Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 168 Seeking to learn about alchemy! Learning the way of alchemy!

Even if the princes of the Great Yuan Dynasty had the Five Spirit Transporting Technique, the top ten overlords in Cangzhou actually also had it? Even other smaller sects, even they actually have them? !

So what exactly is this number?

A great saint and a great philanthropist? !

Liu Lin shook his head vigorously, feeling simply baffled in his heart.

But it was hard to guess, and he was too lazy to think about it... So he turned his gaze to the face of Patriarch Cheng Yun in front of him! His eyes flashed and he was so big! "Master, when will the people from Youlan Palace arrive?"

"It can take as little as three to five years, or as long as no more than ten years!"

Patriarch Cheng Yun said without hesitation!

Then explain it again! "It takes time for our people to get there. My people are not as powerful as those from the Yuan Dynasty, and the distance is too far, so there is no need for things like communication talismans. The most important thing is that I am afraid of being Stop it! That's why it's like this..."

"All right!"

Liu Lin nodded,

Then he said again!

"Master, I have something to ask for! Please allow me!"

"no problem!"

Patriarch Cheng Yun agreed without hesitation.

"As long as I can do it, it's okay!"

As soon as he said this, Liu Lin got straight to the point!

"I want to follow you and learn alchemy for a while!" Yes, this is his purpose! Patriarch Cheng Yun is a master of alchemy in the realm of golden elixir. Since he has this resource, of course he must make use of it.


Ancestor Cheng Yun was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Liu Lin with a strange expression,

As if he didn’t expect Liu Lin to be interested in this,

But of course he won't refuse...

Instead, he nodded with a smile! road! "If you have this intention, of course you can. It's just a path to alchemy. It's profound and vast. If you want to learn, you have to be mentally prepared. I will be very strict!"

"That's how it should be!"

Liu Lin nodded,

Then he immediately bowed and bowed to each other respectfully!

He bowed solemnly to Patriarch Cheng Yun...

Preach and teach,

This is the right time to pray!

As soon as this scene occurs,

Ancestor Cheng Yun is also interested! Then he said with a smile! "Okay! In that case, without further ado, come with me. Let me see how your basic skills are first? As for the other ones,"

“Let’s talk about it after I finish reading it!”

Just when Liu Lin began to follow Patriarch Cheng Yun to learn alchemy,

These things that happened in Wulongmen have been quickly spread privately! And it is still passing towards the Blood Spirit Gate, Chaoyang Palace, and Cangzhou at a very fast speed!

A few days later, Chaoyang Palace Taixuan Peak,

A scrawny white-haired old man sat on the ground, his whole body filled with a gradually weakening and gloomy air!

And in front of him, the master of Xuance Peak, Master Xuanzhen, the master of Linglong Peak, Meng Yuwu, and the other new peak master of Taixuan Peak, Li Xuanming! The three of them were all in front of the old man at this time,

And they all have their heads down now,

It was as if he was as silent as a cicada, not even daring to speak.

in this way,

The identity of the scrawny white-haired old man,

Of course, it's ready to come out,

Chaoyang Palace Taixuan Peak Golden Pill Patriarch...

Wu Hui!

"Is the news confirmed? That boy has really broken through to the Golden Core realm?"

After a moment, Ancestor Wu Hui raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him, and said hoarsely! His face was solemn,

"Ancestor, it should be true!" Li Xuanming swallowed and said with the same serious expression! "We have confirmed this news many times, and our different spies have also received news..."

"Previously, Wulongmen Liulin broke out of the coffin and caused a lot of commotion. If nothing else happens, he should have broken through the golden elixir!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent again. The face of the ancestor Wu Hui changed for a while, and finally he angrily shouted as if he hated the iron! Cursed! "A bunch of idiots..."

"What a bunch of idiots!"

"You dare to provoke him even though you know he is a genius of the Five Elements. What on earth are you thinking? Have you sat in your current position for a long time and your brain has become mushy? Even you are worthy of it?!"

"It's really rubbish! Idiot! Ah..."

Ancestor Wu Hui was extremely angry, as a dignified golden elixir expert! Of course he knows the genius of the Five Elements, and of course he knows what the Five Spirit Transport Technique means, but he is here!

He is absolutely certain!

I will never provoke the other party in the slightest,

But now, he is back late! The matter has come to this, it is a foregone conclusion,

"Humph!" Then he snorted coldly and said coldly!

"Li Xuanming, you set off for Wulongmen now! Just do what we said before! Invite him to our Chaoyang Palace. No matter what, we must make him forgive us now!"

"Explain it clearly to me. There can't be any mistakes, otherwise I will ask you! Do you understand!?"

Ancestor Wu Hui was furious. The more he talked, the angrier he became, and his momentum suddenly increased!

Everyone turned pale and silent with fear! But the master of Taixuan Peak, Li Xuanming, nodded quickly! road! "Don't worry, ancestor, I know what to do, leave it all to me!"

"Hmph!" Ancestor Wu Hui snorted coldly. Although he didn't say anything, he gradually raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, but his eyes were filled with a strange feeling...

It's like there's a hint of gloom,

A little cold! ?

On this day, in a certain cave inside Wulongmen, Liu Lin was refining elixirs with a calm expression.

He sorted the medicinal materials skillfully,

The speed of his hands is ridiculously fast;

At the same time, he also began to control the power of spiritual energy to sweep it up!

Next, he shook his right hand and let out a sneer, boom! Suddenly, the area in mid-air in front of me was burning with blazing flames! And it was actually the Five Elements Spiritual Fire, which was astonishingly powerful!

And for the series of alchemy processes in front of us,

Liu Lin is obviously very familiar with it, from smelting and refining, to absorbing the essence of elixir materials, to purifying the essence, strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence, etc.! He did every step smoothly!

And from time to time, he would add more elixir materials according to the process, sometimes increasing the firepower, sometimes lowering it, making it dizzying.

When seeing this scene, Patriarch Cheng Yun on the side also blinked a little,

It seems that I feel a little emotional, envious, and even have nothing to say...

Ever since Liu Lin started learning alchemy from him,

Until now, it has only been more than a year.

But now he has deeply realized what genius is. It has only been more than a year, and he even feels that he has nothing to teach him. You can imagine what this concept is.

As time passed slowly, Liu Lin's alchemy progress continued to improve, and a few hours later,

His alchemy progress is gradually coming to an end!

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