Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 338 Scale IV and a piece of information (end of this volume)

After the two Ōtsutsuki peach and gold styles were blown up by Kaedeya one after another, the long-lost peace in the Ninja world ushered in.

Kaedeya learned about the Ōtsutsuki clan from Jinshi, and one day left the world of Ninja, using Huangquan Hirazaka to open a passage to the distant sky.

After the shuttle, run out of Chakra, then use time to go back, restore to the previous state, and then shuttle again.

A few days later.

Feng Ye returned to the Ninja World.

Kakashi asked what Kaede had done in the past few days. Kaede’s answer was to go to the Ōtsutsuki gold-style and peach-style family land, punch the enemies one by one, and finally lost Ōtsutsuki by accident. A family of planets, so I couldn't bring back anything.

Kakashi was lost in thought.

About a month later, Kaedya retired from Hokage's position at the age of 28, and Konoha also ushered in the Sixth Hokage, Hatake Kakashi.

Since everything has been prepared before, and Kakashi's current strength is already the apex of the Ninja world, Hokage's succession has basically not caused any waves.

Although many people are reluctant.

Many people hoped that Kaedeya would continue to serve as Hokage, but Kaedeya still retired and handed over all the power in his hands to Kakashi.


A few years later.

Somewhere in the courtyard on the north side of Konoha.

Feng Ye was sitting on the corridor with a coffee table in front of him. He held a cup of tea in his left hand and sipped it slowly.

In front of him,

Sitting a teenager about six or seven years old, with short silver-white hair.

" the instinct of living beings is reproduction and mating. Whether in females pursuing males or males pursuing females, excellent individuals are often surrounded by more opposite sexes. This is also natural selection. result."

"The more excellent individuals are, the more they will be able to pass on their genes and have the power to reproduce, and those individuals who are not good enough will not be favored by the opposite sex, so they will gradually be eliminated, the part that belongs to them. Genes will disappear over time."

Kaede Yoruichi drank the tea, put the tea cup on the table, and said, "So, the better the person, the more the opposite sex will be attracted. This is actually a criterion for judging whether the individual is good enough. , Including humans."

"So don't be bothered by being surrounded by a large number of opposite sexes, because that is just a manifestation of you being good enough, and that is something you should be proud of."

The silver-haired boy seemed to understand something.

He nodded.

"I see, Uncle Feng Ye."

"Just get it."

Feng Ye smiled slightly and stood up.

At about this time, Kakashi, wearing a Hokage robe, walked over from the outside and saw his son sitting in front of Maple Night at a glance.

Kakashi looked at Fengye and said, "Brother, you didn't teach Xiaokong something strange, did you?"

"No, how could it be?"

Feng Ye smiled and said: "I just teach him how to look at what happened in another way, so that he can turn his troubles into other feelings."

Kakashi stared at Kaede suspiciously, always feeling that there was something wrong.

Feng Ye put on the wooden clogs, walked into the room, and said, "Okay, Xiao Kong is almost done playing. You can take him back. By the way, tell Xiao Qiong that you can come and play often when you have nothing to do."

Kakashi stared at Feng Ye's back, until after Feng Ye disappeared, he looked at Hatake Sora next to him and said, "What did the big brother teach you just now?"

Hatake said seriously: "Uncle said that you wear a mask, dad, is a lack of self-confidence and told me not to follow you. I think uncle is right."

Kakashi: "..."


Squeak, squeak, squeak,

Fengye stepped on the wooden clogs, all the way to the roof top.

He came to the edge of the rooftop, and after looking at the distant sky, there was endless depth in his eyes. When he looked carefully, he could see from his pupils that the whole world was at sunrise and sunset, as if experiencing it in an instant. Endless time.

This is the ability of Unreal Clock to scale IV-predict the future!

It is not just the ability of perception to predict the short-lived future. The ability under this scale can see countless futures, and can see the endless distant time!

The future is not a line, but a handful of sand.

To put it in a more vivid way, it is like a tree diagram, a tree diagram that spreads out infinitely. Every difference in each point will extend a completely different future.

Like Observation Haki in One Piece World, only a few seconds of the future can be seen, and only one future can be seen, but the ability of the Unreal Clock to scale IV can see an infinite future and see all futures that may happen!

In other words.

When Feng Ye stood here, he could actually see the end of time in this world.

"What an annoying ability..."

Feng Ye closed his eyes, the luster in his pupils disappeared, and he became calm again. He shook his head.

This ability was unlocked two years ago.

After obtaining this ability, whenever he is interested in the future, he will use this ability to look towards the future, the perspective is like standing on a high place, looking at countless branches of time.

This ability is actually extremely powerful, but because of this, its side effects are also very obvious, that is, it will make people lose interest in the future.

Because all the future can be seen in full view.

It is so boring to be able to see everything that is going to happen, in fact, it is a very boring thing that makes Feng Ye lose interest in many things.

"If this ability is used too much, the emotion of being a human will really gradually disappear."

Feng Ye murmured in his heart.

In fact, even if he didn't use this ability, he still lost interest in this world because he had seen countless futures and things that happened decades later.

"If this goes on, you will not be in control of time, but in control of time, and you must make changes..."

Feng Ye raised his head and looked at the distant sky, a deep flash in his eyes.

After unlocking the ability of Scale IV, he obtained a piece of information from the Unreal Clock, which was the information left by the previous holder of the Unreal Clock in time.

[The power you hold, I call it——Sand of Time]

[The Sand of Time can unlock a total of twelve time abilities. When you get all twelve abilities, you will have stood at the apex of all time and the world.]

[In fact, after unlocking three to four abilities, you should have reached the apex of a certain world, and no more than five abilities at most, so I recorded this information when you unlocked the fourth ability. ……】

[The Sands of Time has the ability to travel through time and space, and can go to different worlds]

[What I want to tell you is that unlocking the twelve abilities is not the end, nor does it mean that you truly control time. You are still a doll of time, controlled by time, because your ego will change with time. And fade away]

[I don’t know how to resist, how to break free from time, and truly control time... I just know that if I continue, I will completely lose myself in the passage of time and become a puppet sculpture. 】

[I try to block my memory and throw myself into a new life. Every time I reach the apex of a new world, I will retrieve everything before, but this method can only delay and cannot cure it unless I completely abandon my past, but In that case, I won’t be me anymore]

[I can't find a way...]

[I recorded this piece of information here when I still had some self. When you get this information, it means that I should have failed. I completely lost myself in the passage of time and became a loser. , And was abandoned by the sands of time]

[Actually, after experiencing so many worlds and experiencing so many pleasant times, I am already satisfied, especially when my self is almost dying, emotions like'dissatisfaction, unwillingness, and unwillingness' are all already Doesn't exist anymore

[I don’t even think it’s a bad thing to pass away, and my life is full enough-and this is exactly the scary part of time]


【good luck】

[I hope you can control time, not be controlled by it]

After getting this piece of information from the Unreal Clock, Feng Ye was silent for a long time. Everything he felt so far showed that there was nothing wrong with this information.

"I don't know how much time you have experienced, but the time that belongs to me has just begun. At least I won't give in to time easily..."

Feng Ye murmured.

His gaze swept across Konoha below, across the entire Konoha Village, across the entire Ninja World, and finally raised his head to look at the sky.

There was a pale golden luster in his pupils, and the illusory clock appeared in his pupils, and then reflected, as if covering the entire sky at once.

Hum! ! !

Some kind of weird force swayed away.

Kakashi, who was asking what Fengye had taught his son, was frozen there.

Xi Rihong, who was cooking, also solidified there.

Terumi Mei, who was bathing, also solidified there, and a drop of water was frozen on her body.

The wind stopped.

The entire sky, everything in the entire world has fallen into stillness, whether it is life or anything, whether it is body or consciousness, has fallen into stillness.

Feng Ye also fell into a static state, but only his body, his consciousness still existed.

"Time stands still..."

"No, it's not that time is still, but it separates me from this time..."

Feng Ye realized what had happened.


The illusory clock exudes a bright light, covering him all at once, as if it were a big hand, pulling his figure away from this time.

What appeared in front of him was a golden river, which was said to be a river, but if you looked carefully, you could see that every drop of water seemed to be a golden clock, constantly spinning.

He walked down the golden world with his whole body, and he could feel his body's rapid aging. He didn't know that he had experienced thousands of Ten Thousand Years, and he felt his body's youthful youth quickly, and he was back in an instant. Back to the baby period.


The power that had wrapped him disappeared and fell downward.

The golden waves splashed,

He disappeared into the river.

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