Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 379: What Does He Want To Do? !

"Did you let our slaves go?!"

"You still dare to break into the land of God without authorization... You don't kneel down when you see us. You regard the descendants of the Creator and us who represent this world as what we are!!!"

Rozwald spoke to Feng Ye angrily.

Fengye retracted his gaze toward the land of the gods at this time, glanced at the nearby Celestial Dragons, and said softly, "Represents, this world?"

I have never seen a creature that can be so arrogant, but Kaede Yoruichi wants to chuckle slightly. Even if he is in charge of the fruit of the sacred tree and unified the Hokage world, he will not think that he alone represents the whole Hokage world.

To be able to say such words,

It can be seen how decaying these original royal families, Celestial Dragons, who controlled the world, have been decayed for 800 years.

Huh! !

At about this time, a figure in white clothes appeared in front of Feng Ye like a twinkle. He was wearing a high-top white top hat, tall, exuding the aura of a strong man, and staring at Feng Ye with cold eyes. .

Immediately after him, several figures in white clothes appeared.


World government spy agency is the most advanced!

As it belongs directly to the Celestial Dragons and Five Elders, CP0 is even superior to Marine in terms of power and status, and can mobilize and even order Marine!

"His Royal Highness, this is dangerous, please step back first."

The CP0 captain stared at Feng Ye and slowly spoke to the Celestial Dragons behind.

The appearance of CP0 made those Celestial Dragons trembling, angry and frightened again, Rozvard put up the crutches in his hand and gritted his teeth and said: "Catch him for me! CP0! I want to take it! He became my slave!"

"He is my slave! Rozwald! I want him to realize what pain is!!"

"No! He is mine!"

The Celestial Dragons nearby began to quarrel.

Many members of CP0 flashed helplessly in the depths of their eyes, but their faces were still staring at Feng Ye indifferently, guarding the front of the many Celestial Dragons.

The CP0 captain was even more unwavering, staring at Feng Ye solemnly.

laugh! !

Just at this time.

A ray of sword light abruptly appeared from behind Feng Ye, slashing towards Feng Ye's back, the sword aura was so vast that it stretched for hundreds of meters and ran across it.

This is the slash of the great swordsman!


Feng Ye didn't make any movement, and the invisible repulsive force surged out, and the huge blue sword aura froze behind him, then snapped a few times, annihilated in the air.

"Is it finally out?"

"Five Elders..."

Feng Ye nodded his head slightly, and swept back behind with the left light.

In that direction, the three of Five Elders appeared there. Among them was a thin man with eyes, holding a long sword in his forehand, with Haki intertwined on the blade.

In this world where strength is supreme, it is impossible to rule everything without strength. As the highest level of the World government, Five Elders, although not all of them are top powerhouses, among them, there are two literati and three martial arts, three of whom have strong strength. exist!

"Actually, I am very curious. As Celestial Dragons, you should disdain to do things like spiritual practice. How can you have such strength."

Fengye tilted his head to look at Five Elders coming back.

Five Elders holding a sword said solemnly: "You don't need to know so much... you destroyed the Naval Headquarters first, and then came here to wreak havoc. What is your purpose? Do you want to destroy the world?!"

Feng Ye smiled faintly, and said: "Although I am not a kind existence, I have no interest in destroying the world."

"Then what are you doing here? Declare war on us?!"

Five Elders stared at Feng Ye and said in a deep voice.

Feng Ye glanced around, looked up at a white cloud in the sky, and said: "When the ubiquitous wind in this world blows in front of you, you always wonder where its source is."

"It's like a rushing river, and you will also want to find its source, unless it dries up and is cut off..."

"I just want to see different winds, blowing into different futures, by the way, gently, to get rid of some too cold and humid winds that I don't like too much."

Five Elders's face was a little ugly.

Although Feng Ye's words were a bit difficult to understand, they could still understand it, that is, the World government provoke Feng Ye, so he chased the source to find it.


This is a lunatic!

Like the existences of World Destroyer and Golden Lion, they will never let go once they are provoked. The difference is that Maple Night is stronger than World Destroyer and Golden Lion!


At about the same time.

The interior of the land of gods.

Many slaves were constantly trembling listening to the huge movement outside. Some people continued to wipe the ground, and did not dare to relax and raise their heads, while others looked out from the window with their eyes With an extremely nervous look.

"Fa...what happened?"

"Such a big movement, could it be that... someone invaded the Holy Land?"


"This is the land of gods... who can invade here..."

Some slaves communicated quietly with trembling voices.

But at this moment, the ground under their feet suddenly squirmed, and then a slit opened, swallowing a few of them all at once.


Seeing this scene, the nearby slaves suddenly showed a look of horror, but before they could move, they were swallowed by the cracked ground one after another.

The same thing happened one after another everywhere in the land of the gods.

These cracks that swallowed slaves all grew with a pair of eyes. They were the life-giving soil, which split into hundreds of individuals. At this moment, they are continuously devouring the slaves in the land of the gods, and they are moving from the ground to the ground. Flocked beyond the holy land.


"So you want us to cancel your wanted order?!"

Five Elders holding the sword stood with the sword, staring at Feng Ye not far away, and said solemnly: "You have done so many things, it is impossible to cancel your wanted order!"

While talking,

One of the five Elders suddenly changed his face and said:

"What's going on inside? What did you do?!"

They sensed that unusual things were happening in the land of the gods, and many individuals who could perceive the breath disappeared into the ground one after another.

Feng Ye said flatly: "It's just to send away some irrelevant people first."


The CP0 captain frowned, and he also sensed the unusual movement in the land of the gods behind, but he didn't make any movements.

On the one hand, Five Elders has not issued any orders, on the other hand, compared to the latter situation, the maple night here is undoubtedly a more dangerous existence!

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

The atmosphere in the field fell into a short period of solidification, and the aura of Five Elders and CP0 surrounded Feng Ye and formed a confrontation with Feng Ye.

do not know why.

As time passed, Five Elders had a vague premonition.

"What does he want to do?!"

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