In other words, Ah Bao liked to draw when he was a child, and once in junior high school, he drew a portrait of the head teacher in class.

Po sat in the first row, and the classmates at the same table kept laughing, and he soon found out.

After class, he asked Ah Bao to take it out and look at it, and Ah Bao had already torn it off because he was afraid.

He sat down and taught Ah Bao to draw the head, and talked while drawing, saying that the outline of the head should be drawn like this, what is the proportion of facial features, and so on.

Time passed, and decades later, the local TV station recorded a program for this teacher, called "People Are as Light as Chrysanthemums".

The show started like this: "Today we walk into an indifferent old man, although the old man has had a rough life, but he has never questioned the way of the world, he has been kind to people all his life, humble and duty, and never says half empty words. The old man graduated from the Shanghai Art College before the liberation, and he was good at oil painting, but he did not want to show his reputation. Everyone loves this kind man deeply and wants to do something for him, so that the next generation will always feel the strength of his personality. "

Regarding his work, a famous painter said excitedly: "There are a few wonderful works, and you think it is as good as it is." If they are placed in the same group of works in Beijing and Paris, they are still excellent works. Its charm will attract many soulmates like me. "

Another equally famous painter said: "He has always been relatively modest, in fact, to put it bluntly, just because he is in the local area, if you put it in the whole country, his oil paintings are still of a high standard, there is a national level." "


At that time, Bao's father was the leader of the political work team in the daily craft company, and the company had twenty or thirty factories that produced daily handicrafts, including the Arts and Crafts Research Institute, where many painters and craftsmen worked, and Bao's father took him there to learn painting.

Mr. Chen is a young Chinese painter, and he happened to be absent that day, and it is said that he went to participate in the "Canton Fair".

The second time Ah Bao went by himself, he saw a person painting, and asked Brother Min if he was Teacher Chen, and Brother Min said yes.

Po went home and asked his father to write a note to him, he smiled and nodded after reading the note, telling Po to draw more when he was free, gesturing with his hand as he spoke.

Every time Bao watched Mr. Chen's paintings there, he would borrow a painting from him and take it home to copy, and then take it to him to see after copying.

The secret he taught Po to draw figure drawings was to draw more comic strips.

At that time, Ah Bao drew a lot of comic books, and once Mr. Chen even showed his comic books to another child who also wanted to learn to draw from him.

Later, Mr. Chen became famous, and a colleague from Bao's company told his history more than 20 years later.

It is said that Mr. Chen's wife works as a technician in a wood carving factory, and once there was a problem with the products exported to Singapore in the factory, and she asked her to solve it.

The boss of Singapore accidentally saw these paintings of ancient ladies and ethnic minority girls, and was even happier than seeing real people, and asked her. She didn't give it to him, saying that these were all waste manuscripts, and if she liked it, she asked her husband to draw a few and give it to him.

Later, the Singaporean boss helped Mr. Chen hold a personal exhibition there, sold dozens of paintings, and the money he earned was divided into four or six parts of the unit, and he got several thousand yuan.

This was his first solo exhibition abroad, and it was also the first time he sold paintings. It is said that the paintings he paints now can be sold for 20,000 yuan per square foot.

Bao's colleague is also an inconspicuous person, or everyone knows his origin, only Bao alone does not know, he actually graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in the early eighties of the last century, studying in the textile department.

He worked as the director of a garment factory in the company, and Bao also accidentally learned about his origin and works on the Internet in recent years. After looking at the few paintings he painted, Po really didn't dare to compliment.

Bao's father also took Bao to the house of Mr. Lan, a young oil painter who was engaged in propaganda in a factory.

His teacher was a well-known local oil painter who had emigrated to the United States at the time, and was later said to have been invited by President Reagan to paint his portrait at the White House.

Mr. Lan is very artistic, and built a wooden house on the top floor of his house, which became his studio. It is often home to some painters and some people who like art, and it has become a well-known salon in the area.

Po sometimes paints Chinese paintings, sometimes sketches.

When he showed the sketch to Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen praised him for his good sketching, and when he showed the Chinese painting to Mr. Lan, Mr. Lan praised him for his good painting.

Ah Bao looked forward to the day when he could paint oil painting after learning a certain level of sketching, and made himself a very delicate oil painting box.

After learning figure painting and drawing, Bao also wanted to learn landscape painting, and if Bao was asked to choose what to study, he would choose landscape painting, and the profound and mysterious artistic conception of landscape painting really fascinated him.

Brother Min was painting landscape paintings at the research institute, and when he was relatively young, Ah Bao became friends with him.

His teacher is also a very famous Chinese painter, it is said that in the thirties entered the Shanghai Art College, after graduation returned to his hometown to teach, after the end of the Anti-Japanese War to travel to Nanyang sketching, extensive contact with local art colleagues, after returning to China is still teaching in his hometown, later was indescribable ......

There are many interesting stories of ancient painters, telling that Ni Zan had a serious habit of cleanliness, and once went to Qibao Spring with a friend, drank the water there and felt very sweet, and ordered the porter to pick up two loads there every day.


bucket in front of the porter is used to drink, and the bucket behind him is used to wash his feet, on the grounds that the porter farted and stained the bucket of water behind him.

In order to keep the position of the front and rear barrels unchanged, when he wants to pick the shoulders of the husband, he does not turn the front and rear barrels upside down, but lowers his head to change the shoulders. Ni's house is five miles away from Qibaoquan, and it has persisted for many years.


At the end of 2007, the square near Bao's house was holding various material fairs.

Bao's wife kept going there, first bought a pair of leather shoes there and asked him to buy a pair too, he felt that there was no need for this, if he needed it, just go to the store and buy it.

The next day, she bought a Chinese painting of "Red Plum Herald Spring" there and came back for 100 yuan.

Po felt electrocuted after reading it, and planned to buy a few more to come back. Po has always had the habit of taking a nap, but he went without a nap on this day, and it happened that the weather was very good on this day, and the sun was shining.

Soon he saw a stall selling Chinese paintings, which was full of all kinds of Chinese paintings.

As if he had entered a treasure mountain, he looked at them one by one, and finally picked eight of them:

A group of figure paintings, depicting Su Dongpo, Yan Shu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin, a total of four;

A figure painting depicts three ancient people, one playing the piano, one listening, and a child making tea next to


Two ink paintings, one of pigs and the other of sheep, represent the physiognomy of him and his wife

A large landscape painting, magnificent.

After bargaining, more than 700 yuan was sold.

Ah Bao held so many paintings, felt that it was too cheap, and happily went home, just as his wife came back soon after work, and admired it with him.

His wife had never learned to draw, but she liked it very much, thinking that he had spent at least a few thousand yuan, and said happily, "Okay, I'll make you a thousand!"

Po wants others to share his happiness and calls his brother.

He is a collector and wants to collect everything, so he asks Po to buy one for him when he goes again.

The next day was a weekend, and Bao's younger brother didn't have to go to work, so Bao showed him the paintings.

After seeing it, he couldn't get enough of it, and wanted to go to the square with Po to see it.

His wife was afraid that he would spend money indiscriminately, so she kept saying no, and when they went out, she specially told them not to buy it, just look at it.

Po said, "I'll buy a few and give them to him!".

They didn't go directly to the stall where Ah Bao went yesterday, thinking that they had already seen it there, and went to other stalls to see if there was a new one.

When a woman saw the customer, she immediately introduced them to them like the narrator, saying, "This is a landscape painting, the mountain symbolizes the stability of the business, and the water symbolizes the prosperity of the wealth." "

Bao said: "I like landscape painting. "

She said: "Then you are benevolent and wise, don't you say that benevolent people enjoy mountains and wise people enjoy water." "

Po saw that the paintings here were not good enough, not enough, so he said, "I'll buy them later." "

She said, "Okay." "

They also went to a few stalls, none of which were specifically selling paintings, so they went to the stall where Ah Bao went yesterday.

At this time, there was an auction going on, and a group of people gathered there, like watching monkeys. The auctioneer claims that the price starts at zero yuan, adding twenty yuan each time, and quoting as much as you want.

Ah Bao participated in the auction for the first time in his life, and saw a large landscape painting, as big as the one he bought yesterday, and he had the courage to quote 20 yuan.

The auctioneer shouted, "Is there any forty?" and no one answered, he said, "Once, twice, three times, good deal!".

Ah Bao almost fainted, the one he bought yesterday was 100 yuan, and this one was only 20 yuan, thinking that he had bought so many paintings yesterday and was deceived.

Everyone saw that it was so cheap, and Po didn't look like a trust, so they wanted to buy it.

The auctioneer immediately stopped the auction and said, "Just now it was just to create an atmosphere, if each painting was only sold for twenty yuan, then the painter would not be angry." "

Ah Bao bought a very large painting for 20 yuan, and he was very upset for the painter, saying: "It seems that the painter can't make money." "

An old man, a man who had seen through the downfall of all painters, said: "Painters have no money, and they will almost die when they become famous." "

Just now, after the auctioneer stopped doing auctions, he began to sell, encouraging everyone to make bold counteroffers, saying: "I will pay 200, you will pay 50, I will take it, I will put it away." "

Ah Bao saw that he took out a landscape painting from the box, which had not yet been framed, and had the charm of Huang Binhong, so he said, "Ten pieces." "

He said, "If you don't sell it, I might as well give it to you for ten dollars." "

Put it away.

Po continued to look and found that one antique painting was very similar to the other, and when he looked closely, he found that the houses, bridges and pavilions inside were exactly the same, and questioned the seller.

He said truthfully: "This is a rubbing, that is, take a plate and put it underneath, according to the drawing, the blind can draw, so that the painting can be fast." "

Fifty dollars each such painting.

Another old man took a fancy to a huge landscape painting of three meters and eight lengths, and when he was auctioned just now, he called for 1,000, 800, and 600, but no one responded to the auction.

The old man was very satisfied, and said that the money was worth even the materials for the painting.

He also gushed about how he had bought a few paintings at another stall yesterday, and that the other one had bought more, about a few thousand yuan, and asked them if they wanted to see it, and if they wanted to see it, he would take them there.

In those days, Bao's house was full of these paintings, and after looking at them repeatedly, I thought that not long ago, my wife went to open an adult store, so it was better to open a gallery by myself.


A few years later, Po went to Shenchuan to find Wei Sheng, and Wei Sheng asked him to manage a golf course.

Soon Ah Bao met Lingling at the lottery station, in her twenties, white and fat, and she didn't see that she was a countryman at all.

She has been working in Fukagawa for many years and has done all kinds of jobs, but she has never been a prostitute.

She went to the golf course with Po, regarded it as a manor, regarded Po as the owner of the manor, and lived a life as a temporary couple.

She is quite crazy in bed, and she understands the trend of longitudinal butterflies seeking fragrance in "Meat Futon", the trend of wild bees brewing honey, the trend of lost birds returning to the forest, the trend of hungry horses running to the trough, and the trend of double dragons fighting tired, Ah Bao gradually can't bear it.

Soon Po found the second pleasure, which was to sketch the human body in front of Lingling. He took it as an oracle and was ecstatic for days.

He asked Lingling to pose in a variety of postures every day, some standing, some squatting, and some lying: standing and squatting, lying down, and all kinds of them.

Lingling thought that she was dedicating herself to art, and she was obedient, and when she saw him painting so well, she admired him very much, and thought that once his paintings became famous, she would also become famous.

At the beginning, Ah Bao also painted decently, painting is not very decent, deliberately exaggerating some of her poses or a certain part, there is no art without exaggeration, and the effect is really better, and the painting style moves from realism and realism to expressionism and romanticism.

The more he painted, the more he drew the smoother and more expressive the lines, and he could paint one in a few minutes (not for too long, too long and she would be unbearable, and she would be angry), and in a month he painted more than 100 pictures.

Because of his solid sketching foundation when he was a child, Zhang Zhang is a masterpiece.

If he hadn't won the lottery later, he would have continued to draw until he became a master.

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