"Chaoyang Palace?"

Taoist Changkong and Han Yusheng looked at each other.

Then ask carefully!

"Is it because of what happened on the Xiguo battlefield before?" Why are you looking for Chaoyang Palace? In their opinion, it was probably because of that incident.

It seems,

This is to take revenge!

"more than……"

Liu Lin shook his head! His eyes flashed! "I think the two senior brothers probably all know about the grudge between me and Chaoyang Palace earlier! I don't know why they are getting involved with the Blood Spirit Sect now..."

"But I'm worried that they are here to find me, so I don't want to sit still and wait for death!"

"Besides, how can I, the people in Liulin, be harmed by them casually?"

"If you do something wrong, of course you have to pay the price!"

Liu Lin changed the subject and said coldly!

"Next, I plan to teach them a lesson!"

"But you two senior brothers don't need to worry too much. I just need you to give me some intelligence information about Chaoyang Palace! I will handle other matters myself!"

As soon as these words came out, Han Yusheng and Taoist Changkong smiled bitterly. it is as expected!

He really wanted to take revenge!

Then Han Yusheng looked at Liu Lin and said!

"Senior Brother Liu, there are a lot of people coming from Chaoyang Palace now! Zhou Lintian from Taixuan Peak and Shangxuan Lao'er from Xuance Peak, these are the two foundation building perfections. In addition, there are other foundation building There are also many strong people in the mid-stage and late-stage foundation building stages...so,"

"So if you really plan to go find them,"

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult!"

"It doesn't matter!"

But unexpectedly, Liu Lin didn't even blink and said coldly! "I wish they would come with more people. They won't save enough for me to kill! Let's do this. Give me the intelligence map and I'll go by myself!"


But at this moment,

Taoist Changkong on the side suddenly said!

"Let's go together!"


Liu Lin was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party with a strange expression.

To be honest, he never thought that the other party would actually say that...

"That's right! Let's go together!" Taoist Changkong nodded! Keep talking! "I said before, our Wulongmen will never treat you badly! Since Senior Brother Liu is planning to take revenge, we should go with you! Besides..."

He changed the subject,

The cold voice is also a bit chilly! Sneered! "I thought that guy Zhou Lintian was quite arrogant before? Yusheng, have you forgotten? What happened before, he didn't even give us face? Haha... It's so majestic! In this case, I think I should go Say hello to them! Although our Wulong Sect is not a Jindan force, we are not easy to bully!"

"If you want to play, of course you can play with them. What do you think?"

Han Yusheng was startled for a moment, but he could only nod. "All right."

Then he asked again. "Just the three of us going? Do we need to inform others?"

Then he looked towards Liu Lin, his eyes asking,

But Liu Lin shook his head and said!

"More people are troublesome! It's easier to catch them off guard when there are fewer people!"

"Okay! Just the three of us go!"

Taoist Changkong also agreed!


Han Yusheng nodded,

"When are you leaving? Now?"

"Of course now!"

Liu Lin said without hesitation!

At the same time, there seemed to be a bit more chill in his eyes, or a murderous intent! This is the first battle for his Five Dragon Soul to upgrade to the third level, and he is just in time to attack those guys who are asking for trouble!

Although it should be difficult for him to kill the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen with his current strength,

But if it's only the late stage of foundation building, it shouldn't be a big problem... He only needs to be able to get a few mid-stage foundation building in this trip! Even in the later stage of foundation building! That’s getting your money back!

It can also give them a good pain! Vent your anger well,

Then he grinned,

Said quickly!

"Let's go, go now! Hurry up!" Then they all left the place quickly and sneaked towards the battlefield camp where Chaoyang Palace belonged!

Although they are very powerful, they definitely cannot make a big show of it. If they are discovered or surrounded, it will be a very dangerous thing! So go and touch it quietly!

A few hours later, Liu Lin, Taoist Changkong, and Han Yusheng arrived at the former territory of their five major forces - Xi Country! But now the Xi Country has become the territory of the Blood Spirit Sect and Chaoyang Palace.

They have deployed heavy troops here!

And it is constantly adding members and becoming more stable! Strengthen your control over this place! In this way, it seems like a sharp fang, a sharp steel knife, heavily inlaid, biting into the territory of Qingyun North!

Once the war starts for real! This will immediately become a breakthrough! Let the Blood Spirit Sect and the people from Chaoyang Palace march straight in and successfully enter the territory of Qingyun North!

By then, the situation in Qingyun North will immediately become dangerous! The situation is critical!

Then they galloped all the way, hiding on the white clouds in the sky! As they moved forward, a dark and barren mountain range soon appeared under their feet! This is the large mountain range of Zonghengxi Country - Kureye Mountain!

"We're here, Kuronoyama!"

"Those guys from Chaoyang Palace are here! Junior Brother Liu, what are you going to do next?"

Taoist Changkong said in a deep voice.

Liu Lin also looked at the mountain under his feet!

At the same time, some of his eyes flickered! As if thinking?

Looking around, there were crowds of people at the foot of the mountain, and there were many camps and military camps! Too many to count! Obviously, this is the number of soldiers in the mortal army! A lot! There are almost more than a million...

This is definitely an astonishing number

But Liu Lin certainly has no interest in them...

So he shook his head,

squinting his eyes and said! "Go down! Go down and find someone first, and if there is a suitable opportunity, it is best to strike first!"

After saying this, he flashed and wanted to start the action directly,

"Wait!" But at this moment, Taoist Changkong stopped him, and then pointed to a place not far from his feet! "Junior Brother Liu, what do you see there?!"

Liu Lin was stunned and looked in the direction the other party pointed,

After a moment, he frowned slightly!


"That's right!" Taoist Changkong nodded and said with narrowed eyes!

"Those people in Chaoyang Palace are naturally not stupid. If we keep touching like this, we will definitely be discovered! If I'm not mistaken, it should be a detection formation! It looks very exquisite!"

Liu Lin was silent for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand and touched the storage bag on his waist. Suddenly, a white light flashed, and a glittering black gold brick appeared...

Changkong Taoist was stunned for a moment,

then his face condensed!

"Junior Brother Liu, what do you want to do!?"

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