Contemporary Comprehension Notes

About the formation principles of various spells

The art of attracting thunder is a monk who uses his spiritual consciousness to change the properties of the true energy out of the body, causing it to diffuse into the air, reducing the air pressure in the air, and then causing the moisture contained in the air to condense and rub through a certain tremor, thereby forming many bands.

The collision of positively and negatively charged water molecules generates thunder and lightning, and then the consciousness is used to create a water condensation channel to guide the lightning to the place where you want it to go, such as rocks, big trees, animals, or enemies.

Finally achieve the effect of destroying the enemy.

The fireball technique uses spiritual consciousness to radiate the true energy out of the body, causing the molecules in the true energy to tremble at a high frequency. The trembling molecules will generate heat energy through violent friction, thereby igniting the true energy to produce a burning effect.

Then direct the burning Qi fireball anywhere to achieve the attack effect.

Water Control Technique, to be continued...

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