Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 399 Strongest vs. Closest to God!

Although speaking of absolute strength, even Whitebeard, who is now at his peak, will not be his opponent, and there is a huge gap between him.

But Feng Ye still gave Whitebeard enough respect in her heart.

The reason is simple.

Whitebeard is a person who has reached the apex in this world by relying on his own strength. For such a character, even because of the different levels of the world, Feng Ye will still give some respect, and will not show any attitude such as contempt and contempt.

Feng Ye respects those who work hard and those who can reach the apex of that world through their own efforts, even if the combat effectiveness of that world is very low.


Whitebeard himself did not dislike Feng Ye.

Among the pirates, there are very few people who can achieve Whitebeard's level, almost not many. Firefist Ace can finally be subdued under Whitebeard's temperament, and it is not only because of Whitebeard's strength.

Now that the Four Emperors era has not yet arrived, there is a pattern of superpowers on the sea. The Whitebeard Pirate Group is aloof and above the others, but this is the Whitebeard Pirate Group, but it is almost the poorest Pirate Group.

On the one hand, the Whitebeard Pirates basically don’t do looting. Even if they do looting, they often attack other pirates. On the other hand, the Whitebeard Pirates almost never charge high amounts of offerings from the countries that use his flag. .

Every time he gets the few treasures, Whitebeard also gives them all to the people in his hometown, and he basically doesn't leave them at all, so that he doesn't even have any inheritance after death.

In fact,

This is no longer a pirate, but a force that opposes the World government that rules a certain sea area, similar to a separatist force.

The later Four Emperors were basically the same, they separatized and ruled part of the territory.

"Although I say that..."

Feng Ye looked at Whitebeard and smiled, put his hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist, gently drew out the sword, and said, "But I still want to be a greeting."

In today's world, no one can surpass Whitebeard in terms of strength, and Whitebeard is undoubtedly a very suitable opponent for him to sharpen Haki and swordsmanship.

In addition to swordsmanship, his Haki also has room for improvement.


Feng Ye's drawing of the sword made Marko and the others nervous again.

However, Whitebeard grinned and said, "Gul la la la, you didn't seem to have fun at all during halftime with John that guy."

Feng Ye has already stated his attitude, not to ask for trouble, so this greeting is not really a battle between life and death.

But that being said.

Regarding Feng Ye's invitation to fight, Whitebeard's eyes also showed serious eyes. There are not many opponents on this sea that he can take seriously, but Feng Ye is definitely one of them.

"He is too weak."

Feng Ye spoke casually.

The battle with Captain John did not hurt or itch for him.


Marco in the distance looked at this scene and couldn't help but speak.

"Marko, Joz, you all stand back,"

Whitebeard glanced at Marko and the others, then returned his gaze to Feng Ye, holding the Naginata Cong Yunchi, one of the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Knife, in his right hand, grinning slightly, the momentum and courage that belonged to the strongest man in the world for a moment. Broke out.

"Don't worry about anything, I'm... Whitebeard!"

Seeing this scene, Marco and the others couldn't help squeezing their fists, but they still obeyed Whitebeard's orders and quickly retreated back with the unconscious crew members.

Feng Ye also waved his hand and sent Robin back to the ship's deck.

Then he looked at Whitebeard again, and after a two-second pause, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, holding the sword in his hand, and taking a step forward, the sword in his hand suddenly slashed out.


Whitebeard, who had been prepared for a long time, showed a serious look. Haki burst out of his body and waved the Naginata "Congyun Cut" in his hand to face the sword of Kaedeya.

The two sword blades were just in the air and collided together, and there was a clear sound of golden and iron humming, sparks flew everywhere.

Cang! ! !

The crisp voice shook open.

Then there was a roar like thunder, which exploded in the sky across the island.

The countless petals of Sakura flowers floating in the sky were engulfed by this terrifying air wave and shook open towards the sea in all directions.

The clouded sky was even more split into two halves!


"I didn't keep my hands at all, the traveler guy."

Diamond Joz looked at this side and the shocking scene in the sky from a distance, and opened his mouth with a nervous expression, slightly squeezing his fists, and part of his fingers turned into a diamond shape.

"Don't worry too much, Joz."

Marco spoke in a deep voice, and said: "That guy said he wasn't here to make trouble. A man like that wouldn't talk nonsense, not to mention that the old man might not lose to him."

Although Maple Night destroyed the Holy Land Mariejois and solved the entire John Pirates alone in front of them, Whitebeard has never lost to anyone!

Even Roger, the one piece king,

Never beat Whitebeard!

The name of the world's strongest man is not self-proclaimed, but a name recognized by the entire sea. Whitebeard is the strongest standing at the top of the world!

This is……

The battle between the strongest and the closest to God!

"Yes, Dad won't lose to anyone, even that guy."

Foil Bista also spoke with conviction.

Today, Whitebeard is only fifty-five years old. Despite a slight decline in physical strength, all aspects of combat power, including Haki, are still at their peak!

And they didn't just come to this island, but they have stayed for a while, and after a period of recuperation, Whitebeard's mental state is also at its peak!

Whitebeard in this state,

They don't think they will lose to anyone, even Fengye!

"……too naive."

Robin was standing in front of the deck, looking in the direction of Whitebeard and Fengye. She could hear the voices of Marco and others not far away, but she just shook her head in her heart.

Perhaps Whitebeard is indeed the strongest man in the world. He belongs to the strongest existence among human beings. No one can resist it, but Feng Ye... has already left the category of human beings!

The man closest to God?

Do not.

Having seen Feng Ye's various abilities, she is very clear that this statement actually has a big problem. Feng Ye is not the closest to the god, but should be-the god who walks in the world!

And just under the attention of Robin and Marco.

Feng Ye, whose blade and Naginata collided with each other, slowly spoke. He looked at Whitebeard and said:

"Is that the power of Shock Fruit?"

I could feel the violent shock transmitted from the part where the blade touched, causing his fingers to vibrate, making it difficult for him to hold the sword in his hand.

Whitebeard grinned: "Yes...I am the earthquake person who ate Shock Fruit. If you fight with me, you will have to withstand the force of the earthquake..."

Feng Ye smiled softly and said, "I should be able to do it."

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