is that they can fight in a vacuum without relying on power armor.

Now that we have announced to the entire universe that human beings have absolute strength, I guess...Morgana may not be willing to just leave the galaxy and give up the fight for the earth.

However, with Morgana's character, she probably won't join forces with that Hua Ye, but she will definitely guide that guy to our solar system, and then take advantage of the scuffle to launch a sneak attack.

They even secretly encouraged a group of evil gods to gather together and prepare to declare war on Umbrella and the earth. "

"Ho! Exactly." Horus twisted his neck with disdain, moved his wrist joints, and said by himself with upward corners of his mouth:

"It's good that this gang of music is scattered all over the universe. If they gather together, I will destroy them all."

"They are not as easy to deal with as gluttonous." Arthur solemnly told his nephew: "They have the so-called void, or some kind of sub-biological engine, which can rewrite matter or other people's genes at will.

Don't forget, Morgana has wormhole technology that is no less than our teleportation technology, so please pay attention to me, and don't go out without my order. "

"Don't worry, Uncle, I will pay attention." Horus nodded in agreement.

"As long as you know."


Accompanied by Corax and a team of ravens, Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng took Qilin, Leina, and Ge Xiaolun, who was still in a severe coma, in a formation of DR-7 transport planes.

The Chinese Special Forces, Wild Wolf Special Forces, and Zhi 9A pilots who fought with Qilin were also taken to the Goddess of Victory.

In order to restore Ge Xiaolun to normal as soon as possible, Arthur ordered him to be placed in the recuperation cabin where Fan Xing had been treated, and directly obtain energy from the engine of the Goddess of Victory.

Since Reina has not been captured and humiliated by Taotie, she is just angry at the demon using her ability to detonate a supernova and kill Kesha, so the current Reina is not as difficult to speak as in the play.

At the same time, the Light of the Sun was also very astonished at Umbrella's use of nuclear fusion. It seemed that he did not expect that apart from their Lieyang civilization, there would be a civilization that could perfectly control nuclear fusion technology.

On the other hand, Qi Lin, who was talking to Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng, and Wei Lan, didn't care much about technology or other universes. She was only glad to be able to reunite with her comrades.

Moreover, Qilin specially visited Ge Xiaolun who was still in a coma, and besides worry, there seemed to be some other emotions on her face.

Arthur, who knew the plot, naturally guessed that Qilin had some thoughts about Ge Xiaolun.

After all, when Liu Chuang was still a hooligan, Ge Xiaolun, who was still a dick, dared to be tough with Liu Chuang, and Qilin was the policewoman who detained Ge Xiaolun.

Later, when the Xiongbing Company gathered for the first time, when Leina beat Liu Chuang violently and was about to show off to the newcomer, Ge Xiaolun directly took out the pistol from Qilin's holster, and was ready to be tough with Leina again.

At this time, Qilin was still very 'caring' to help Ge Xiaolun load it.

In "Heroes Company" in the fifth season of "Super Seminary", Ge Xiaolun was beaten up by Monkey King, and Qilin was the first to fight back against Qiangwei's order.

All kinds of things show that Qilin had feelings for Ge Xiaolun during Ge Xiaolun's "hanging silk".

It was only in front of Yan and Qiangwei that Qilin knew that she could not have a result with Ge Xiaolun, so she chose to suppress this emotion.

(Search for Qilin and Xiaolun on the Xiaopo website, there is a video with detailed collection)

After a brief confluence and trimming.

Arthur is going to go to North Star with Corax, Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng, Weilan, Qilin and Artemis equipped with a prosthetic body to meet with the heads of Huaxia.

Jingnan, on the other hand, leads the Goddess of Victory, using shipboard scanning instruments to conduct a comprehensive scan and investigation of the earth, because there are still void fighters belonging to Karl on the earth.

After Fanxing tried to use the "Eye of Insight" to invade the system of the Goddess of Victory, Arthur concluded that Umbrella's intelligent artificial intelligence can also fight against the so-called void and sub-biological engines.

Therefore, Horus stayed on the Goddess of Victory. Once the position of the Void Warrior was locked, Horus would lead the Terminator to carry out a teleportation strike.

At the time when Arthur and others were meeting with a certain kind of leader in Huaxia, Myron was leading a group of Forbidden Army Terminator, and sent them to the outskirts of Beizhixing together with Fanxing, preparing to fight with Leng, Yitian, Luoluan, and Lingxi. Angels negotiate.


Time ("Super Seminary"): August 5, 2015.

Location: North Star.

Two days have passed since the Seventh Fleet arrived in this universe.

During these two days, due to the communication breakdown caused by Morgana, many countries on the earth were in a state of anarchy.

Although Morgana was successfully expelled from the Milky Way by Arthur, the devil virus Morgana left on the earth could not be cleared. Many newborn demons are still spreading the virus on the earth, as well as Morgana's ideas of depravity, evil, and freedom. .

And the void fighters sent by Karl, the God of Death, to the earth are also carrying out devastating blows to the main forces of the countries on the earth.

Therefore, even without the invasion of the gluttonous civilization, the current earth is still in a state of extreme turmoil.

The North Star also received the key care of the newborn demons and void fighters. Thanks to the protection of the four angels, it avoided the direct fall of the Chinese government.

Local clock: 10:00.

The military barracks outside the North Star suburb.

A DR-7 transport boat, under the escort of two free mobile suits, arrived at the sky above the barracks.


After the DR-7 flight formation was discovered with the naked eye, the entire barracks resounded with the roar of alarms.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of heavily armed Chinese soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms poured out of the barracks, and raised their weapons to aim at the DR-7 and the two free mobile suits.

Moreover, many anti-aircraft weapons of the barracks were also aimed upwards.

At this moment, a female officer wearing a Chinese military uniform and a white military cap stepped out of the barracks tent and shouted to the surrounding soldiers:

"Stay alert and do not fire without my order."

"Yes!" A group of Huaxia soldiers promised loudly.

And this female officer is the staff officer of the Xiongbing Company, Lianfeng.

Lianfeng has long golden hair, but has a typical Chinese face, and her actual age is about 10,000 years old.

She used to be from the Deno galaxy, until the Deno galaxy was destroyed, she came to Earth with Ducao and others, and now works for the Chinese government and military.


The two free mobile suits landed first, but they didn't show any hostility, they just confronted the Huaxia soldiers condescendingly.

It was followed by the DR-7 transport boat.

When the hatch under the nose of the transport boat opened, Lianfeng changed her extremely serious face when she saw everyone walking out of the cabin.

Because it was Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng and others who walked out of the cabin.

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