Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 115 Support! Taoist Kuji and Moreyyun!

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Qi Chunjun was stunned for a moment.

Then he said it immediately! "Fellow Taoist Lu Yuanhua of the Blood Hand Society, and fellow Taoist Wang Wankun of the Wulong Sect, our seniors, they were all ambushed! Now they are also being surrounded and hunted by people from the Blood Spirit Sect, and their lives and deaths are unknown!"

"And it is said that the other party has already had a strong person in the middle stage of foundation building take action personally! So... So I'm afraid we need to ask you to take action in person and help us!"

Sure enough, Liu Lin's eyes showed something 'as expected',

He knew that this was definitely something that a firefighter would do...

But he didn't choose to refuse, because he happened to have upgraded his fire soul to the orange level now.

Therefore, it is just a good time to test his current strength.

Then he asked!

"Where is the person?"


Qi Chunjun was stunned for a moment and seemed a little unresponsive.

But she reacted quickly and immediately! He said quickly. "According to the general direction of the talisman they sent before, it should be in the fourth and fifth areas to the east..."

"Okay, I don't know this, just take me there! Oh no..."

After saying that, Liu Lin shook his head again and said lightly! "

"You are too slow..."

"Then just sit here with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Liu Lin took out the Yunlin Speedster from his storage bag and threw it into the air! Suddenly a white light flashed, and a majestic foundation-building speed car appeared in front of everyone!


"It's really a foundation-building speed..."

Looking at Yunlin Speed ​​​​in front of me,

Qi Chunjun was obviously a little surprised.

At the same time, a strong look of envy appeared in her eyes! After all, who doesn’t want luxury goods? This is a symbol of status and wealth! Of course, it is also a symbol of strength!

Then she calmed down the look in her eyes,

Said quickly!

"Senior Liu, please! Without further ado, I will lead you right now!"

"Let's go!"

Liu Lin was the first to board the Yunlin Speedster! At the same time, Qi Chunjun and An Wenqing also quickly followed! Then I saw the Yunlin speed car start up and immediately take off into the sky! Soar into the sky,

Rushed in a certain direction,


At the same time, somewhere a little far away from here, such a scene is also happening...

This is a huge dense forest swamp filled with miasma!

This is obviously a very dangerous place. If an ordinary person or a monk with a weaker cultivation level came here, he would have died of poison long ago. It is impossible to survive here for how long!

But at this moment,

But there are some people walking through here quickly, or running for their lives!

"Quickly! The area here is very large, and the miasma is everywhere! Even the power of spiritual consciousness will be affected to some extent, and the terrain here is complicated! As long as we can hide here!"

"It should be difficult for them to catch up with us!"

An anxious voice came,

But one of them was speaking loudly, as if to cheer up and remind his companions! If you look closely, you will see that this person is the early-stage foundation-building strongman from the Blood Hand Society! Lu Yuanhua.

In addition, Wang Wankun is also here, and there are some other Qi-training monks from the five major forces. They are also here, but it is obvious that their current situation is really bad.

It seems that he is being hunted by the enemy!

"Brother Lu, do you think they really can't catch up with us?"

At this moment, Wang Wankun suddenly said! But the sound is transmitted into the secret!

It was delivered directly to Lu Yuanhua's ears.

"Those thieves from the Blood Spirit Sect, there are several of them in the early stage of foundation building, and there is also Mo Leiyun, a strong man in the middle stage of foundation building! With his strength, how could he not catch us?! I I feel like he’s always hanging on to us!”

"Brother Lu, what do you think he wants to do?!"

Lu Yuanhua's expression changed.

But then he regained his composure, his eyes flashed and said! "Brother Wang, so what if you know? So what if you don't know? No matter what, we must run now! Otherwise, once we stop..."

"Do you think they'll let us go?"

Wang Wankun's face darkened, but he still couldn't refute it. Yes, although they all knew that they were bait now, baits that are alive and kicking are valuable!

Once they lose their vitality and give up on themselves,

That would be equivalent to being useless...

What will happen then?

Even an idiot can guess it! It will definitely be a dead end!

"Hey..." Wang Wankun could only sigh! At the same time, his eyes flashed! murmured! "I hope that guy can move faster. With the speed of his foundation-building speedster, it shouldn't take long to reach us... It's just, it's just..."

Just what? In a daze, it seemed as if the late-stage foundation-building expert from Yanyue Sect appeared in front of his eyes! The scene where senior Liu Qing was severely injured! As an old man on the battlefield here in Xi Country,

He has the most say in this matter!

And he witnessed it with his own eyes!


At this time, there were some inexplicable emotions in his heart.

Seems worried? It seems like there is some resentment or gloating?

"Taoist Kuji? It should be him. It seems that Liulin guy should be targeted by him! But it just so happens... isn't he very arrogant? I would like to see if he really confronts Kuji Taoist, can he still be as arrogant as before? Humph! Liu Lin..."

He snorted coldly,

and sneered in his heart, as if he had let out his anger!

Then they quickly left here... and at the same time, somewhere not far behind them, there were indeed some people hanging far away! Following behind them!

There were two people,

One of them was a little short. His head was also very big, like a big-headed doll, which looked very strange. His body was filled with a kind of enchanting and strange blood-colored light, and it seemed to be shaking regularly with the beating of the heart.

If someone who knew him was here at this time, he would definitely exclaim:

"Kuji Taoist!"

That's right, this person is the direct disciple of the Golden Core Patriarch of the Blood Spirit Sect!

Kuji Taoist with the powerful strength of the late foundation building stage!

In addition, the other person next to him looked a little more ordinary. This person was tall and thin, like a bamboo pole, with a horse face, long and very conspicuous!

His face was as yellow as a tree, but his eyes were glowing with blood, and his aura was amazing.

And this person,

is also a mid-stage foundation-building expert of the Blood Spirit Sect! Moreyyun!

"Brother, I don't quite understand why you use these rubbish as bait to lure him out?"

"Our spies already know that guy is in the branch camp of the five major forces in Qingyun North. Can't we just kill him directly? Why bother?"

The power of spiritual consciousness has been following Lu Yuanhua, Wang Wankun and others in front.

Moreyyun couldn't help asking,

"Why, are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Taoist Kuji said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Moreyyun's face suddenly changed, as if he was frightened and broke into a cold sweat, and he quickly shook his head! A embarrassed smile. "No, no, of course not..."

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