Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 110 Tit for tat! Lin Hao's true face!

"Really? But I see that your expression doesn't look happy..."

"Lin Hao, you must be wishing for me to die, right?"

Liu Lin didn't give him any face,

He just sneered and started mocking!

"Brother Lin, if you say that, you have misunderstood me. Don't forget that we all come from mountain villages. We are our own people. How could I want you to die?"

Lin Hao said with narrowed eyes.

"Then let me ask you!" Liu Lin interrupted him! Said coldly! "You clearly know that Lin Chang is my senior sister! You still let her die? What do you mean? You have to give me an explanation and a reason for this!"


Lin Hao opened his mouth,

But for a while, I couldn't find an excuse at all.

But at this moment,

But I saw the elder king in red robe on the side suddenly spoke! "This fellow Taoist, are you also from our Wulong Sect? I am Wang Wankun! You are a disciple of the Great Elder. Didn't you know who you are?"

Liu Lin glanced at him and said lightly!

"My master is Master Qingfeng!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Wankun was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank! Surprised! "You, you are the one who died at Ningping Peak? No, why didn't you die!?"

Why did he react so strongly?

In fact, it is because as Lin Shang said before, because of Liu Lin's death, Master Qingfeng made a big fuss, and even the entire Wulong Sect's foundation-building experts,

Everyone knows this very well!

So when he heard Liu Lin say this now...

He reacted instantly!

This kid is actually Master Qingfeng's disciple of the useless spirit aperture?

And not only was he not dead,

It actually successfully established the foundation! ?

Wang Wankun opened his mouth wide and his expression changed! Incredibly said! "You, you, are you really the disciple of Master Qingfeng? But aren't you a useless spirit aperture? You actually built a foundation? How is that possible!?"


Liu Lin snorted coldly,

He immediately looked at Lin Hao in front of him and said coldly!

"Lin Hao, answer my question!"

In an instant, Lin Hao's eyes shot out with anger,

It burns like a flame!

His face became excited! Then he also sneered and said coldly! "Liu Lin, you live as long as you live! But don't be too arrogant. Why do you question me?!"

"who do you think You Are?!"

Liu Lin's face suddenly darkened, and the way he looked at Lin Hao was different from before. Perhaps, this was this boy's true face? It’s really false! It's really disgusting!

At the same time, An Wenqing behind her quietly took a step forward, and at the same time, some faint but chilling cold breath was released from her body...


"Ice, ice monk!?"

Wang Wankun and Lu Yuanhua looked at An Wenqing in shock. They didn't expect that this was an extremely rare ice monk, and she was also a foundation builder? !

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

Wang Wankun's expression changed and he quickly helped!

"Junior Brother Liu Lin, this matter is actually a misunderstanding! We had no intention of giving up on them originally, but the plan changed. In order to kill the opponent's foundation-building monks, we were delayed for too long..."

"So there's nothing we can do!"

"But it's fine now. They are all fine. This is also a happy ending for everyone! Isn't it?"

Speaking of this, he changed the subject.

He said with squinted eyes! "And we are all members of the Wulong Sect, so we need to be united outside! Don't let fellow Taoists from other sects see our jokes, what do you think, Junior Brother Liu?!"

However, after he said this,

Liu Lin just said one word to him lightly!


Wang Wankun's pupils shrank instantly.

Then his face changed wildly, and his face was ashen! Get furious!

"What did you say!?"

"I told you to get out, or I will kill you right now. Do you want to try?!" Liu Lin looked at Wang Wankun. At the same time, some of the spiritual power of the five dragon souls filled the air in his body, rumbling. ! Suddenly huge pressure rushed towards me,

This directly made Wang Wankun freeze up!

I almost fell to the ground,

"you you……"


The sound of gasping for air came,

Wang Wankun and Lu Yuanhua’s expressions changed drastically on the spot! Unbelievable,

"How can this be?"

"How is it possible with your strength? This, this is impossible!" Wang Wankun stared at Liu Lin in disbelief! His face turned pale! His eyes were full of panic at this time!

and panic panic!

If it is just hearsay,

He didn't believe it at all, and even dismissed it!

They are all strong foundation-builders, and they are all in the early stage of foundation-builder. Am I still afraid of you? But now that he felt it for himself, he was afraid! Because he could completely feel the pressure Liu Lin put on him,

It’s really too big!

What's even more frightening is that

That feeling is even better than that of Lin Qing, a mid-level foundation-building expert from the Blood Hand Society...

So he was really scared!

But even though he was afraid! Lin Hao on the side didn't know why, but seemed to be inexplicably stimulated? His expression darkened! He even sneered a little!


"Liu Lin, don't think you are lucky enough to successfully build a foundation! You can yell at me here. Who do you think you are? In front of me, you are nothing! Do you understand?" Then he started talking again. Turn, said proudly!

"Don't say I didn't do it on purpose. Even if I did, so what? They are just a few Qi training cultivators. If they die, they die! What can you do?!"

"Also, let me tell you!"

"Before that, Senior Brother Wang, Brother Lu and I had already successfully killed Lei Xu, a foundation-building expert from the Blood Spirit Sect! Just based on this! Even if they all die, it's not our fault!"

"They deserve to die! A bunch of trash! It's their honor!"

He said this passionately,

and his words were full of ridicule and contempt! These words completely infuriated Lin Shang, Lin Yiyi, Qi Yunshi, and Qian Yunjun, who were not far away!

Their faces were particularly ugly!

But they could only shut up!

There was nothing they could do.

After all, no matter what,

they were just Qi training cultivators, while Lin Hao was a foundation-building expert! Just this point had completely crushed them! They were completely helpless!

But at this moment, Liu Lin suddenly smiled...

"That is to say, you admit that you did it on purpose?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed,

especially Lin Hao, who was stunned for a moment,

and then sneered! Full of sarcasm,

"Liu Lin, what are you crazy about? I didn't say that...

"You, you said it!"

Liu Lin interrupted him, and then looked at him with a smile! "Lin Hao, do you know what the consequences are of harming your fellow disciples?"

"Harming your fellow disciples?"

Lin Hao was even more stunned,

and then he laughed as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world!

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha..."

"I'm dying of laughter, really dying of laughter! What? Liu Lin, my big brother Lin!"

"Do you still want to kill me? Just because of you, who are you? Do you deserve it?!" His face was full of sarcasm, and he didn't care at all! He didn't worry that Liu Lin would dare to kill him...

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