Control Time From Hokage

Chapter 606: The Spirit Palace trembles!

"This is the Spirit Palace."

Feng Ye stepped out of the folded space and landed on the ground of the Omotesando of the Lingwang Palace, standing with her hands in place, gazing peacefully across the space.

When he and the Spirit King created Soul Society and "Hueco Mundo", the Spirit King had not yet created the Spirit King Palace, and when he crossed the 100 Ten Thousand Years to the present, the Spirit King Palace was arranged by the Spirit King with dozens of layers of folding space.

Because there are too many layers of folded and curved space, it far exceeds the distance between "Hueco Mundo" and Soul Society, even if his God Eye cannot see the scene of the Spirit Palace directly from the outside world.

This is the first time he has stepped into the Spirit Palace.

It was also the first time I saw the scene in the Lingwang Palace.

After Feng Ye's gaze swept across the entire Spirit King Palace, he raised his head and looked to the top, the Spirit King's inner chamber hanging from the sky. His gaze directly penetrated the surface of the building, fell to the highest floor, and saw a solemn palace. , Only the torso and head remain, the body of the Spirit King sealed in a piece of amber-like substance.

After a hundred Ten Thousand Years, the two eyes finally met again!


Penetrating the building and crossing the space, Feng Ye and the Spirit King looked at each other, and gradually a trace of melancholy appeared in their expressions, and he shook his head gently.

And almost when Kaedeya looked back, on the corridor of the Omotesando of the Lingwang Palace, five figures, headed by Ichibei Hyōsube, walked step by step towards Kaede Yoruichi.

Fengye looked at Ichibei Hyōsube.

Ichibei Hyōsube also looked at Maple Ye, and together with Wangyue of Ermaiya, Tenshiro of Kylin Temple and others behind, all eyes were on Maple Ye.

Ichibei Hyōsube came to the front of Fengye and stopped about five meters away from Fengye. After stopping, his body slowly sank.

At the rear, Nimaiya Wangyue, Kirinji Tenshiro, Shudara Senjumaru and others all stopped at the same time and made uniform movements with Ichibei Hyōsube.

Five people in the zero division——

Kneel on one knee!

"Team Zero, see Master Xu Wang!"

Ichibei Hyōsube, Ermeiwu Wangyue and others bowed their heads to Fengye and spoke in unison, all with respect in their voices.

Feng Ye watched this scene lightly, not feeling very surprised, only calmly said: "He saw me here, and told you?"

Ichibei Hyōsube kept the posture on one knee and responded respectfully to Kaedeye: "Master Lingwang left a message about you a long time ago and gave instructions to let me wait here, but knows you. Existed earlier."


Fengye looked at Ichibei Hyōsube.

Ichibei Hyōsube explained: “All Zanpakutō are forged by Nimaiya Wangyue. He knows the whereabouts of each Zanpakutō and who is holding each Zanpakutō in the hands of someone. By the time the sealed state is reached, Ermaiwu Wangyue will already know your existence."Feng Ye smiled softly and said: "Then all the things that happened during the days I lived in the Jingling Pavilion are clear to you?"

"I don't know so much."

Ichibei Hyōsube raised his head and looked at Feng Ye and said, "We dare not presume to spy on Lord Xu you too much, but because of my ability, I also know a little bit."

Feng Ye stood with his hands on his back, his eyes passed the five people in the zero division, and then calmly said: "It's okay, get up all the time."

"Master Xie Xuwang."

Ichibei Hyōsube saluted again, then slowly stood up.

Nimeiya Wangyue knows the location of each Zanpakutō, knows whom each Zanpakutō falls into, and he is the one who named everything in the Soul Society, knows the names of all life and all creatures in the Soul Society, he and Ermei With the combination of Wu Wangyue's abilities, even if you are in the Palace of the Spirit King, you can know many things that have happened to Soul Society and "Hueco Mundo".

Especially when there is a person who can't see the name clearly, can't manipulate it, and even Ermeiwu Wangyue has been frightened. The first thing they think of is the message left by the Spirit King.

Virtual King!

Hundred Ten Thousand Years, together with the Spirit King, built the existence of the Soul Society. His status is equivalent to that of the Spirit King, and he is the true king who created this world!

The responsibility of the zero division is to guard the spirit palace and the existence of the king. What they have to guard and obey is not only the spirit king, but also the virtual king standing in the sky!

"Take me to see him."

Feng Ye raised his head and looked at the Spirit King Daneri at the highest point, speaking in a gentle voice.

Ichibei Hyōsube lowered his head slightly and said:

"Yes, please follow me."

Others mentioned the spirit king, including them, all have to be given the honorary title of "adult", but Feng Ye used equal words, they did not feel the slightest abruptness, because Feng Ye originally existed on the same level as the spirit king, and was created One of the two kings of this world.

Ichibei Hyōsube led the way, while Fengye followed peacefully behind her, gazing randomly over the few Lingfanli Temples that she hadn't seen much before.

Shudara Senju Maru, Nimaiya Wangyue and others followed respectfully.

The few people didn't look at Feng Ye with any overly presumptuous gaze, but carefully lowered their heads slightly, observing Feng Ye, who was at the same level as the Spirit King, with their lowered gazes.

As members of the Zero Division, most of them know the state of the Soul King. After a hundred Ten Thousand Years, they created and developed the Soul Society to this day. The consciousness of the Soul King has been like a candle in the wind thousands of years ago. It is almost imperceptible.

But Feng Ye, the virtual king, is different.

According to the message left to them by the spirit king, after creating the Soul Society and "Hueco Mundo", Feng Ye spanned hundreds of Ten Thousand Years and came to the present!

Time can't stop Feng Ye's footsteps, and he can move forward arbitrarily in the river of time. This alone is something no one can shake. This is the authority of the Void King!

"Don't be so restrained."

In the silence, Feng Ye said peacefully: "I was the deputy captain of Gotei 13's second division when I was in Jinglingting, so I don't need to think so terribly."

Shudara Senju Maru was slightly startled, and then whispered back behind Fengye: "But you are the Lord Xu, after all, you can't ignore the etiquette."

Feng Ye smiled lightly, glanced at Shudara Senju Maru, and said, "When did you join the zero division?"

"Five hundred and twenty-one years ago."

Shudara Senju Maru respectfully responded.

Kaede showed a thoughtful look. Shutara Senjumaru was the person who created the death-tyrant costume and was named Oori Mori, but in his memory he seemed to know Kurotschi Mayuri, and Kurotschi Mayuri was very upset and unhappy. Reluctantly, it seems a bit early to join the zero division more than five hundred years ago.

However, it is normal to think about it carefully. Team Zero is not completely isolated from Jing Ling Ting after being promoted, and occasionally will still come to Jing Ling Ting to give instructions and so on.

Thought of this.

Feng Ye smiled easily and said, "You invented the death tyrant pretend?"


Shutara Senju Maru answered.

Fengye nodded and said, "Captain Haori's design style is not bad. You can design me a suit that suits me."

Shudara Senju Maru was slightly startled, but soon he answered, "Okay, I know the concubine, do you have any special requirements?"


Feng Ye smiled at her slightly and said, "As long as it fits me enough."

The more this kind of proposal that does not require much, the harder it is in fact to make it. After all, it is difficult to judge Kaede’s preferences and style. Everything has to be considered empty, but Shudara Senju Maru is Soul Society after all. Oori Mamoru, despite the difficulties, she calmly took over the task.

After everyone walked forward for a few more steps, they finally arrived at the entrance of the main entrance of the Spirit King Daneri.

On the left and right sides of the entrance stood two tall soldiers. Seeing the arrival of Ichibei Hyōsube and others, they immediately saluted everyone.

"Master Spirit King is inside. Please go in. I will wait outside the hall if I have not received the call from Master Spirit King."

Ichibei Hyōsube stopped at the entrance of the temple and saluted the maple night behind him.


Feng Ye responded calmly, and then stepped forward, boarded the hall gate of the spirit king's inner wall, stepped into it, and walked to the deepest part of the spirit king's inner wall.

After walking for a while, he came to a wide and solemn palace. Outside the hall stood four people wearing attendant costumes, all of whom respectfully saluted Fengye.

"See Lord Xu Wang."

"Get out."

Feng Ye spoke lightly and continued to walk forward, stepping into the inner hall.

The whole inner hall was empty, only the huge curtain was pulled open to the sides like the wings of a butterfly, a translucent amber was quietly suspended in the air, and the body of the spirit king stopped in the center of the amber.

He has no left and right hands, and he has also lost his left and right legs. Only the head and torso are left. His eyes are faint like a cross-shaped star, and he is looking straight ahead.

"You are really..."

Feng Ye stopped in front of the Spirit King, shook his head and sighed.

I am worried that after my consciousness dissipates, if my own body dies, Soul Society and "Hueco Mundo" will lose their pillars and immediately collapse. Therefore, the spirit king will take off his limbs while the consciousness is still present. Each limb contains a part of the spirit king's power. , Dispersed into Soul Society.

In this way, even if his body dies, is killed by someone, or is swallowed by power, Soul Society will not immediately collapse, and can continue to be maintained, waiting for a turnaround.

This should be prepared for the friend Habach.

As for why the Spirit King foresaw his coming, and at the same time preparing for the friend Habach, the reason is also very simple, that is, the foreseen future is an uncertain future.

Just like Kaede Yoruichi now, the future he sees is also endless branches, which are constantly changing, unless it has already happened and becomes the present.


The Spirit King has made two preparations, one is for his arrival, and the other is for Yuhabakh's renewed war with Soul Society after a thousand years.

The preparation for Uhabach is to split his body and strength in advance, and the preparation for him is a message left to him.


Feng Ye raised his hand and gently touched Amber's edge.

Sensing Feng Ye's power, a layer of invisible spiritual power unfolded, and the spirits in the air fluctuated, converging into dots of fluorescence, turning into the figure of the Spirit King, floating in front of Feng Ye.

"You came."

The phantom of the Spirit King is no longer the original form before the hundred Ten Thousand Years, but the eyes and words seem to bring endless vicissitudes of life: "You see this, it means that I am no longer there, the next hundred Ten Thousand Years belong to you... I know what you want, and my power is for you to take away. The only thing I ask for is one thing. Don’t let the world we created be ruined."

When he said this, he smiled freely and said: "In fact, I don't need to beg to know that you won't let that happen. Unfortunately, there is no chance to chat with you again."

With the voice falling.

The ghost of the spirit king turned into a little bit of spirit and dissipated.

Feng Ye stood there, looking at the dissipated phantom, looking at the spirit king in the amber, and gently said: "Don't worry, you disobedient children, I will discipline you, but... I will not stay here until the next 100 Ten Thousand Years."

After saying this, Feng Ye's hand stretched to Amber in front of him and pressed it on the surface of Amber, and that huge piece of amber suddenly appeared densely cracked, and finally collapsed in an instant!

Together with the figure of the Spirit King inside, it turned into a huge and vast force.

Feng Ye stretched his fingers forward and reached into that group of power, and that group of power immediately seemed to be iron filings under the action of a magnet, flowing rapidly, pouring into Feng Ye's body.

In a short time, that huge energy merged with Feng Ye, enveloping Feng Ye's whole person.

Rumble! ! !

The entire Spirit King Daneri began to tremble.

The entire Spirit Palace began to tremble!

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