Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 347 Planetary Devastation

Feng Ye's words made Shanks and the others startled.

In fact, except for Feng Ye’s ship approaching and saying hello to Feng Ye at the beginning, Shanks didn’t pay too much attention to Feng Ye’s situation, because the storm was so strong that most of his energy was concentrated on the storm. And my partner.

But it's impossible to say that you don't pay attention at all, because the situation in Fengye is also somewhat unusual, because Fengye has been standing on the ship's deck very steadily from beginning to end.

Even if the waves were up and down, and the ship swayed up and down, Feng Ye hadn't swayed.

at this point,

There is no doubt that it is not something ordinary people can do.

It's just that there is no pirate flag hung on Fengye's ship, and it doesn't look big. It seems to be just an ordinary civilian ship. The only special thing is that it looks relatively sturdy.

And Feng Ye's words and actions at this time undoubtedly showed that Feng Ye was not an ordinary person, and seemed to have to help them withstand the storm.

"Then thank you for your help!"

Shanks laughed at Feng Ye.

Although I don’t know Feng Ye and I’ve never heard of Feng Ye’s name, we should help each other in this kind of storm. the result of.

There is always a little more success bargaining chip to resist this storm.

"You are welcome."

Feng Ye smiled slightly, raised his hands, and gently closed in front of him, and then slowly pulled away, a cloud of white light emerged in his palm.

The white light shuddered quickly, and instantly turned into a black ball of light, like a black hole, exuding a heart-palpitating breath, and it grew bigger and bigger.

Until the ball of light became about the size of a fist.

Feng Ye stopped moving, holding up the black ball of light with his left hand, and gently sending it upwards, and the black ball of light soared up in the storm and quickly flew to the sky.

The red-haired Shanks who looked at this scene from afar showed a strange color.

"what is that?"

"It should be some kind of Devil Fruit ability..."

Beckman looked up at the sky, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said: "I can't recognize what power it is, but what is it to release to the sky?"

Yasopp and the others also looked at the sky strangely, watching the black ball of light fly higher and higher, and finally flew to the cloud, and suddenly disappeared into the dark clouds in the sky.

Just when Beckman and others frowned slightly, and they were a little unsure of the situation for a while.


Feng Ye's palms gently folded in front of him again.

"Earth burst...Stars!"

He looked at the sky, spoke calmly, his voice swayed in the storm, and the sky of lightning and thunder seemed to be unable to conceal his plain voice.

It was almost at this moment.

The dark clouds that were surging in the entire sky suddenly solidified, and then, as if being pulled by something, they began to frantically rush towards somewhere in the center.

This involvement is like a chain reaction, not only the dark clouds above Fengye, but the entire sky turned into a Uzumaki!

Together with the crackling lightning, they are all being pulled towards the center!

"This is……"

Shanks, who had followed Roger the One Piece, were okay. Others, such as Beckman, Yasopp, etc., almost all showed shocked expressions, looking up into the sky.

What can be seen is that the dark clouds at the end of the line of sight seem to be dragged. The dark clouds in the entire sky are like a vast ocean, and a pumping valve is opened on the seabed!

All the dark clouds are surging in that direction!

The wind stopped.

The violent wind spreading between the sky and the earth was also pulled towards the sky, and even some waves and seawater in all directions were also dragged towards the sky.

It's like rainwater is flowing backwards,

Sprinkle from the sea to the sky!

The dark clouds and currents converge to the center and condense into a huge sphere visible to the naked eye. The misty dark clouds are completely squeezed into water currents and condense with the seawater drawn from the sea surface to form a naked eye. A huge water ball, hanging above the sky.


The dark clouds that stretched for an unknown distance began to disappear from the end of the line of sight, and the rays of the sun could be seen, converging here from all directions.

The last little bit of dark clouds, in a few seconds, all poured into the huge water ball and disappeared.

Under the blue sky, only a huge water ball was left, floating on the sky of unknown height, emitting a rainbow-like luster under the sunlight.

Rough seas,

Gradually he returned to calm.

The sun shines on the sea and falls on Beckman and others, but the warm feeling is like petrified light, making them all solidify there, like a statue.

Even the young red-haired Shanks, looking at the sunny day again at this time, the endless blue sky was a little dazed for a while.

There was silence.

There was only the sound of rolling waves on the sea.

Feng Ye let go of his folded hands in front of him. He looked at the huge water polo in the sky, gently lowered his left hand, and waved his right hand forward.

Wow! ! !

The water ball shattered and turned into a waterfall. It drew a beautiful arc in the sky, fell to the distant sea, poured onto the sea, and finally disappeared.

Yasopp's eyes moved from the sky to Feng Ye's body, his eyes trembling a little.

Although they have become Shanks's companions, all the way from East Blue to Grand Line, they have also seen all kinds of abilities and encounters with all kinds of strong men.

But the ability that Feng Ye revealed at this moment was almost beyond what he could understand!

All the dark clouds in the sky are swallowed and absorbed, transformed into a huge water ball, and then re-injected into the sea water. This kind of picture is almost like a miracle!

In the silence.

Feng Ye, who had done all this, put down her hand, turned her head to look at Beckman and others who were still sluggish, and the red-haired Shanks who looked over here, with a light smile:

"It looks like it's all right."

"Don't you invite me to sit down?"

As his voice fell, no one responded, and the sea was still silent, only the sound of the sea breeze and the undulating sound of waves.

After a few seconds.

The dazed Shanks came back to his senses, put the sword into the scabbard, and showed a sunny smile at Feng Ye, saying:

"Thank you, senior! My name is Shanks, come to our boat for a banquet!"


Feng Ye smiled slightly, turned his head and said to the cabin: "Robin, don't have to cook anymore, here is the banquet."

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