Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 18: Offensive Magical Weapon of the Best Quality!

"Good job, very good, then continue!"

"Give it to me, the mother-to-child shield of the green toad!"

Liu Lin shouted excitedly, and then happily began to refine the Green Toad Shield.

After probably a few more hours of this, the green toad shield, which was floating peacefully in mid-air, suddenly let out a cry similar to a frog!


Suddenly the light flashed,

The green toad's mother-to-child shield flew out, shooting out eight rays of light in an instant, at a very fast speed, and then hovered around Liu Lin at the same time, forming a surrounding force! If you look closely, you will see that there are eight gleaming green toad round shields!

They are connected to each other, rotating rapidly, exuding amazing power,

This also made Liu Lin slowly open his eyes,

A bright smile appeared on his face,

"It's done!"

He was only at the seventh level of Qi training, but he actually succeeded in refining a set of top-notch magic weapons! If this news gets out, I don’t know how many people will drool with envy!

Simply incredible!

After all, the power of this top-notch magic weapon,

But it is displayed here alive,

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is there, even those who are strong in foundation building will have no worries!

That's how awesome,

But soon, Liu Lin noticed another problem, "For my current level of cultivation, the spiritual energy consumption of this Green Toad Shield seems to be too much..."

Spirit energy consumption,

This is indeed a problem,

Although with the blessing of the five spiritual apertures of the Five Spirit Transport Technique, the spiritual energy reserves in his body are definitely far beyond the current level! But compared to the spiritual energy consumption of controlling the Green Toad Mother Shield,

This is indeed almost meaningless,

But for him,

It's not a big problem,


Liu Lin stretched out her hand,

Immediately, he took out a few thumb-sized low-grade spirit stones from his storage bag and held it in his hand.

That's right,

This is his method,

Spiritual stone! In the world of cultivation, spirit stones act as currency, equivalent to money. In addition, spirit stones themselves also have the function of replenishing and restoring spiritual energy.

For example, when your own spiritual energy consumption is too large, you can use,

Arrays, puppets, magic tools, talismans, etc. can also be used when continuous spiritual energy consumption is required.

So as long as he keeps his spiritual stones, the consumption of spiritual energy doesn't really seem to be a big problem for him...

As for the continuous spiritual stones?

This is of course very simple,

Because Lingshi Lingshi is also a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure. In other words, he can copy this thing.

Even if he wants, he can copy the spirit stones infinitely and become the richest man in the world of cultivation.

But the problem is that it doesn’t make any sense at all…

In the world of cultivation, what matters is money, but what matters is spiritual stones? of course not,

What matters is strength!

As long as you have strength, glory, wealth, natural resources, endless wealth, spiritual stones, etc., these are all yours! Moreover, others are still crying, shouting, and kneeling to bring it to you, for fear that you won’t want it!

But if you only have money and no strength, then sorry, you are just a living target!

Just a pig,

Die very quickly!

Along with those few low-grade spiritual stones, they soon turned into a pile of waste stones.

The spiritual energy in Liu Lin's body has been mostly restored.

He glanced at the Green Toad Shield in mid-air, then put it away, thinking silently in his heart. The good news is that I have the tools to save my life, but the bad news is that I still have to practice the means of killing!

"It's a pity. It would be great if Master could give me another top-quality offensive magic weapon."

Liu Lin murmured,

But he also knew that the other party was probably doing it on purpose. Master Qingfeng's intention was probably that he didn't want him to get an offensive top-grade magic weapon that was too swollen, and then leave Qingfeng Mountain!

Even Wulongmen,

As long as you don't go out,

With this green toad shield,

Even the trump card guardians of the other two foundation-building realm talismans,

That must be foolproof and very safe!

What is this called? This is called not being afraid of being low-key and lacking strength, but being afraid of being high-profile and having strength! Those who drowned were all good at water. They didn’t have that strength, and they would certainly not be so impulsive.

But having said that,

He still doesn’t want to ‘just sit back and wait for death’,

No matter what, he still wants offensive methods.

What are the offensive methods? That's a gun, that's a weapon. You don't have to use it, but you absolutely can't live without it.

So he began to make calculations in his mind again.

"Based on my current situation, the five dragon souls should be able to be successfully condensed soon... But relying on a white level five dragon soul alone is definitely not enough, so no matter what,"

"The ultimate offensive magic weapon,"

"I still have to find a way to get one!"

Once the Five Dragon Spirit Soul is completed, he can start practicing the Five Dragon Transformation.

But the question is, how powerful can the Five Dragon Transformation of the White Level Five Dragon Soul be? How powerful can it be? He doesn't know what's going on in his heart now. After all, if he goes by the five-spirit transporting technique,

The five gray dragon souls,

That is the pinnacle of Qi training realm,

But now he is far away from the gray-level five dragon souls.

There's still at least two or three steps left.

And this, based on the current severe situation, is definitely not possible!

So it seems that we still have to take a shortcut! No matter what, he had to find a way to get one of those top-quality offensive magic weapons!

So the thoughts in his heart turned,

Then two familiar big characters appeared silently,


If it were just a top-notch magic weapon at the level of Qi training, as the core of Wulongmen, there must be one in the main pavilion! And with his current strength and status,

If you go and buy one,

It shouldn't be too sudden when arriving.

So just do it if you want to,

Although he didn't know the value of the best magic weapon, it was definitely not cheap, so just in case, he decided to test it first! Ask first.

Then he left Qingfeng Mountain,

All the way to the main pavilion on Wulong Mountain!

But this time,

But he also clearly noticed many differences.

"This atmosphere is obviously much more tense and serious than before!" Glancing at the surrounding patrol teams, several groups of people from the other side were obviously staring at him at this time.

The eyes are very sharp and sharp,

But they didn't come up to check.

Instead, he watched him go to the Wulong Mountain Main Pavilion...

"Who is that guy? Why haven't you seen him before? Why don't you go check it out?"

"You started late, so it's normal for you not to know him. He is Junior Brother Liu Lin, a disciple of Elder Qingfeng of Qingfeng Mountain! But he seems to have average talent, and he is also very low-key. He rarely goes out, so not many people have seen him."

"Elder Qingfeng? Hiss... So that's it! Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me, otherwise, it would have been a joke,"

"It's okay, let's go, keep staring,


Soon after,

Liu Lin had already arrived outside the main pavilion gate.

Looking at the majestic and magnificent Wulongmen Main Pavilion in front of him, he still felt a little emotional in his heart. Speaking of which, he had already been to this place three times.

But only this third time did we really come here and come in,

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