"The content of "The Book of Thousand Machines" is all-encompassing, including a variety of cultivation techniques, magical powers, even forbidden arts, secret techniques, etc.!"

"Moreover, Qian Ji Tower is known for its power of divine consciousness and the way of puppets! Therefore, this can also be said to be an infinitely valuable encyclopedia of divine consciousness and the way of puppets!"

"At the same time, this is also the core foundation of the cultivation methods of those in Qian Ji Tower!"

"In addition, among the "Thousand Machines Treasure Book", the "Thousand Machine God Refining Technique" is the most powerful! The "Thousand Machine God Refining Technique" is known as the number one skill in the "Thousand Machines Treasure Book"! It is extremely powerful, very powerful!"

"And more importantly, this is a special technique that specializes in the power of spiritual consciousness!"

"Spiritual power technique?"

Liu Lin was stunned for a moment and was completely moved by it!

Because he also knows how rare this type of special skill is,

It is no exaggeration to say that so far! This seems to be the first time he has seen... Oh no, to be precise, this should be the first time he has come into contact with intelligence information about this type of practice!

You can imagine what this concept is...

A spiritual cultivation technique?

Looking at Lin Juonan in front of him, Liu Lin's eyes flickered and his expression changed.

After a moment, he narrowed his eyes again! He opened his mouth and asked,

"So, what does this have to do with you?"

"I have part of the "Thousand Planes Book" here! Moreover, I also know where the entire "Thousand Plane Book" is..." Lin Juenan was also very straightforward! Straight to the point,


Then he laughed again,

There was also some confusion in his voice, as if the temptation had been silenced,

"Fellow Taoist, practice the three great ways, mana, physical body and spiritual consciousness! Among them, the latter is the rarest! It is also the most powerful, unpredictable and difficult to deal with! So, this opportunity is before you, do you want to miss it?!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Lin was silent for a moment.

Then he suddenly sneered, haha! sarcastically said,

"It seems you think I'm stupid? It's just a part of the content. Who knows how much this part can be? And, as for the full content of the real "Thousand Machines Book", let me take a guess..."

"Is it in the ruins of the Thousand Machine Building that you went to back then?!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Juenan fell silent! His expression suddenly changed, his eyes flickering as he looked at Liu Lin,

"You're right!"

After a moment, he sighed and said lightly!

"The real "Thousand Machines Book" is indeed in the ruins of the Thousand Machine Tower! But I didn't lie to you either!"

"I did get part of the "Book of Thousands of Machines"!"

"But how long is the content? Haha, you can only judge and confirm this by yourself, but it is quite interesting, isn't it? So do you want to take a gamble?" Lin Juenan squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Lin ,

Liu Lin was silent for a moment and asked.

"Where is the thing?"

Lin Juenan grinned.

"My Jindanli!"

"Golden elixir?" Liu Lin was stunned for a moment, his face darkened,

"What's the meaning?"

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry!"

Lin Juonan smiled lightly, looked at Liu Lin and said calmly!

"Look at me like this, how can I hide anything? I'm not afraid to tell you that this part of the "Thousand Machines Book" has been sealed in my golden elixir. I only need to think about it and it will disappear forever. destroy……"

"If this were not the case, I am afraid that even with the name of my Haoran Sect, I might not be able to threaten or frighten that guy with the Blood Claw!"

"After all, now that I think about it, there is even a death talisman? Haha..."

"It seems that the Blood Spirit Sect has a close relationship with the Blood Demon Sect, right? Humph!"

After listening to this,

Liu Lin also became a little silent...

Sealed golden elixir?

Liu Lin thought for a moment, and then directly used the power of his spiritual consciousness to find out!

Boom! This power penetrated directly and roughly into the opponent's body.

Quickly explore inside the other person's body!

And so on, just a second or two later,

He gradually frowned deeper,

Because he has indeed seen 'what he wanted to see',

It seems that the other party did not lie! There seems to be something really sealed in his golden elixir.

It's just that this seal cannot even be detected by his power.

It can't be penetrated! ?

Liu Lin's eyes flickered, and his face changed for a while, as if he was thinking?

After a moment, he suddenly took action! call out! call out! Two five-color auras flew out and turned into blades, cutting off all the chains on Lin Juenan's body!

As soon as this scene appeared, Lin Juenan's pupils immediately shrank before he could be happy! Just blurt it out! "Five, the power of the five elements? Wait, who are you? Are you from the Yuan Dynasty?!"

Liu Lin ignored his shock and questions.

Just look straight at him! Said coldly!

"Give me the stuff!"

Lin Juonan paused for a moment, but nodded quickly! He smiled bitterly.

He weakly released his golden elixir seal and opened it,

A roll of sparkling jade slips suddenly emerged from it!

"This is the treasure of Qianji Tower! The Thousand Machines Book!"

"The puppetry skills and many other skills you want should be among them! As agreed, you can take them!"

With a whoosh, the thing flew in front of Liu Lin. Liulin's spiritual power suddenly unfolded! boom! This power penetrated it, and after a cursory inspection! He nodded slowly, um... it seems to be the real thing,

It seems right, no problem!


At this moment, a voice came.

Lin Juonan looked at Liu Lin and said slowly! "Lin is very grateful for the life-saving grace! Why don't you leave your name, fellow Taoist, and I will definitely visit you to thank you someday!"

As soon as he said this, Liu Lin also smiled,

But he smiled a bit mockingly, and came to visit? hehe……

Could it be that you are testing it?

But he didn't care, he just said it calmly! "My name is Liu Lin. If you want to thank me, you can! You can come to Youlan Palace to find me!" Who doesn't know how to pull a tiger's skin and pull a banner? !

The name of Youlan Palace,

Now it’s time to take it out and use it!

"Prince Youlan's Mansion?"

Lin Juenan was stunned for a moment.

Then his pupils shrank and his face changed slightly!

"The Prince Youlan's Mansion of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"What do you think?"

Liu Lin sneered and asked back!

"Also, where are the ruins of the Thousand Machine Tower you mentioned?"

"Can you tell me now?"

Lin Juenan was silent for a moment,

Finally, he slowly said a name! That is: "Juelong Valley!"

"Juelong Valley?!"

Liu Lin was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly, where was it again? !

"Yes!" Lin Juonan nodded and said lightly! "Today's Juelong Valley is a restricted area for monsters, but in fact, thousands of years ago, during the Qianji Tower period, Juelong Valley was the secret experimental site of Qianji Tower..."

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