Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 300 Pu Shiji Arrived in Ninja World【3/7】

Somewhere in the training room.

Hinata, wearing short-sleeved clothes suitable for Gentle Fist practice, was waving her little hand and constantly attacking the maple night ahead.

"Don't worry, let go of the attack."

Feng Ye wore loose clothes and waved his left hand with one hand up and down to block Hinata's attacks one by one. Samsara Tenseigan's pupils observed Hinata's control over Chakra and judged her ability range at the moment.

Hinata’s strength is actually not weak. As a ninja who inherits Byakugan’s pupil technique, although she can’t compare with the geniuses like Sasuke Naruto among her peers, she still ranks in the middle. It’s just that she will always be in the middle of the battle. There is a bit of deliberate retention.

Even if she tells herself to shoot with all her strength, there is already one or two points of power in the subconscious that are suppressed. This is destined by her character, and she is not suitable for being a combat ninja.

Feng Ye also knew this very well.

Therefore, it is appropriate for Hinata to inherit the power of Hamura, because Konoha no longer lacks combat-type ninjas, but lacks a ninja who specializes in communicating with the tail beast. This is what Kaede left for Hinata a long time ago. Location.

With the power of Hamura, she can suppress the tail beast, and her personality is just right.


Hinata gasped slightly, responded, and continued to attack.

Feng Ye resisted more than a dozen consecutive attacks, then took a step back and said:

"Okay, it's okay."

Based on simple observations and tests, he has almost judged the extent of Hinata's control over Chakra, and also roughly knew how far the seal should be released.

After allowing Hinata to sit down and rest for a while, Kaedeya removed the seal on her body by about one percent, and Hamura's Chakra immediately surged out.


Hinata's body suddenly tightened, and Byakugan couldn't help but turn on.

Although it was only about one percent of Hamura Chakra, it still surpassed the Chakra she possessed today, which brought a heavy burden to her, and the Chakra in her body began to be involuntarily influenced by Hamura's Chakra.

"I let go of this part of Chakra, you should be able to control it."

Feng Ye looked at Hinata and said.

Hinata bit her lip slightly, showing a look of hard work. After holding on for about a minute, she slowly closed Byakugan again, suppressing this part of Chakra.

"Okay, just keep it like that."

Feng Ye smiled and said: "What you need is to train these Chakras as'loads' first, and then keep living in this state. After you adapt, I will unlock another seal for you. As you improve layer by layer, your physique will change little by little."

Having said this, Feng Ye turned around and walked out, saying:

"Come on, take the prepared salute."


Hinata answered softly and stood up.

While sitting there, she could almost completely suppress the fluctuation of Hamura's Chakra, but when she stood up, there was a wave of waves.

Chakra, who was out of control for a short time, gushed from her feet, causing the floor under her feet to make a clicking sound, showing traces of cracks.


Realizing that he had broken the floor, Hinata suddenly showed a hint of panic, and stepped back involuntarily. Her snow-white feet seemed to become extremely uncontrollable, and she smashed the floor again, and the crack became bigger.


Feng Ye, who had already walked to the door, turned his head and glanced at Hinata, and said:

"Don't be nervous, adapt slowly."


When Hinata heard what Kaede said, the panic in her heart subsided a little, and she tried her best to control the restless Chakra like the power of a tail beast.

Then she stepped forward cautiously, stepping on the floor with her little foot, and did not let the floor break again, which made her breathe a sigh of relief and walked slowly towards the door.


After half a day.

Three strangely shaped cars left Konoha.

The whole car is made of wood and a part of metal. Each car is about the size of two cabins. Below the car is not a wheel, but a metal'legs'. These legs and feet seem to be alive and constant. Move forward.

When encountering sunken potholes or raised stones, it will naturally shrink, just like liquid metal, making the whole car go very smoothly.

Inside one of the cars.

"It's Hinata? It's cute."

Lin smiled and sat next to Hinata, reaching out and rubbing her cheeks. The affectionate gesture made Hinata a little shy, and her cheeks were flushed and she lowered her head.

"Please, please advise, Lord Nohara."

Lin's movements made it difficult for her to control the Chakra in her body. She had to sit there to strengthen her will and control the power surging in her body.

Lin retracted her hand, looked at Hinata with a smile, and said, "Please advise... Master Hokage is very kind to you, and I would like to use the rare travel time to guide you in your practice."

"Huh? Traveling?"

Hinata was taken aback and looked up at Lin.

Lin tilted her head and smiled: "Yes, Master Hokage has a rare vacation."

I learned from Lin that Fengye’s original plan was to travel. It was originally a relaxing vacation, but she still took her to guide her practice. This made her feel guilty in her heart, and she became more determined to take control.' The power of ancestors', the idea that Feng Ye will not be disappointed.

the other side.

Feng Ye, who was lying in the other car, withdrew his gaze.

The original plan was for him to directly open a space channel to go to the hot spring vacation place, but after thinking about it, he gave up. After all, that would be meaningless to travel, and now he can just give advice on Hinata's practice on the road.


Outside the sky.

Above the moon.

The void suddenly split, turning into black piece by piece, and finally turned into a pitch-black space channel-this is Huangquan Hirazaka.

In the split space channel, a figure walked out of it.

He wore strange clothes that were different from Ninja ninjas. In his eyes was Byakugan, who was almost similar to the Hyuga clan. On the top of his head was something like a forehead protector, with a gap in the center.

"Is it here?"

"Kaguya's world..."

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki floated in the void and looked down at the Shinokai below.

Then he looked around again, and after sensing it, he showed a slightly mocking smile, and said, "Little Tao and the others are really slow... Well, it's not incomprehensible. They will always be slow when they get older."

Speaking of this, Urashi looked down at the Ninja World below, and his eyes flickered slightly: "First check if it is here. By the way, collect information about the traitor. If that guy really eats the Chakra fruit, it would be pretty good. Troublesome."

With the voice falling.

His figure flickered, and flew down towards the Ninja World below.

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