Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 105 I'll make the decision for you! Inside story of the hunt!

"This is really a foundation-building speed car. I have only seen it twice in all these years... I didn't expect you, senior, to possess such a treasure. It's really amazing!"

After standing firm, Lin Yiyi from Feihe Valley said with envy!

She even has stars in her eyes! Peeking at Liu Lin in front of him, it was really unbelievable that such a powerful senior expert was actually just Lin Chang's junior brother, meaning he was younger than her...

But Liu Lin ignored her.

But he said lightly!

"Which way? Point in the direction and lead the way!"

"I come!"

Qi Yunshi immediately said,

Then stood on the deck,

Start pointing in the direction ahead and lead the way...

And at the same time,

Liu Lin also looked at Lin Shang in front of him again and started chatting casually! "Senior sister, what's the current situation here? I see that some of you who are in the Qi-training realm are actually being sent to fight against the foundation-building monks?"

"Is it possible that there is already a shortage of manpower and the situation is already getting worse?!"

Although he just asked casually,

Because this is indeed a bit strange, unless he is a freak, otherwise, let such a few guys in the Qi training realm deal with a strong foundation builder? In his opinion, this is undoubtedly a pure death!


Lin Shang hesitated for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

Because she didn't know what to say,

The most important thing is that she doesn't know whether Liu Lin is just catching up with her now, or whether he is still maintaining a good brotherhood with her like the Xiao Linzi back then...

Once she gets it wrong,

There are some things that are really difficult for her to say.

It's even harder than outsiders like Qi Yunshi. Dilemma.

But there is nothing we can do,

this is the truth!

The willow forest of the past,

In her eyes, it was Xiao Linzi, but now? It’s all different now! Liu Lin is now a senior expert who can kill a strong foundation builder! This is the essential difference in reality...

She can't afford to gamble!

I don’t dare to gamble either!

After seeing this scene and noticing the tangled look on Lin Chang's face, Liu Lin thought thoughtfully for a moment, and then understood the key reason...

So next he smiled and said lightly!

"Sister Lin Shang, although I have become stronger now, I am still the same little Linzi, so you don't have to be like this! If there is really any problem with this matter, you might as well tell me directly!"

"I'll make the decision for you!"

Lin Shang glanced at Liu Lin with a complicated expression.

I didn’t expect that little guy I brought back by chance! Today, he has actually grown up enough to become her supporter... More importantly, he is still the same as before...

He hasn't forgotten his roots!

"Xiao Linzi, thank you! But this should be nothing... maybe it was just an accident, right?" Lin Shang shook his head, but still did not complain.

But in fact, she didn't want to do it because of herself,

Cause trouble for Liulin,

In her opinion,

Although Liu Lin is powerful, but! The high-level experts of their five major forces are all foundation-building experts! They are not weak either! Now that it's fine, there's no need to cause trouble anymore!

That's not necessary!

Just at this moment,

Feihe Valley Lin Yiyi suddenly said! "Senior, you don't know, if you hadn't saved us, we would all be dead now! The people above asked us to drag the Black Blood Master from the Blood Spirit Sect. This is nonsense! And they also promised to send someone Come to support us, but now? There is no one! We have all been deceived..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Yunshi from Feihe Valley not far away suddenly scolded him! road!

"Lin Yiyi, what are you talking about? Shut up!"

However, such a show,

In Liu Lin's eyes, it seemed a little ridiculous. After all, if he really wanted to stop her, why did he wait until she had almost finished speaking before scolding her? To put it bluntly, it's just that this guy also wants to complain...

I just don’t dare to say it clearly,

But thinking about it, I was almost killed.

It’s normal to have resentment in your heart…

So he didn't pay much attention to their little tricks.

Just pretend it doesn't matter,

Then he asked again.

"Senior sister, who is responsible for this matter?"

"Xiao Linzi, don't cause trouble..."

Lin Shang couldn't help but said,

Obviously she really didn't want Liu Lin to get into trouble because of this.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I'm just asking! It's nothing. Besides, this will all be over now. You have to find out who he is in advance, right?" Liu Lin said with a smile,

Lin Shang wanted to stop talking, but when she thought that if she didn't say anything, Lin Yiyi and the others would probably say it too, so she could only sigh! Why! Compromised.

"Xiao Linzi, the 'Xiguo battlefield' under our feet is the guardian elder of the Blood Hand Society! Lord Lin Qing is in charge!"

"He is a mid-stage foundation-building expert with great strength! In addition, our Wulongmen and the other four major forces also have one or two foundation-building experts stationed here for a long time! And..."

"And what?"

Liu Lin asked curiously.

"Do you remember Lin Hao?"

Lin Shang asked.

"Lin Hao?" Liu Lin was stunned for a moment, and then two words suddenly appeared in his mind. Third son?

Liu Lin said in surprise

"Senior sister, is it him?"

"That's right!"

Lin Shang nodded, eyes flickering!

"The leader of our Wulongmen here is him! Lin Hao! And there is another elder Wang Wankun! He and Lin Hao are from the same lineage, both of them are from the lineage of the great elder..."

"Really?" Liu Lin asked with flickering eyes! "Does today's incident have anything to do with him?"

"I don't know!" Lin Shang shook his head, his face complicated!

"Xiao Linzi, maybe it's really a misunderstanding? After all, we are at war now, and the enemy is a behemoth like the Blood Spirit Sect! Therefore, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly, what do you think?"


Liu Lin nodded, then asked again. "By the way, where is Master? He went to Qingyun Mountain Range, and it has been several years now, right? Has he come back?!"

"Master came back once more than half a year ago, but later, he set off for Qingyun Mountain Range again... It seems that it is because we plan to ask the people of Qingyun Palace to support us!"

"So it is Master who is in charge of this matter!"

"Qingyun Palace?"

Liu Lin murmured,

Another new name that he had never heard of,

But it seems that this should be one of the backers behind their Wulongmen, right? I just don't know what role his master, Master Qingfeng, plays in this?

After all, under normal circumstances, the cooperation between the two factions, such a big thing, should not be left to a 'small mid-stage foundation building'! At least it should be the late stage of foundation building, right?

Thinking of this,

It seems that his master is not simple!

That old man seems to have a secret too...

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